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Messages - Matt

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Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Academy Awards (and Golden Globes)
« on: February 29, 2004, 11:27 PM »
Wha really 'appen is this...WE GOT SCREWED!!!!!!!!

Forget them--how 'bout the entire flick:

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Academy Awards (and Golden Globes)
« on: February 29, 2004, 11:21 PM »
You know, just because Rings was nominated, doesn't mean that you have to vote for it, Academy voting-morons. . .  

(Anyone have any doubt that it'll take Best Picture now?)

(Oh yeah, and I think Charlize may have just taken the lead in the "Best Dress" category. . .)

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Academy Awards (and Golden Globes)
« on: February 29, 2004, 11:18 PM »
Hope the Mighty Wind song wins--and I look forward to seeing it performed here in a little while. . .

The highlight of the show so far!

Yeah, definitely.

They didn't win?

Hey, wha' 'appen?

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Academy Awards (and Golden Globes)
« on: February 29, 2004, 09:44 PM »
Nothing against Alison Krauss and company--I like her just fine--but, man, two songs from Cold Mountain nominated for Best Song, and yet nothing for The Band That Shall Not Be Named, from Big Fish?  


Hope the Mighty Wind song wins--and I look forward to seeing it performed here in a little while. . .

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Academy Awards (and Golden Globes)
« on: February 29, 2004, 09:23 PM »
Renee wins Best Supporting Actress. . .

. . .and is also the early favorite for "Most Annoying Acceptance Speech".


Now shut the hell up!

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Academy Awards (and Golden Globes)
« on: February 29, 2004, 09:21 PM »
Renee wins Best Supporting Actress. . .

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Academy Awards (and Golden Globes)
« on: February 29, 2004, 09:02 PM »
Was it me or was that the corniest intro ever? And why did he start singing, sheesh, it almost made me want to put it on TPM.

That's been Crystal's schtick whenever he hosts the Oscars--he'll do a big medley of parody songs having to do with each of the five films up for the Best Picture.

And, Best Dress of the evening (so far) goes to Angelina Jolie's. . .   :o

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Academy Awards (and Golden Globes)
« on: February 29, 2004, 08:52 PM »
Supporting Actor goes to Tim Robbins. . .

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Academy Awards (and Golden Globes)
« on: February 29, 2004, 08:29 PM »
Some last-minute, testicle-free predictions on the biggies from yours truly:

Picture:  Rings
Actor: Murray
Actress: Theron
Director: Jackson
Supporting Actor: Robbins
Supporting Actress: Aghdashloo

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Welcome to the Jungle Gn'R Fan Club
« on: February 29, 2004, 04:07 PM »
No worries on the Greatest Hits...I'll be saving my $12 for when Chinese Democracy comes out


Tell you what--tomorrow, go down to your bank, and open up a special savings account, 'specially for Chinese Democracy.  Put the twelve bucks in, and by the time that record finally comes out, you will have earned hundreds thousands tens of thousands of dollars on interest on it. . .

I think they look ok. But I'm a big stickler for uniform packaging, and this sure doesn't go with the E1-E2 cases or design.

Yeah, I definitely agree with you there, but at the same time, I have my box sets separated from my regular discs, so for me, it won't be much of an issue anyway.  

(And besides, whatever they wind up doing for the packaging, you know that internet people will have come up with dozens of alternatives by then, so you could always download the fan-made covers, print 'em out, and put those in regular keepcases right alongside the official prequel DVDs, and then put the empty Trilogy box away for "safe-keeping".  I've got some really nice fan-made covers for my OT boots that match up really well with the official DVDs already.)

I'd prefer a more standard box ala Indy.

Yeah, me too, probably.  Thinking about it, though, they've always done funky packaging for the trilogy (at least the VHS versions I've got, anyway).  The 1990 set had the slip that you had to pull off the top, and then an inner sleeve with these weird flaps on the sides.  (Never got the 1992 widescreen set with the hologram on the front).  I guess the 1995 THX pan & scan set was more traditional, but then the widescreen set was kind of different, with the wide, flat box.  And then the 1997 SE trilogy had the Vader sleeve that you had to pull out for the tapes or whatever.

I was reading a little bit about the stuff at the HTF today--and I think some people are thinking that when the Lucasfilm guy said it was going to follow along the lines of the Indy set, they meant packaging and everything.  I tend to think that he was just talking about the discs themselves (four discs/three movies, one extra), and not necessarily the packaging.

