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Messages - McMetal

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I just saw on both of these sets are now on sale for $32 - but only the pilot pack is in stock

is that online only, or can you get retail stores to match?

JD Sports Forum! / Re: NFL 2012-2013
« on: August 28, 2012, 02:59 PM »
Props to Russel Wilson for winning the starting QB job for Seattle. He went to the same tiny prep school in Richmond my girls attend. Always liked the guy...think he will do well, height be damned.

Redskins released Chris Cooley today...sad, but not unexpected. 6 Mil is a steep price-tag for a backup TE. I just hope he lands on his feet someplace else, preferably in the AFC. Always a fan favorite around here...

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Walking Dead
« on: August 28, 2012, 11:27 AM »
File this under "Life Imitating Art":

Hershel was recently arrested for DUI in GA.  :(

Let Maggie be the designated driver next time!

TV-9D9 / Re: The Clone Wars - Season Five Discussion Thread
« on: August 28, 2012, 09:22 AM »
I wouldn't worry about the show being canceled unless you start hearing about it from a source slightly more credible than 2 geeks with a podcast. Pretty sure neither of them works for Cartoon Network, so I'm not starting any candlelight vigils yet.

I don't remember who it was in another thread that proposed actually releasing these episodes as multiple standalone movies throughout the summer, as opposed to the current weekly episodic format, but I thought that was rather brilliant.

That would provide more of an "event" feel for things and provide a more sutainable model than them having to worry about advertising dollars, and ratings, and demographics, etc.

I will definitely NOT be watching this show at 9:30am on a Saturday. It's the darkest show on TV already. No way I am going to see everything in the glaring light of day. I hope they do a later re-airing or at least have it up On-Demand the next day.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: The Future of the Clone Wars Toy Line?
« on: August 28, 2012, 09:09 AM »
It's funny, I also got that impression that they're essentially just waiting on relentlessly for the show to end. They've already made clear that the line will transition over to the realistic style. Honestly I love the realistic figures we're getting soon, and it'll bring something fresh to the table to keep the realistic line going on without getting stale in character choices. Think about, all the new characters from TCW that we can finally have now. I wouldn't be surprised if we even get a Duchess Satine waaaaay down the line.

The problem with that is, it won't look anything LIKE the actual character from the show. You can't render a 3D animated image into a realistic style without losing the unique qualities of that original image. And whoever sculpts heads for Hasbro really struggles with female likenesses IMO. So we'd end up with some cruddy looking thing that is like the BP Talzin figure, not really animated and not really realistic either, but a crude mash-up that ends up bearing little resemblance to the source material.

Well, that is just my opinion anyway. I know there is love out there for the realistic cartoon stuff but I can't help but regard them as atrocious.

I think it would be hilarious if the show somehow had a HUGE surge in popularity and ended up running several more seasons, and kids even started buying the figures again. Then they'd pretty much HAVE to commit more resources to it, begrudgingly or not.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Clone Wars Wave 30 (2013 Wave 1)
« on: August 27, 2012, 09:34 PM »
At least they got the weapons right for the single carded releases of Maul and Oppress.

The Obi-Wan heads keep getting angrier and angrier looking.

And oh yeah, now that the vintage wave with "realistic" Ahsoka is an online exclusive only, ne'er to be found at a retail store, wonder if Hasbro will rethink releasing Season 3 Ahsoka on a single card again. That's a repack I think many people would actually welcome. So of course it will never happen.  :(

The Vintage Collection / Re: Celebration VI
« on: August 27, 2012, 09:53 AM »
Yeah, there is an engine for new characters, the Clone Wars, but I can't understand why they choose to ignore the great selections out there now. Clone/Obi/Ani rinse repeat is not getting it done.

And the Clone Wars show brought me back to SW collecting, big-time. I will not be staying once that line is gone though. Not a threat, just the way I feel. They've done enough to kill my enthusiasm the past few years to make it easier to let go.

Lucasfilm sure seems to be getting painted as the corporate bully in this situation. Maybe toy companies should show a little solidarity next time around and re-work those license renewal contracts to situplate the Lucasfilms' only contribution to the toy business will be creative input. Leave the marketing, sizing, and associated leg work up to the companies that are actually producing the stuff. I know, dream on...

