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Messages - efranks

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Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Walking Dead
« on: March 18, 2012, 11:46 PM »
Yeah, what's up with Carol?  The group had been looking to Rick as their leader, wanted him to step up (but he hadn't quite yet) and take charge and now she basically called Daryl his flunky (or enforcer or whatever).  Well, isn't that kind of what they wanted? Him to take charge?  Leaders need an enforcer or two and Shane was going batshit crazy so Daryl was a good choice.

And without getting too spoilerish, is Lori such a complete waste in the comics as she's been on the show?

On the plus side, it was good to see Rick confirm what he learned at the CDC and what we've all basically guessed at.

I don't know the actress they got for Michonne.  Here name is Danai Gurira.  Her major credit till now has been Treme.  She's guested on a bunch of stuff, but not really a key role yet.  She's hot, though, and if she's playing a kickass character, I'm not going to argue.


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Walking Dead
« on: March 18, 2012, 10:32 PM »
Holy ****.

Couple things:
- Lori getting all indignant after the talk with Rick? ******. That bitch has gotta go.
- The "savior" in the woods?  Badass.
- NOW he wants to hole up and fortify?  Closing the barn door after the horse is out and all that...
- Rick with a set of balls is completely overcompensating for his earlier actions.


Joe Defender / Re: GI Joe Retaliation - The Toys!
« on: March 18, 2012, 04:10 AM »
Yeah, that packaging is terrible and I'm not one that really ever cares about that sort of thing.  But even the RoC packaging was slightly better.  The recent packaging for the PoC/30th/Renegades was awesome and I expected something more like that.  I can see them going to a bigger bubble for accessories, but they were able to pack a lot in with the current card so, I don't know what they were thinking.

But that looks like something designed by a fan that got their hands on the first two promo photos released on the Internet.  The guy that got paid for that design should be ashamed of himself.


And as good as that is, I'm sure the 'Stank forums are blowing up about how crappy this is and they were lied to and it's another black mark against the Club, SUEQUITPICKETBOYCOTTRAGE!!!!111

Or something along those lines.


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Comic Book Thread
« on: March 15, 2012, 03:34 PM »
Bunch of guys over on Twitter have been talking about it this week but I had to look it up.  It's from Image comics and I now recall seeing the cover art but thought this was something that had come out a while ago.

It's from Brian K Vaughan who did Y: The Last Man.  It sounds like an interesting plot.  The guys on Twitter that have read it already said it was good and that the art was outstanding.


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Comic Book Thread
« on: March 14, 2012, 03:27 PM »
I think I've even seen these people managing the greeting cards section, which wouldn't be all that different from managing comics.

Target runs like this, I believe.  My local store has someone that does all the trading cards and they're also the same people that do greeting cards.  It's been the same people for years now.  I see them every couple of weeks.

It would seem like TRU would be a no-brainer for comic books since there are so many ties to toy lines they carry.  But I've never paid much attention to the selection when I've been in stores.  I forget they're there, I forget where the stores have them and if I don't notice them when I walk by, I'll sometimes leave the store without ever looking them over.


Joe Defender / Re: The GI Joe Club General Discussion
« on: March 13, 2012, 07:38 PM »
Yeah, I don't think there are going to be any "lucky" ones that don't get hit if they don't change their card number.  I was lucky on one thing, the password I used on the GIJCC site wasn't used anywhere else so I didn't have that headache.

I cancelled my card the Tuesday after President's Day...first day my bank was open after finding out about this problem.  All the credit goes to Justin over at The Terrordrome because it was his tweets that tipped me off.  I hadn't been on 'Stank for a while and don't visit the TF boards. 

I'm not happy about the whole thing but not having had my card charged before I cancelled it helped that.  But I'm not happy with the lack of notification by the Club.  One or two reports may not be much, but when you're taking registrations for the con and all of a sudden a ****-ton of your members are reporting problems, the least you can do is issue a warning to members that you're investigating an increase in CC fraud reports and people should be monitoring their accounts.


Joe Defender / Re: The GI Joe Club General Discussion
« on: March 13, 2012, 04:57 PM »
I know you got hit on your card at FunPub, did you get it taken care of?