And while I think that in the end, it's all up to Lucasland, there is a difference in the studios--Paramount has always usually played it safe on DVD packaging, and Fox has typically been more inventive over the years.  I think Fox will probably do as much as they can to make this a really special DVD "event"--whereas Paramount was probably just happy with releasing Indy on DVD at all.

Well, I've gone on for far too long--but one thing's got me really salivating/worried--trying to figure out who's gonna have the best price for this thing come 9/21--and especially what stores are gonna have what exclusive bonuses.  

It'll be fun.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Welcome to the Jungle Gn'R Fan Club
« on: February 29, 2004, 03:31 PM »
And I meant to add this--but seeing those DVDs really made me wish that someone would release the "Live at the Ritz" show from MTV--from New York in '88, right when they were getting huge.

It'll never happen, but from what I remember, that show kicked ass.  All Appetite--no silly horns, backup singers, teleprompters, keyboards, or costume changes.  Izzy and Steven, all that.

If someone could release that show (or some other, pre-1990 show, like the shows that they opened for the Stones in L.A. in '89), that would be dee-lish.

And on another note:

Scott, if I find out that you (or anyone else here) bought the new Greatest Hits CD after it comes out--I will track you down, and beat the hell out of you.

Fair warning.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Welcome to the Jungle Gn'R Fan Club
« on: February 29, 2004, 03:24 PM »
So I got those UYI 1992 DVDs the other day, and (kinda) watched (most of) them--probably the first time I've really watched them in around ten years or so.  And I tell you--it was disappointing.  Not talking about the DVDs themselves (although they are half-assed, and do suck)--but I'm talking about the whole performance.

I don't know if I just did notice it back then, and didn't care, because I loved them so much, or just didn't notice at all, because I was a moron, but man, that was some goofy stuff.  What it made me start thinking about was that I didn't even really see Guns N' Roses twice in 1992--I saw the bastardized, bloated, corporate sell-out version of the lean and mean late eighties G N' R.  

Here's what I've got problems with:

  • Axl's ridiculous, diva-esque costume changes
  • The contant running around the entire length of the stage by Axl, resulting in some piss-poor, out-of-breath vocals
  • Gilby Clarke (nice guy, sure--decent rhythm guitarist, yes--but nowhere near the cool factor of Izzy)
  • Tracy & Roberta
  • The 976-(w)HOR(e)NS Section
  • Teddy "Zig-Zag, Big Bag" Andreadis on the harmonica
  • Teleprompters to "help" Axl with the lyrics
  • On the keyboards, Mr. Dizzy "I'm just a big, pasty, dough-boy lame-ass" Reed
  • Axl's silly little naughty gestures and facial expressions
  • (Nothing against Matt Sorum, but. . .)The drum solo
Trying to think of what else. . .

Oh yeah.

  • "Bad Obsession"
  • The "reggae" part of "Knockin'. . ."
  • The "GUNS" "N" "ROSES" flashing sign at the end--come on.  If you have to get a sign flashing the name of your band to get the fans to cheer for an encore, then you're not doing something right during the regular show. . .
I'm done for now.

Although, to balance it out, here's a list of things that were always cool about GN'R:

  • Slash
  • Duff
I've changed.  The music is still fine, but man, my attitude towards that show has done a complete reversal in the decade or so since I've seen it last. . .

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Golden Globe winners & Oscar nominees
« on: February 29, 2004, 02:55 PM »
Regarding the Razzies:


So, what film was the big "winner" last night?

Or rather,

How many did Gigli get, exactly?

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Academy Awards (and Golden Globes)
« on: February 29, 2004, 02:48 PM »
And, funny, too, with Lost in Translation:  I love it--I've seen it at least three or four times in the month that I've had the DVD.

My mom and dad watched it (separately--they're divorced), and they both hated it, for two different reasons:

Mom hated it because she didn't like the way that the movie made it seem okay for two married people to even think about going outside of their respective marriages (no matter for what reason).

Dad kept asking "what's the point?" and "where is this going?", (along with a few "I don't get it"s) and the only time he laughed was when Bob was having difficulties with the excersize machine.  I think he was expecting more of a standard fish-out-of-water comedy, with Bill trying to get along in Tokyo, and not the drama between two wayward people that it really was.

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