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Messages - Matt

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Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Vintage OCB
« on: November 12, 2003, 09:50 AM »
Further proof that you, sir, have always displayed a keen fashion-sense when it comes to headwear:

Which reminds me:

 :'( :-\ ??? :(

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Vintage OCB
« on: November 12, 2003, 09:42 AM »
Here is some pics I found at my parents house and thought I'd show my Fanboy side and share...

(that one is for Virex-lax)

Further proof that you, sir, have always displayed a keen fashion-sense when it comes to headwear:

(With the exception of that last one, of course. . .)

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: What's spinning?
« on: November 11, 2003, 11:16 AM »
Starting today off with the little-known Edward Louis Severson the Third, and his band of roving minstrels. . .

The man upstairs is used to all of this f***in' noise/
I'm through with screamin'. . .

EDIT:  Oops!

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Separated at Birth Star Wars Style
« on: November 11, 2003, 12:09 AM »
I think I'm probably best-served by not making a comment on the two above posts at this time.

That said, however, Scott--I still have your address, and if a package reeking of dog waste should arrive at your doorstep later on this week, well, just know that it wasn't me.

JD Sports Forum! / Re: NFL 2003
« on: November 11, 2003, 12:05 AM »
If I'm missing a joke here, just laugh at me behind my back please, but....

Ohio State is properly titled The Ohio State University.  It is on all their communications, letterhead, etc.  I applied for grad school there.  Seemed like a tad pompous name at the time.  

Yeah, well, you see, where I'm from, there's only one OSU:

And while I'm more of a Sooner fan than a Cowboy fan, I'm certainly not caught up in all of the stuck-up pageantry regarding The Ohio State University Suck-eyes. . .

So, anyway, thanks for filling me in, Morgbug.  Didn't know that was the official terminology.  Doesn't make it any less stupid. . .

JD Sports Forum! / Re: NFL 2003
« on: November 10, 2003, 09:34 PM »
The Vikings (Robert Smith and Korey Stringer may he RIP) started that back in 1998.  I agree that it is old...the funny thing is when idiots would say...

The New Mexico State University or something equally as asinine

Ah, so there's a history to this gaywad phrase.  Had no idea. . .

So, Ohio State alums have been doing this for five years?  Who're the ad wizards who came up with that one?  (EDIT:  And who in the hell thinks it's still clever?)


The Jedi Defender dot com

JD Sports Forum! / Re: NFL 2003
« on: November 10, 2003, 09:25 PM »
I don't have much to add here (much bigger fan of college football than of pro), but the next time I hear the asinine phrase "The Ohio State University", from one of those Monday Night Football, talking-head player introductions, I'm going to pull an Elvis and put a bullet through the television.

Shut the **** up.

Clone Wars '03-'05 / Re: New Ultra Clone shots at!
« on: November 10, 2003, 12:45 PM »
Wow.  Too nice.

If we don't get a Stormtrooper like that in the next year or two, I'm going to kill somebody.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: What's spinning?
« on: November 10, 2003, 11:59 AM »
Wait...was that a dig on me >:(

I've already had to refer to someone else as "numbnuts" this week--don't make me do it again.  And, you listen to Billy Ocean?

Currently I have Creed in my Computer...good stuff :-*

Ironically, they're better than the band they emulate!

And when does the Naked Let it Be come out again, that is also a definite must buy  

Check Page 1, numbnuts.


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: What's spinning?
« on: November 10, 2003, 11:40 AM »
Portishead's cool.  Glorybox is one of the coolest things I've ever heard recorded.

Yeah, they are.

With that said, it's probably time to admit that I don't actually listen to anything that I say I listen to.

I just pick some bands that other people listen to, and say that I listen to them, too, to make myself seem cooler than I really am.

Basically, all I ever listen to are Phil Collins and Billy Ocean.  Oh, and The Wiggles.

The Original Trilogy / Re: Classic Trilogy DVD Release!
« on: November 10, 2003, 11:31 AM »
I told you all, Mainland05 never lies.  So the truth was told, he is not-guilty!!

Hi Mainland05!

Don't remember ever accusing you of lying, although you might have taken it that way, I don't know.

My whole point was that, if you're going to post "news" about something big like this, then it's usually a good idea to provide a link back to the place where you got the news in the first place, or at the very least, mention the place you saw it.

Something like "Hey, I saw this at TheForce.Net" or "Aint-It-Cool-News had a story up earlier" or whatever, just so people can see it for themselves.

