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Messages - Matt

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Other Collectibles / TOMY/Kotobukiya "Real Mask Magnets"
« on: March 6, 2004, 12:43 PM »
Galactic Hunter story and pics

Anyone interested in these things?

Eight characters/"masks" total:

  • Artoo-Detoo (full-body)
  • C-3PO
  • Darth Vader
  • TIE Fighter Pilot
  • Stormtrooper
  • Tusken Raider
  • Jawa
  • Eighth "mystery" character (which I'm assuming is Boba Fett)
A package of eight will sell for around 3,000 Yen in April.

A couple of questions, because I'm a dumbass:

-How much in U.S. dollars is 3,000 Yen?

-And I've never ordered any Japanese imports before--what's a good import site to order these from, or should I just wait for them to hit Ebay?

-If I want doubles of a certain character, would it be best to order a full set, and then try to pick up the double separately, or should I just order two sets, and then sell off the rest of the second set?

These things remind me of those MicroMachine heads from a few years ago--the little clam-shell type things that had mini dioramas in them.  I liked those so much, I glued little magnets on the backs of 'em, and had those up on the 'fridge for a while.  These things are obviously much nicer, though.

Saga '02-'04 / Re: Tatooine Wave (Luke, R2 and R1)
« on: March 5, 2004, 12:34 PM »
Took some pics of this wave last night for some stuff we are working on here. . .

Pictures of Star Wars figures on a blue background--what an original concept.


Yeah, that's right.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Welcome to the Jungle Gn'R Fan Club
« on: March 5, 2004, 10:22 AM »
Crash Diet - rejected from Use Your Illusion
Bring It Back Home - rejected from Use Your Illusion
Ain't Goin' Down - rejected from Use Your Illusion
Sentimental Movie - rejected from Use Your Illusion
Just Another Sunday - rejected from Use Your Illusion

Yeah, and anyone who's heard those songs will agree that they're best left "unreleased".  I mean--if they didn't make the cut on a thirty-track record to begin with. . .

There's other stuff they could release, too--tracks like "Shadow of Your Love", the original demo of "Don't Cry", and some of the live UYI tracks which were released as b-sides back in the day.

As far as the "Live at Ritz" show, it can be tracked down.  I had a copy on vinyl back in '89 (not all the songs were included) and have seen it several times on bootleg but have been hesitant to purchase due to sound quality issues.

Bootleg DVD?

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: No More Super Size at MickeyD's!
« on: March 5, 2004, 10:06 AM »
I think this is a good idea.  It will make all of us McDonald consumers order more healthy things, and will also reduce the risk of any heart problems.  We will not have so many stuff to choose from I heard. ???

Yeah, you're exactly right.

Now, Fatty McGee and family, seeing as how they can't have their usual bucket of French Fries along with their horsemeat-and-corn flake burgers, will all of a sudden come to their collective senses, and order some healthy salads all around, sans dressing, that they'll wash down with some icy cold V-8s.

And then they'll all go work it all off at the gym, instead of the typical "let's spend the rest of the day watching Full House re-runs" schedule. . .

Thanks, Ronald!  We love you!

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Movies You Want To See Happen
« on: March 4, 2004, 12:17 PM »
I'm ready to see the Christopher Guest movie making fun of us geeky collectors. . .

So, in case you haven't caught it, here's word from The Digital Bits yesterday regarding the Star Wars art:

"First of all, we've spoken with those in the know (the right people, you'll have to trust us on this) and have learned that the Star Wars DVD box art that's been circulating around lately is "work in progress" ONLY stuff that should NEVER have leaked on the Net. These are apparently very early concepts - stuff that we weren't meant to see - and the final packaging is likely to be quite different. This kind of thing happens all the time - that a company working on marketing designs for packaging, or even poster or cover art, will do many, many different concepts as they hone in on the final design. So while these packages are sort of the real deal, they're really not if you get our meaning. Anyway, that's the unofficially official word - take it as you will. We will, of course, post the final box art as soon as it's released by Lucasfilm and 20th Century Fox."

