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Messages - efranks

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Other Toy Lines / Re: Transformers
« on: February 29, 2012, 11:33 PM »
I found a new stock of RID Prime at Target, looks like waves 1 and 2 because Ratchet and Arcee were on the pegs along with the rest of them.  I picked up a Soundwave because I thought it looked really cool.  I almost bought Ratchet also, because, while his alt mode is really tiny, his bot mode looked really solid.  Still, passed for now.

I'll have to open Soundwave somtime this week.

I also found the new Bot Shots and Cyberverse Commander Class figures at Walmart.  They had the Bot Shots single and 3-packs, three of the four on the shelf had Bumblebee as the 3rd figure but the other had Acid Storm. 


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Walking Dead
« on: February 29, 2012, 11:03 AM »
I will never understand the lack of focus by groups caught in this type of scenario in films and TV.  Out of all the people in the group, I would have thought Daryl would be the one to pick up on some of the things like you suggest, Jesse, but either he doesn't see the need or thinks nobody would listen to him anyway.

The first thing I'd be doing in the Zombie Apocalypse would be to get water, food, ammo, that order.  Then it would be fortifying my defenses (building or vehicle or both), finding more ammo and weapons, more food and that order.

Knowing that a bite will infect you, my next move would be creating a "battle suit" that would be hard to bite through.  And then I'd head as far north as I could get.  Because my thought is that if the walkers are dead and they can't generate their own heat, wouldn't they freeze in the winter, possibly to the point that the brain would freeze solid and kill the walkers?  I'm thinking some nice beach front property in Ontario, along Hudson Bay.


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Everything Rebelscum
« on: February 29, 2012, 02:52 AM »
I wonder if the supplier of the ads got hacked and is causing goofy **** to pop on sites that don't really have anything to do with the advertisements?

I know about a year ago we got hit at work with some malware that came when people were browsing the local newspaper's website.  After looking at the history and cache on the computers, I was pretty convinced that the advertisements displayed initiated the attacks.  There are so many tricks in use to try and compromise people's computers it's not funny any more. 

On the topic of Ashley and Her Universe, it seems they're doing well.  I see a lot of geek girls posting on various sites about what cool new swag they've just got from her store.  She started with mostly SW but has branched out to Syfy channel stuff now including Battlestar Galactica and Warehouse 13.  Lot of positive feedback on the clothing from what I've seen also.


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Archer on fX
« on: February 25, 2012, 01:41 AM »
Archer has been killing it this season.  I think this week's was probably my favorite so far but the Burt Reynolds episode was incredible also.

"It would be rude to not eat her pie which, I'm assuming, is not only hot but moist.  Although, hopefully not flaky."


Other Toy Lines / Re: Transformers
« on: February 24, 2012, 03:13 AM »
After a little more research, I see where the Voyager Prime FE Optimus and Bulkhead are hitting eBay from Canada, and they're not cheap.  I see some Cliffjumper figs also.

I was mostly interested in the Voyager Optimus and Bulk, and the Deluxe I mentioned.  I see BBTS has a pre-order still for a set of 3, Bee, Arcee and Starscream, but I have no idea if Hasbro's still filling those orders.  They do have the FE Deluxe Bee in stock for only $11 though.

On another note, I saw the RID Optimus Prime today at Walmart.  It's not bad, but it's not the First Edtion figure, that one's a thing of beauty.  I'm wishing now I paid more attention to the line, I didn't have any reason to think that things were going so badly.  Otherwise I would have been hitting TRU back in Nov/Dec looking for them.  And now I sort of understand what Hasbro was apologizing about at TF, about having a problem in China and some things not making it to the US.  Looks like the FE stuff got the shaft and now they're moving on to, IMO, lesser designs.

The thing that sucks is that it seems Hasbro is trying to move so far away from previous releases to more simpler designs, we'll probably never see some of these released again even though the tooling exists.

iFett, I've got a PM headed your way.  I may order that Bee figure from BBTS, though, or at least put it in my POL.


Other Toy Lines / Re: Transformers
« on: February 23, 2012, 01:54 AM »
Is there anyone here that's a hardcore TF collector?  I'm looking for someone to explain to me the Prime releases. 

There were supposed to be First Edition figures, shown at NYCC, of Bee, Arcee, Starscream and some others.  Were they ever actually released at retail in the US?  And is it these FE Voyager versions of Optimus and Bulkhead that were cancelled?

