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Messages - efranks

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The Bullpen / Re: Marvel Universe
« on: March 8, 2012, 01:56 AM »
Marvel Universe definitely moves here.  There's always an initial rush when a new wave drops and then it slows, but the rest seems to trickle out of the stores, both WM and Target.  It's had a surprisingly strong run here which surprises me.


The Bullpen / Re: Marvel Universe
« on: March 7, 2012, 12:33 AM »
Yep, that's really crappy news.  Anyone heard anything about people from the TF, Joe or SW lines leaving?


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Walking Dead
« on: March 5, 2012, 02:15 AM »
Apparently Carl got all Lori's stupid genes?

And picked up Shane's ****'em all, kill or be killed attitude.

This episode points out all the reasons that I basically hate most people.  They will never fail to do something stupid at the expense of someone else. 

Like I said before, I'm still shocked Daryl hasn't gone off on his own.  Even though he almost died while out on his own, he fought all the way back to almost have Andrea kill him...  I'm him, I'd pack a bag and take off on the motorcycle.  Head down to the Florida Keys, get a truck, stockpile some supplies and go cut myself off on an island with nothing but a boat and a fishing pole.


The Bullpen / Re: Marvel Universe
« on: March 3, 2012, 12:10 AM »
I saw the wave with Psylocke and Storm today at Target.  The Psylocke figure looks really good and it's nice to see Storm in the outfit I usually associate her with.  I passed on them at $9 each, but they had a bunch of both of those two along with a Thor, DD and a few others.


Joe Defender / Re: GI Joe 25th Alpine
« on: March 2, 2012, 10:51 PM »
The MASS Device, and even the Weather Dominator that came in the one set, are really cool pieces and either, or both, would make great centerpieces for dioramas.

As I said, I completed my MD and I'm very happy to have it.  I think I even managed to pick up the figures with the full MD element containers, which was a great upsell by Hasbro.  It's just too bad that final DVD set was so hard to find.  But that's kind of par for the course on the GI Joe line.  After Joe had to go their DTC line and after first coming back for the 25th, retail didn't always give the line the best support. 

Then there huge support for RoC, but we all know how that worked out.  It definitely didn't instill any confidence in retail and that's been obvious with the way that POC/30th/Renegades have been handled.


Joe Defender / Re: The GI Joe Club General Discussion
« on: March 2, 2012, 04:34 PM »
I didn't see where we had a thread just dedicated to general Club talk and I know with the recent problems with the compromised credit cards, we probably need one.  I think there are some posts in the Figure Subscription thread that could probably be moved over here if Jesse or someone could lend a hand.

The first I heard about it was from some tweets by Jason, from The Terrordrome, and it was in relation to what was going on over at the Transformers board.  Apparently they were in the middle of convention registration when this all started going down.  But we're also coming up fast on the deadline for the GI Joe Club membership renewal so there was a lot of people sending CC info their way for that too.

Now that it's spread to just about everyone, it seems that the Club's whole membership database was compromised in some way.  Some of the people that got hit said that they hadn't used a CC with the Club since last year's figure membership drive.  There's a guy on Hiss Tank that called in his CC info rather than using the online ordering system.

The thing that scared me a little is that for the Club I used the Debit/Credit card that's tied to my bank account to re-up for my membership.  That's about the only online store I've ever used it for so I panicked a little, especially when it looked like it was all going down over the President's Day weekend when my bank was closed and I had no way to cancel the card until Tuesday.  Finally got in and cancelled it and it seems I'm okay.  But, man, that was a close one.

I haven't read much on the Tranformers board but I've read the Hiss Tank thread and the Club is taking a lot of heat over there, possibly more than they deserve, I think.  But, at this point, the problem is that no matter what the Club posts, whether it's an official email from Brian or Pete, their "fan interface" who is a member of several forums, people are going to pick it apart and latch on to any piece that will allow them to further bash the Club even if they're taking it out of context.

There have been official announcements via email from the Club, they posted info to their Joe and TF Club pages and there are threads on the top Joe and TF boards.  At this point if you are a member and haven't cancelled any cards you've used with the Club, it's really now on you if you get unwanted charges.

The password thing, although not directly addressed by the Club, should be a no-brainer IMO.  If you use a common userid/password combo online and the Club has been hacked, you have to assume all your info is compromised and take the appropriate steps.  It's an easy guess that if you are a Joe or TF fan, you probably also use PayPal, eBay, Hasbro Toy Shop, EE and BBTS (among other websites), if I'm a hacker, why not try the userid/pw info on the other sites just to see if it works?  Whether the Club addresses that or not, it's not really their problem to worry about how you use other websites, the customers should be thinking about it.

I still have faith in the Club but I'm going to be very much more careful with how I purchase from them in the future.  I have a Bank of America CC and will be taking advantage of their ShopSafe feature for any new purchases.  At least until they've proven they identified how the initial breach happened and that their upgraded software is more secure.  I've seen a lot of people post over on the Tank about how the Club's software was not secure or how they basically handed the info over to hackers, but I don't buy any of that.  I'm not necessarily happy that, apparently, their system stored CC info indefinitely even though I never had the choice to have it saved, but how many people use Amazon and have their CC info stored for easy checkout?  It's not like the Club was doing something completely unheard of, they just maybe were doing it without our express permission and, while I can't check now, maybe didn't give us a way to opt out of having that info stored.

The way I look at it is that every company can be subject to this, it's happened before whether it was Sony or a retail store that was wirelessly transmitting CC info that got intercepted.  I'm not going to blame the Club for becoming a target of fraud, but they do shoulder the responsibility of correcting their software (probably via upgrades) so it's harder to have it happen in the future.