The Vintage Collection / Re: The Future of Star Wars Collecting?
« on: August 27, 2012, 09:39 AM »
That's the worst news to come out of the Con, IMHO. I was really hoping they would get a firm non-renewal from Lucasfilm so they could focus on pumping as much money out of the line as they can for the next five years. Might have actually lit a fire under them to get things back on track.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Clone Wars Figure Rumors/Speculation
« on: August 27, 2012, 09:26 AM »
Yeah, I agree the price would have to come down if they start selling salt and pepper shaker figures again. The $10 price point would be a tough pill to swallow on top of everything else.

I just don't get the business model. I think they spend a lot of time futzing around with the different lines to prop each other up, and I think that logic is inherently flawed.

Hasbro came right out and said very clearly CLONE WARS OUTSELLS VINTAGE. So why are they trying to run TCW into the ground and dumping all of their tooling $$$ and the quality articulation and character selections into the WORSE-performing line?!?!

Instead of milking that cash cow they are trying to starve it so they can feed the one that ain't giving as much milk. Or something.

To paraphrase Nino Brown, "they running a strange program"...

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Clone Wars Figure Rumors/Speculation
« on: August 26, 2012, 10:59 PM »
So McMetal - still hoping to see the line continue or are you really looking forward to that General Krell figure with less articulation than the Jar Jar in Carbonite figure?  :P

Well, I was hoping they would have sculpted that one before they came to that asinine conclusion, but who knows.

I do know I'd still rather have 5 POA in an animated style as a distinct line as opposed to folding them into the main line in a realistic style.

So why is Depriest doing all the debrief anyway? Wasn't he supposed to have been pulled off the line or something?

The wave I most want is the online exclusive, figures. Next to that, the Nom/Aayla wave because I missed both of those figures at least twice. A close third would be the Starkiller wave.

No interest in any of these Lost Wave guys really...

The Vintage Collection / Re: Recent Vintage Collection Purchases
« on: August 26, 2012, 10:26 PM »
Yeah, I think the odds of finding figures at Sears is going to be slim to none for a lot of us, unfortunately. I hit a couple last week and asked where the toys were when i walked in and they looked at me like I had three arms or something. They literally had no toys in those stores.

Have added 5 Below back to the weekly rotation again but they are still stuck on the AOTC wave...ugh.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Clone Wars Figure Rumors/Speculation
« on: August 25, 2012, 07:45 AM »
Derryl DePriest told Jedi Temple Archives that Hasbro is slowly weaning "us" to accept that these figures will eventually come with only five (5) points of articulation. ::)

Ugh, they can't keep kicking us like this when we are down. This was the part I really loved:

"kids get frustrated playing with figures with too much articulation, especially when trying to put weapons in the hands of them"

Are you kidding me!?!? Try putting a rifle into the hands of a figure with no elbow or hand articulation! They can't hold them properly! The Clone Wars figures are so flimsy and the weapons so ridiculously oversized, they can barely even hold them to begin with.

I really wish Hasbro would relinquish the license for Clone Wars and some other company could take it over, like the ones that do the animated Ben 10 or DCU figures. They really just suck badly at managing this potential goldmine.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Clone Wars Figure Rumors/Speculation
« on: August 25, 2012, 12:04 AM »
So, looks like there is at least one new Class I set for Clone Wars next year after all...SSG has some groovy pics of a 501st AT-RT with Driver and TX-21, all appear to be in the animated style, although this was the one set not shown packaged I believe. I wonder is this maybe started out as the 4th deluxe set for this year originally and got pushed back when they decided to re-do the set configurations.

I still really hope we get that Boba Fett set someday. It would give them an excuse to crank out another Mace Windu as a throw-in, which they seem to love.

I will say, if I am looking on the bright side, the figures they have previewed so far for 2013 at least have better articulation across the board than what we got this year. I didn't see a single unbendable leg in the lot so far.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Celebration VI
« on: August 24, 2012, 11:56 PM »
Were also getting a CW 501st AT-RT with 501st ARF Trooper, and Poggle the Lesser's Tactical Droid TX-21. :o

Wow, that's awesome! They both appear to be in the animated style too and not realistic versions.

Guess it is the closest we will ever get to getting Poggle himself.

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