And, now there's still a Robots in Disguise line of Prime characters coming?  But they're different sculpts from the First Editions?

And what's up with the figures that are now exclusives to Asia and, I think, Europe?  Were they supposed to come to the US and got cancelled here but are being released overseas?

I'm so completely confused by a bunch of this it's not even funny.  I know two things; I wanted the Arcee and Bee Prime figs shown off at NYCC (normal deco of the NYCC exclusive set), can I still get them? And the Cyberverse line; fun?  I kind of like the look of it and thought about picking up a few figs from it.


The Vintage Collection / Re: Toy Fair 2012
« on: February 23, 2012, 12:06 AM »
I agree with Jesse on the mail-away programs.  I consider it a free figure and I'm just paying my $7 to cover shipping.  I don't give any monetary value to the UPC codes I had to send in...unless someone wants to pay me for a bunch.  >:D

I really think that the Rocket Boba Fett, that first wave that was damaged, fell victim to some shipping warehouse accident.  To have so many damaged enough to have the bubble come loose from the card and crushed as badly as they were, I picture a huge pallet ready for the PO tipping off a lift onto another pallet and the dock worker just looking at it, saying "fuckit," and shipping it out anyway.

I had two damaged from that offer and out of all the ones I sent for, that was the first offer I've ever participated in where I didn't receive one that I sent for.  I talked to Hasbro support about it and they basically told me to pound sand, it wasn't their problem since they saw that it went out.  Now, personally, even though it's junk mail class, I find that mostly unacceptable as an answer since, when I sell something, I'm on the hook for delivery and can't just write off a lost package as not my fault.  And to make it worse, I felt that the damaged figures shouldn't have been replaced (I didn't ask for replacements) but that lost figures should have been compensated for.

So, I wouldn't be surprised if Hasbro was burned out on offers after this latest one and if the Rocket Fett problems lit the fire.

To steer this back on topic, now that we've had a new look at the Toy Fair slide of the upcoming Bespin and Naboo Duel Battle Packs, I really have to wonder what Hasbro's thoughts are on spending tooling budget on 6 under-articulated figures when they had decent sculpts they could have re-used.  It doesn't make any sense to me to build six figure with what looks like basic 5 points of articulation w/ a bonus (maybe) of a ball joint shoulder.  I don't get the strategy behind that, especially the Naboo set when they're releasing that set of three in the Movie Heroes, Vintage Collection and exclusive Discover the Force lines PLUS again in Movie Heroes with the light-up sabers.  It's bizarre.


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Avengers (and sequels)
« on: February 22, 2012, 09:55 AM »
Yeah, these new photos of Cap aren't as bad as I orignially thought.  I didn't like the new uniform from the start but it may not actually be that bad.  The helmet, though?  I still don't know about that.


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Walking Dead
« on: February 21, 2012, 01:42 PM »
I guess Sunday's episode answered that question about whether or not Rick has spoken to Shane about Lori.  Apparently not.

Also, the outcome of Lori's situation was, ultimately, boring as hell.  That whole situation was so obnoxious and uncalled for that it pisses me off at this point.  We really gained nothing from that and it was only a waste of time when they could have spent more on Rick and the Philly crew, where there was some real drama to be had.


Joe Defender / Re: Look at what I just got or have thread
« on: February 17, 2012, 03:26 AM »
Good pickup on the Zarana.  I'm still in need of that figure.


With all the features on the MTT I do think that it's a really fun toy.  The folding rack is pretty cool and seems to work well.  Eventhough not all of the Battle Droids are articulated (16 are static, 4 have articulation) they look pretty good coming out of the vehicle.

Is $140 worth it?  That's up to the individual. I think there's enough toy there to make it worth that price, but I don't know if there's a market there for a $140 toy.  I don't have the money or the space for it, but I do like it well enough that if those two strikes against it were removed, I'd buy one even at full price.

Having a 13-year-old movie open to $23 million in February? That's pretty good, actually.  It'll be interesting to see what kind of staying power it has this coming weekend since it's a holiday and kids should have a 3 day weekend.

I don't think the MTT will kill the Star Wars toy line, but it could kill our chances at a 2014 large vehicle.  The Shuttle may have already done in the 2013 release, but it may be too early to tell on that.


