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Messages - Ryan

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Revenge of the Sith / Re: Best RotS Vehicle
« on: May 2, 2005, 04:44 PM »
I only have the ARC and Anakin's preview fighter so I can't really judge this. From what I've seen they look great I just can't afford them on my college budget right now until I get a job this summer. The ARC and Gunship are great and they are big but they seem small to be the big figures of the whole line. We have an AT-TE and Turbo-Tank driver. they are great but they really could use something to drive or gun. Seriously give us one or the other, or better yet both. I would pay around $100 for an AT-TE, hell the Shuttle was $150 and everyone loves that thing. I guess I'd even pay $150 if it was done really well and the scale was really accurate. Or if they don't want to go all out, the AT-AT was out of scale but it worked, they could make the AT-TE close but a bit small and sell it for around $100, I'd buy it. And if they are worried abouit retailers not wanting to chance it they could make it an oline exclusive, not just to one store butto all major online stores, like EE, ShopStarWars, or have it availible straight through the Hasbro site.

Hasbro give me an AT-TE or heads will roll! ;)

Revenge of the Sith / Re: battle droids = terrible
« on: May 2, 2005, 04:34 PM »
I think all figures should be able to stand on their own without using a stand. I like the battle droids a lot, sculpt wise. It is a good pose and they look good in dioramas. I've got around 12 SAGA battledroids and I can get most  of them to stand without stands, but as soon as it gets warm at least half need stands. The legs melt at ******* room temperature. It is annoying as hell, they should use the same plastic that is used for torsos or the EP1 BD, that is really the only downfall of the newwer BDs. And the head will fall of from time to time, some are worse than others. That joint should have been updated to work more like the newwer ball joint heads. Really the only thing that needs fixing is the dang plastic, then this figure would be excellent.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Bonus Clone Troopers!
« on: May 2, 2005, 04:23 PM »
Ummm... going off on a tangent here....... is the Turbo tank Drive the same armor type as the At-RT driver? If so why didn't hey use that guy with ball jointed legs? It'd be soooo much better but oh well. It's Hasbro I guess this should be expexted by now. ::)

Revenge of the Sith / Re: I'm Not A Fan of Molded Sabers
« on: May 2, 2005, 04:13 PM »
Hmmm... much better than the magnets in the hands.   :)

I'd like to see this - a regular lightsaber, a lightsaber hilt, and a molded one with each Jedi/Sith figure.


That would be ideal, but not likely. the molded ones look more natural like it is actually gripped, but it is annoying because the other nad usually can't hold anything and I like being able to stick different accessories in their hands, which is where it'd be nice to have a hand that is sculpted so it can hold stuff easily.

The most annoying figure for this is Plo Koon, his hand is too big to hold a saber well and he doesn't com with a molded saber hand. He is a figure who could really use a second hand with a moldded saber, but instead they give them to figure like Palpy, he doesn't need one. All he needed was 2 nice sets of hands, one from each set could hold a saber but looked fine without one.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Bonus Clone Troopers!
« on: May 2, 2005, 04:02 PM »
Cool, I could use both of these. I doubt it'd be an exclusive, but JCPenny did get some exclusives back in the POTF2 days, so who knows. I love bonus clones, everything should have bonus clones. :)

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: What's spinning?
« on: May 2, 2005, 03:53 PM »
I've got the Boondock saints soundtrack and Braveheart soundtracks playing. I've found I love Celtic bagpipe music, especially when it is mixed into classical music or classical music with an almost techno edge. Great stuff, I also just doubled my music library year, I added like 8 gigs of stuff.

Uesh Jambler - I really really like this figure, that is a gfreat use for that head. You almost never see it on any customs, it looks really cool. And it has some great drybrushing

Kala Mly- I've never seen that head used before (I remeember it form the debut of Anti-Jedi) and you made it so he doest look goofy, in other words it doesn't just look like a childs head on and adults body. The hads are in a sweet pose as well

Badoo Corba - Again the parts are great, a headyou rarely see on customs and it is done in a way that when you look at it you don't see a Boushh head on another body, you see the figure as unique (if that makes sense) nice color choice too

Xizor- I love Falleen customs my Faleen Jedi is one of my favorite customs that I've done, Nice choice of body, Nute works great for diplomats and all the other slimy scheming types, a perfect fit for Xizor.

Looking forward to the udated version!! I've got a question are we ever going to see the two demon Sith guys in the series? They were so cool looking but I don'tknow how they'd fit in the story. Maybe they'd be in a whole different Pn?

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: R.I.P. Kirby & Puckett
« on: May 2, 2005, 03:01 PM »
CHEWIE, I'm really sorry to hear that.  :( :-\ I have never had a pet (other than fish and insects) die, but I've got my first Dog now and he went in for his first senior check up last month, and he's only 7. He seems so young. I love the little guy as much as anyone in my family and I can't imagine life without him, it seems like he has always been there and always will be. He's an Australian Sheppard/Border Collie mix, so he is medium sized like 50 lbs, and I still treat him like a lap dog and carry him and hold him. I am dreading the day he leaves us. :-\ All I can say is I'm really sorrry and it is not wierd to get so attached to an animal. They can be very loving and as much a part of the family as anyone else, I know my dog is.  Hell, I like him more than a lot of people, even some of aquaintances. He is irreplaceable.

Well you know what they say, all dogs go to heaven...

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: ROTS Computer wallpapers?
« on: May 2, 2005, 02:13 PM »
Those are the same ones that are on the OS. They are pretty snazzy.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Who's Up For A Chat?
« on: May 2, 2005, 12:07 AM »
It's mighty lonely in there, anyone want ot join us?

Newbies / Re: New to the Boards
« on: May 1, 2005, 11:30 PM »
Sweet!!! Glad to see you found your way over here! I look forward to seeing more of your stuff!

JD Sports Forum! / Re: NHL Offseason
« on: May 1, 2005, 06:54 PM »
What's the deal with this, eh?

Canadians...  ::)


I'm not sure how to respond to this...

I know exactly how to respond, with the video of the whole thing ;) ;D :-*


Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Callista - updated changes
« on: April 30, 2005, 03:48 PM »
Cool! The vest color is a much better match. The hair looks real good too, it still is a tad shiney but that could just be the flash. Keep up the great work! :)

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Met any other SW forum members?
« on: April 30, 2005, 04:53 AM »
Kevin came by the booth at least once, maybe you just missed him.

Let's see I've met

CorranHorn (Jason)
JediMac (Matt)
jokabofe (Dave)
Tim, Doug, Ashley, and Dan Curto from FFURG
Niubniub (Frank)
Matt Fury (he lives like a block or two away)

Quazar what's up?!? it has been 3 weeks since we have seen a new scene, get off your ass and make us some new scenes!!! ;) :P ;D

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