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Amazon "Share the Love" Thread
« on: March 2, 2004, 06:59 PM »

Besides, I've got like, eleven DVDs on the way right now--need to let my credit card cool off a bit before I order some more.

Scratch that--and make it fourteen, and then scratch that, and make it twelve.

I was counting the Ultimate Vacation Collection as one title, when actually, it's four.  So, fourteen.

But then, I got home, and my Pirates and Fargo discs were waiting on me, so. . .  


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Amazon "Share the Love" Thread
« on: March 2, 2004, 01:15 PM »
Dang it, I'm wanting to buy those Family Guy sets...did you buy them yet?  I'd like to wait a while though, my DVD purchases have created a huge backlog of watching material :-\

Hell no, dude, haven't bought 'em yet--was waiting on a response from you.

Besides, I've got like, eleven DVDs on the way right now--need to let my credit card cool off a bit before I order some more.  

But yeah, just let me know when you're ready to pull the trigger on Family Guy. . .

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Welcome to the Jungle Gn'R Fan Club
« on: March 2, 2004, 01:08 PM »
Coverart and official site :-* :-*

Oh, man, thanks to your vague-ness, I was thinking this was actually for Chinese Democracy before I got to the site.

I like the cover, though, for the Greatest Hits--although not having that outer circle of the logo in that yellow looks a little strange.

Funny thing about the GH disc--I'm pissed that they aren't including a bonus CD or DVD or something, with maybe some rare tracks or footage, but at the same time, I'm also glad that they're not including anything extra, so I don't have to buy it. . .

Of course you had to play for the Trojanz ::)

Yeah, I didn't live in the Rough Riders district. . .


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Something I need to get off my chest...
« on: March 2, 2004, 12:42 PM »
Boulevard Bowl--where I nailed my first 7/10 split--several times--with Jennifer Watson, back in '92, if you take my meaning. . .

Ahh, memories.

BTW, I think that's a charge on Fatty B. in that shot there.

He wasn't set.

Go get some sun, Birchall...   ::)

Got a spare bedroom?  Or at least a couch?

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Something I need to get off my chest...
« on: March 2, 2004, 12:38 PM »
unless we get some visual evidence from Billy C...hit it maestro

Consider yourself BANNED
Consider yourself Out of the Community
We've taken a vote and now
It's clear, you are going to hit the road

Fine.  I'll just go post at Rebelscum again.

(You can't.  You're banned.)

Then, Galactic Hunter it is.

(Um, you don't know anybody over there.)

Well then, hello, SSG!

(The owner's a scumbag.)


(See above.)

How about

(The hell?)

(Home sweet home!)

See you later, suckers!

I usually hate Sandra Bullock, but now...

You just now caught that?  Lame-ass. . .

Anyway--you guys must not be searching Google too hard for me, because here's Matt Birchall, playing basketball up in Idaho:


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Something I need to get off my chest...
« on: March 2, 2004, 12:16 PM »
Man, it's a good thing that guy who's throwing a fit about Wuher's-only posters over at Rebelscum isn't a mod or anything over here at JD, or else I would have been banned months ago!

. . .Wait.

Uh--I'm into Star Wars, and I've got a whole room full of junk to show for it.  But (as OCB can verify), I've been "talking about Star Wars" on the internet for, like seven years.  What's left to talk about?  The old movies rule, the new movies suck, what toys are coming out next?  

I still check the front page every day, and I browse the Saga (and now OTC) forum every once in a while, but really, there's not much to say.  Usually, if I have anything "interesting" to add on a Star Wars subject, while reading through a thread, I'll find out that someone else has already addressed that topic for me.  And, sorry--I'm not a "me too!"-type of poster.

And Colman hit the nail directly on the head with his post over there--I've been involved in several different online Star Wars collecting communities since 1997, and many of these people I consider my friends.  Sorry--not gonna give that up just because I don't want to talk about Star Wars 23 hours out of the day.

Hope you're reading, Duthro. . .

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