LEGO / Re: Legos
« on: February 15, 2012, 08:33 PM »
I picked up 11 over the weekend and part by plan, part by accident, I ended up with some dupes.  I snagged a Roman, Statue of Liberty, Space Girl, Leprechaun and 2x Minotaur.  Ended up with a second Space Girl and Leprechaun and a Skater Girl by accident.  Also snagged 2 extra Minotaur figs, one by accident and one on purpose because I needed a 6th figure to take advantage of the 2 for $5 at TRU.

Anyone looking to do trades here?  Space Girl, Leprechaun, Skater Girl and 2 Minotaur figs are for trade.  I'm looking for the Highland Battler, Genie, Classic Alien and wouldn't mind the Bandit or a Series 5 Detective.  Or I'll always take more S5 Dwarves or another S6 Roman Soldier.


Discover the Force / Movie Heroes / Re: Movie Heroes Battle Packs
« on: February 15, 2012, 04:50 PM »
I was actually happy when Hasbro went to straight re-packs on Battle Packs.  I hated buying BPs for 1 new figure/character, especially when the rest didn't include army builders.  The first Ilum Padme set, for example.  Yes, it came with a new droid sculpt, but it also came with a C-3PO and R2 I had no use for.

I don't mind that the BPs are not for "us," the collectors, and I really can't understand why people got so pissed every time a new BP was announced and there was nothing new in it.  It's like some people wanted to have to spend $20+ on a set just for that one new figure.  Did everyone forget that quick that they used to bitch about the 1 new figure in a 5 pack that they "had to buy" only to be "stuck" with extra stuff they didn't want?

The BP sets make decent gifts, mostly, because they're usually main characters or, in the case of Clone Wars, quite often have some army builder draw to them.  But if it weren't for that, I wouldn't mind seeing Hasbro dump that assortment and diversify the Class I Fleet Vehicle line.  IMO, that's still their best assortment outside of the basic action figures, they're excellent toys and that's something that the SW line lacks sometimes.

Specifically with these two Battle Packs; I don't know what Hasbro's game is.  They have about 4 each (or more) of Obi/Qui/Maul figures available right now at multiple price points using multiple sculpts, mostly old.  I see no reason why they're doing this BP of them rather than carding them, except that it gives them time to make more money from the existing tooling before moving on later in the year. 

The Bespin set doesn't make much more sense to me either because we're getting a new ANH Vader, were shown an ROTJ Vader that'll be in the SDCC set and then retail and then an ESB version in the BP.  We have an excellent VC Bespin Luke that just came out, their second "vintage" stab at him already, and Fett?  I need another attempt at Fett like I need someone to come and kick me in the head.

I've been on the hunt lately to pare my collection down to the definitive version of each main Saga character and I think part of my hate on these packs is that there will be something that will be JUST a little better than what I have already and I'll feel compelled to buy these.  Everytime this happens I buy a little more into the conspiracy theories about Hasbro making figures not quite as good as they can just so they can do another version and make us buy.


The Bullpen / Re: Marvel Universe
« on: February 15, 2012, 04:30 PM »
X-Baby Cyclopse looked sort of like this photo.

I don't recall what Longshot and Wolverine looked like.  They showed so many different Wolvie figures I couldn't keep them straight.  And nothing stands out about Longshot for me.  I saw Rogue, which snapped my attention to the screen because she's one of my 2 most wanted figures, and then I looked back in time to see the Cyclops figure.  He stands out a little because in the slideshow he kind of bounced onto the screen as they announced him.

I'm disappointed that Hasbro didn't release the slideshow and that they didn't have some of the figures at the showroom.  My main priorities were Star Wars and GI Joe and those are the lines I knew the most about.  So I'm sure I missed some tidbits during Transformers and Marvel that some of you guys would like to know but didn't register as being important to me.  On the Transformers front, I know they made some announcements about Prime toys not making it to the US and I knew just enough about that to know it was important, but not how important to the community.  I knew less about Marvel.


The Bullpen / Re: Marvel Universe
« on: February 15, 2012, 02:37 PM »
No.  I don't know if they even said anything about it, they just introduced the characters from the pack, flashed a slide and moved on.  And she wasn't in the showroom, only on the slide.  I almost missed it, they were flying through the Marvel section because they were so far behind between starting late and then having the Transformers team take so long.


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