There are a lot of stupid people out there, who tend to believe everything they see, and with something as big as the Star Wars DVDs, that's not a good combination.

As for last week's Lucasfilm summit, that's cool.  Personally, I'm taking it with a grain of salt, but I hope those reports are accurate.  The thing I don't get is--where's the official announcement?  The DVD release is huge news, for both Star Wars and the DVD format in general, and I would think that they would have announced it in a press release around the same time that they would have told a bunch of licensees about it.

The only thing I can think of is that, if they are coming next year (and I believe they are), they're holding off on the official announcement until sometime next Spring, or at least until after Christmas this year.  An official announcement now would probably lead to mass-confusion at retail, with many of the afore-mentioned stupid people mistakenly thinking that the DVDs were going to be available for this Christmas.

Anyway, enough.  What'd you guys think of Episode III Big Momma's House 3?  I liked it, I guess, but was ultimately disappointed.  I was hoping it would be the redeemer for the horrible first two installments, but it left me feeling a little underwhelmed and unsatisfied, and asking myself "what in the hell have I been doing with my life for the last three years?".  

Oh well.  The trip to Walla-Walla was memorable, at least.

(Oh, and DarthBroem--what'd you think of the porn?)

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: What's spinning?
« on: November 10, 2003, 10:53 AM »
Oh I realize there are other bands and I have been listening to other stuff...Radiohead, Natalie Merchant, Audioslave, LOTR Soundtracks, Gn'R...

So  ::) right back at you  :-*

Piss off, Pearl Jam Boy.  Lay off the rolleyes smiley action.  

And if I would name #2 it would be

You know, with all of this talk of the land Down Under, I'm almost of the thought that a certain other miscellaneous forum may be in need of an Official Australia Appreciation Thread.  Hmmm. . .

(Or an UnAppreciation Thread, as it were. . .)

(Oh, and now playing:  Portishead, self-titled.)  

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: What's spinning?
« on: November 10, 2003, 10:40 AM »
Me and my Brother played NCAA 2004 on Saturday and listened on Random to 5 Pearl Jam CD's (shock) Vs, No Code, Yield, Binaural and Riot Act...

Good ******* Lord.  There are other bands out there, you know. . .  

 ::) ::) ::)

Quote at least there is one good thing to come out of Australia

Ahem. . .

Miss Minogue.

Make that two.   8)

Saga '02-'04 / Re: Star Tours wave 3 FINALLY at Disneyland!
« on: November 10, 2003, 10:31 AM »
You know where to find me if your family doesn't come through though Matt...   ;)

You know, I just wanted to update this thread, for no apparent reason at all, other than to make my mandatory non-Watto's Junkyard appearance for the month:

Well, the fam came through, and hooked me up with the three astromech droids a couple of weeks ago, which I promptly opened up and have displayed in my modest astromech collection.

Now, for a mini-review:

While I'm of the thought that the more droids, the merrier, these three left me with kind of a lukewarm feeling.  For what they are, they're fine, I guess.  I would have preferred that the R3-unit was in the R2-Q5 sculpt, and not the Naboo Escape R2-D2.  The sculpt of the R4-unit is just okay--I actually like it better than the POTJ R4-M9 it came from, since the earlier figure, for me, has a really loose third leg.

However, the paint jobs of those two is way-too cartoony for my tastes, personally.  The R4-unit's turqoise/aqua-on-white is just too non-movie for me, and there's so much blue all over the R3-droid, that it just doesn't look right.  Mind you, I've never been on any of the Star Tours rides, so while I'm sure they look fairly similar to their ride counterparts, they just don't look movie-enough for me.

But then, there's the R5-D2.  And really, the only thing "wrong" with this figure, in my opinion, is that there's not a real R5-D4 resculpt out there, which, of course, isn't this figure's fault!  :)
I dig the R5-head sculpt, and the battle-damage on the body.  And, of course, the light-brown wash over the whole figure really gives it that whole "lived-in" look.  It looks like it could have been just off-screen, out of the camera's view, during the "purchase of the droids" scene from the first film.  Really nicely done, and it gives me hope that a certain other, bad-motivator-havin' R5-droid is in the works up in Rhode Island. . .

Anyway, thanks again, Matt. . .

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: What's spinning?
« on: November 10, 2003, 09:58 AM »
Now playing:  "1980's Figure"

. . .

Nah, not really.   :P

Good, good stuff. . .

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