I see a couple people have still been reporting over on 'Stank that they've gotten hit recently.  My only question is why the hell haven't they cancelled their cards yet?  That's just dumb IMO.  The guys that got hit early, especially the TFCC guys, they seem to have gotten the worst of it though.


In fairness to Matt, if he hasn't been keeping up he may not know about the compromised store and that the Club had to take it offline while they investigate the breach of information.  Especially if he wasn't a Club member prior to this.


You can't join online right now.  The only way to sign up is to mail a check or money order to the Club.  If you've never been a member before, get on the phone now and speak to them and see if you can arrange something.  You have to have payment in to them by the 16th so you need to have it in the mail ASAP (tomorrow).

If you're currently a member, you should have gotten an reminder envelope in the mail that you can use to send payment.


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Walking Dead
« on: March 12, 2012, 04:08 PM »
Not only do I not have AMC in hi def, I don't even have a hi def TV.

Something that I thought about while talking with a buddy, on the topic of Carl, is that he's not really doing anything that kids his age wouldn't do.  Except that most kids aren't living in the zombie apocalypse.  And didn't just watch their father put a bullet in the head of the only age appropriate dateable girl left...possibly in the world.

Throwing rocks at an "animal," stealing dad's gun, wandering around in the woods, randomly shooting stuff?  I'm guilty of most of that (except stealing dad's gun, I had my own).  Still, hasn't that kid seen enough ****** stuff to know that he can't be typical anymore?


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Official Movie Thread
« on: March 9, 2012, 04:08 PM »
Think of the Hunger Games as a slightly different take on "The Most Dangerous Game"...similar to "The Condemned," only a much better story (at least in the books).  It's set in a retro-futuristic alternate reality US (think bows & arrows vs cloaked hovercraft...but it works).


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Everything Rebelscum
« on: March 9, 2012, 11:02 AM »
So, yesterday, I think it was, people noticed that Dan Curto was no longer an admin on the forum over at RS.  Today he posted to Twitter; "Hard to share this, but I am no longer part of the @rebelscumnews @forcecast @theforcenet @CoolTooyReview teams." and then added a link to his Facebook where he has a small post about it.  He says that he was "fired" (with the quotes being his).

How do you get "fired" from a volunteer position? 


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Official Movie Thread
« on: March 9, 2012, 10:40 AM »
It's already March but with the real contenders still to come, I think I'm ready to pick my top 5 money-making films for 2012.  No particular order:

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
The Dark Knight Rises
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2
The Avengers
The Amazing Spider-Man

The Hunger Games is my wild card and I think it has the possibility of making the top 5 and knocking out The Amazing Spider-Man.  The books are huge and if the movie captures that it could do good things.  However, it's not what you would call a feel good story.  That could turn some people off and word of mouth could stop people from going if they didn't already know what the movie was about. 

The Amazing Spider-Man is also an unknown.  Since it's a reboot, some fans of the previous three (okay, of the first 2) could dismiss this film and others could look at it as "just another Spider-Man movie" and skip it.  Still, SM is a big brand and that should bring in fans.  Plus, Emma Stone is kind of hot right now.

I think Hobbit, Dark Knight and Twilight will be in a race for the overall number 1. 

I looked through most of the year's releases that are known, and I don't see any dark horses in there.  Brave is this year's Pixar film, but I don't see it being top 5.  There's a lot of sci-fi that looks good but nothing beating the films I listed.  GI Joe could go big, but not Avengers big, and won't hit top 5...but I'm thinking it may beat the first one just because The Rock and Bruce Willis are in it.  The new Bourne film could do okay and Snow White and the Huntsman could get some Twilight money...but probably won't be as big.  There's a James Bond film in November and a good, pure action film in Expendables 2 in August.  Not really contenders, though.

There are always surprises, but this year the top 5 seem kind of obvious.


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Official Movie Thread
« on: March 9, 2012, 10:15 AM »
I saw John Carter last night.  It was okay but I wasn't blown away by it.  Taylor Kitsch isn't the best actor in the world and when he's on screen that much, it kind of shows.  He did good in the action parts though.  Still, with Battleship coming up in May, that's a lot of big budget money hanging on him.

I think sci-fi fans and fans of the John Carter series may like this, but it's kind of not friendly to the general public, I don't think.  It's definitely a geek film.  However, the movie was interesting enough that now I'd like to read the books.


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