Joe Defender / Re: GI Joe 25th Alpine
« on: March 2, 2012, 04:06 PM »
The DVD Battle Pack?  Yeah, that was a tough one.  I'm pissed at myself because my buddy found an extra and bought it and offered it to me for cost.  But this was before we knew it was going to be so hard to find, I figured I'd get it locally and passed.  He returned it and I never found it.  Had to buy the last MASS Device piece by itself (only $10 though) and never got Alpine.


Joe Defender / Re: 30th Anniversary Line
« on: March 2, 2012, 12:00 PM »
Yeah, I don't understand the Benchpress market prices either.  I remember seeing that dude forever at TRU and kept passing, but when I finally decided to snag him, gone.  And then prices went nuts.

There are some other ROC prices that are high that I can't really explain, because it was only the later waves that had trouble getting into retail that were harder to find.  But there are some earlier wave stuff that's also doing odd things on eBay.  Like General Hawk figures for $20+?

The Spirit and Quick Kick figures also went nuts for a while but now that they've been popping up at Ross I see the prices have come down some.  I see some sets of those two in completed auctions for under $20.  They stuck around at the two TRU stores I go to the most, but they definitely sold better than some of the ROC exclusives.  And while I think most people liked Spirit, I remember hearing some grumbling over Quick Kick.


The Bullpen / Re: The Avengers: The Toys
« on: March 2, 2012, 01:07 AM »
I think that wave 1 info is pretty accurate.  I saw the comic Hawkeye at Walmart but, honestly, the others were just Thor, Cap, IM, I didn't pay attention to battle this or spike that...


Other Toy Lines / Re: Dream Toylines
« on: March 1, 2012, 08:27 PM »
It's interesting to see this bumped back up with a Hobbit line coming later this year and a new Star Trek movie in production.

I was watching part of the 2009 ST movie on TV last weekend and wishing that Playmates had done a better job on their toys.  They had some good ideas, but the execution just wasn't there. 

There have been several toy lines the last couple of years that I wish had been better; Pirates of the Caribbean, Tron (although that had some good stuff in it), Prince of Persia, A-Team, Avatar, Green Lantern...maybe one or two more I'm not thinking of.  Those lines had some decent stuff, vehicles from Avatar and Tron, okay role play (Tron, PotC) and likenesses (A-Team, PotC, PoP), but none had the whole package.

One thing I did like was the Hot Wheels Star Trek ships from 2009 and I'd love to see a line for a bunch of different shows and movies get that treatment.  A "Ships of the Future" line where we'd see stuff from Trek, Babylon 5, Stargate, Aliens...basically any property with cool starships.


The Bullpen / Re: The Avengers: The Toys
« on: March 1, 2012, 08:04 PM »
My Walmart got that Wave 1 but Target has Wave 2.  So, locally, you could be all caught up with two stops if you were so inclined.

I looked through the pegs at both stores and was not the least bit inspired by anything in the figure line.  However, that Quinjet is a really nice piece.  A little undersized, but for $30 it's easily on par, if not a slightly better deal, than the Star Wars Starfighter line (aka Class II Attack Vehicles).  It has some nice play features with the ability to have Iron Man "fly" alongside and foot pegs for recreating a possibly spoilerish scene we've seen in the trailers.  Even with the current paint scheme, all you'd need to do was mask the A on the wings and it should have great GI Joe crossover appeal.

It's probably just my opinion, but I think the real winners for this line from Hasbro will could be the role play stuff.  I could see more kids coming out of the film and wanting Thor's hammer, Cap's shield or an IM mask (or even Hulk Hands) than action figures. 


The Bullpen / Re: 2011/2012 Marvel Legends
« on: March 1, 2012, 07:52 PM »
Yeah, didn't this line used to be in the $10 range?  $8.99, $9.99 or close to that?

Target looked to have the best price in town at $14.99...I think Walmart was $15-something.


Joe Defender / Re: 30th Anniversary Line
« on: March 1, 2012, 07:51 PM »
It's been crappy here also.  We had wave 2 of the 30th figs here at both Walmart and Target in December but then Target stopped being restocked and Walmart, after having empty pegs for a few weeks, removed them.

One case of wave 4 showed up at Walmart while they didn't have pegs for them, and quickly sold through. Target never stocked wave 3 even though they had empty pegs.

Walmart reset in late January and added 4 pegs back in but didn't stock anything.  Target stocked 1 case of wave 4 on Valentine's Day and then again Tuesday.  Walmart has reset again, for the Avengers stock, and increased to 8 pegs, all empty.

So, it's been ******.  I really have no explanation for all the empty pegs in town and why neither store had any stock for 2 to 3 months.  All I can think of is that Hasbro reduced production, possibly in anticipation of the movie line, or they royally screwed something up on the manufacturing end.  After hearing about the troubles Hasbro had on the Transformers line I'm wondering if maybe they did have some problems and we just don't know about it.  It would be awesome to corner one of the Joe team members from Hasbro and ask, but you never know what kind of answer you might get.

I guess it's also possible that the retailers didn't order anything from Hasbro, for various reasons, but I find that harder to believe because why would a retailer want empty peg space in their toy aisle during the Christmas shopping season?  For that reason alone, it seems like wave 3 and 4 should have been out in force. 


The Bullpen / Re: 2011/2012 Marvel Legends
« on: February 29, 2012, 11:39 PM »
Spotted some of these between Walmart and Target.  The Hope Summers figure is really nice, and so is the Ghost Rider figure.  Not really digging the rest and not buying any.  Cool, but not my thing.  Still, I would think Legends fans must be really geeked about this line coming back with some strong offerings.


Joe Defender / Re: Look at what I just got or have thread
« on: February 29, 2012, 11:37 PM »
Excellent score on the Phantom.  I had that a couple years ago but traded it for some SW stuff.  Kind of wish I had it back...maybe some day.


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