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Messages - Crackbrick

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Kubricks / Re: 2007 Medicom Collector Club Box Set
« on: May 11, 2007, 10:39 AM »
You guys will have to fill me in on your other sources.  The only places I have found to get Kubies (outside of our group of course) are BBTS and Ebay.   :-\

Spanky is a retailer in Japan, not sure of the link.

Robby is a wholesaler and you have to own a business to order from him.
(I order through a friend and we are at our limit as to how many he can order on his CC.  He orders for a few people)

Tomo is in Japan and runs a service, although he is going through some insane stuff right now and needs to get things in order before he can get back into the swing of things.
He is a great guy and is always fair with his fees.  You can see a link to his blog and website at

My one other source is just a friend in Japan that gets me stuff from time to time.
I don't ask, I wait for the offer to get things like the Box set because its exclusive.
I don't like to torture them and have them run around looking for toys all the time, I appreciate all the help I have gotten and the work they go through to send stuff to me and I don't like to push the issue.
There are a billion things in Japan that I would want that you cannot get here!
But I only ask if certain things other than Kubricks happen to easy to find etc.
I've had people ask me before to ask if they could get certain items, but again, its not practical for me to ask them to search for a billion people, they just could not do it and it would look as though I am taking advantage, I value the friendship to much, I honestly could care less about the toys, its just a bonus.

When it comes to Star Wars Kubricks, allot of them are just as hard to find (or just as expensive)when you live in Japan let alone trying to get them anywhere else in the world, I'm talking Limited Exclusives or even chase figures in some cases.

Whats mentioned above is a good example, Robby and Spanky not taking Pre Orders, the set was supposed to be only available on line through Medicom.
So someone still needs to explain BBTS...


Kubricks / Re: 2007 Medicom Collector Club Box Set
« on: May 10, 2007, 11:31 PM »
Holy crap!
There are toys/models from Silent Running?

Where did that come from?


Kubricks / Re: 2007 Medicom Collector Club Box Set
« on: May 9, 2007, 10:09 AM »
It still seems a bit strange to me.
If Medicom was going to make them available to some retailers, why not a wholesaler like Robby in Japan?
I didn't think they sold directly to retail anyhow.

I guess I'm just generally in the dark about the entire Medicom system.


Kubricks / Re: 2007 Medicom Collector Club Box Set
« on: May 5, 2007, 04:44 PM »
Got my box set today!
My friend wrapped up the actual box Medicom uses and shipped it outm very cool.
Gotta say the Yoda/Luke is one of the best Bricks ever!

I'm going to trade the 2-1B and B-wing Pilot if anyone is interested.
I'm after a Yoda or just LMK what you got.

I hope Tomo comes through for Adam, Matt and Randy.
Hope you guys don't hate me!


Modern Trading / FT/FS 2-1B Kubrick GONE
« on: May 5, 2007, 04:33 PM »
LMK what Kubricks you have to trade.
I'm open to anything.
I'll also sell the 2-1B Brick.


Kubricks / Re: 2007 Medicom Collector Club Box Set
« on: May 4, 2007, 11:59 AM »
Sure hope BBTS comes through.

I'm still trying to figure the BBTS thing out.  I have so many questions about it...

If Japan retail was around $51 and then they have to pay to ship them to the USA from Japan, how are they making any money at $60? 

It doesn't make sense for them to sell them at basically their cost like that.  There is no way that they could have ordered them directly through Medicom any cheaper, that is something that has never happened before and it would be a huge violation of Medicom's agreement with LFL if Medicom sold to a USA merchant directly... 

I just don't get it I guess.   :-\

I don't get it either.
But I think Medicom did make these available to some retailers for whatever reason.
It just didn't make sense at the time (still doesn't) so I didn't order from them.


Kubricks / Re: 2007 Medicom Collector Club Box Set
« on: May 3, 2007, 08:05 PM »
My total cost was $85.80

That's retail
Shipping within Japan
Shipping to the USA
and any Paypal fees or bank transfer fees on the part of my friend.

Not as good as BBTS, but then again, no exclusive was ever up for presale by a major retailer before so I was leary when it came to ordering from them.

BUT still better than ebay, so I'm happy.


Kubricks / Tomo of Jpn-Items
« on: May 3, 2007, 07:52 PM »
If anyone here has dealt with Tomo or is in the process of dealing with him and you have not heard from him in a while, he is dealing with some personal stuff right now.

I heard from a friend that he is going through quite a rough time.
Tomo is a great guy, he would never do anyone wrong, so give him some time to get stuff in order and I'm sure you will hear from him.

He was going to hook a friend and I up with some of the April box sets but we have not heard from him.

I was lucky enough to have another friend order one for me, the others from Tomo were going to other people my buddy Adam and I know that needed the hookup.(Adam was counting on Tomo as well)
I still hope to hear from him, he did say he ordered the sets, but god only knows what happend, given all the insanity he has been through.


I hope they release a Sandtrooper in Japan so I can ask my contacts there.
If its not exclusive it won't cost as much as what Sideshow does.
Same goes for the other RAH.
If you are fortunate enough to know someone in Japan or someone that knows a wholesaler, then you will end up getting them cheaper, even after shipping.


Kubricks / Re: Show me Your Kubes!
« on: April 30, 2007, 10:48 PM »
That's pretty funny.


Kubricks / Re: 2007 Medicom Collector Club Box Set
« on: April 29, 2007, 04:04 PM »
From what I know about it, it was a member exclusive, but there was no limit on production.  So I'm guessing they made exceptions for the regular overseas retailers like BBTS and if you had 8 friends living close by, you could get as many as you liked.  I don't think there's much of a requirement to join the club, so long as you pay and live in Japan/HK.

The only thing I can see preventing it from falling in price is the snowtrooper.  First box set with an Imperial army builder like that and a cool one too.  Me, I think series 8 is going to have a snowtrooper and they're delaying the announcement to ensure they sell as many of these as they can.

That's the best explanation I heard as far as BBTS and other retailers.
I figured out the other part though as far as people in Japan ordering them.
Tomo was seeing how many people he could get to order for him so he had a few sets to go to people over here.
Not sure how he made out yet though, have not heard from him just yet.
Makes sense.


Kubricks / Re: 2007 Medicom Collector Club Box Set
« on: April 29, 2007, 03:09 PM »
Man I wish I had friends in Japan! Does anyone know if this is going to turn out like the last 2 TRU sets and drop in price, or this one only going to be available through their collector club in a much smaller quantity?

Good question.
I'd say it would not end up like the TRU sets because its Exclusive to memebrs of the Medicom club online, one per address...BUT...BBTS took pre orders, so I'd like to know how they got their hands on that many.
Maybe they intend it for another release?
Who knows with Medicom.


Kubricks / Re: Kubrick Newbies - Questions and Advice
« on: April 29, 2007, 01:39 PM »
There are also the display Cases that Medicom makes.
They have a peg that holds the figure.
Check the For Sale section over at
One of the memebers posted that he had a case left.


Kubricks / Re: 2007 Medicom Collector Club Box Set
« on: April 28, 2007, 05:30 PM »
My friend in Japan said mine arrived today as well.
I should get it soon.
Anyone intererested in just the B-Wing Pilot and 2-1B?
Don't need to keep those or Yoda, but Yoda goes to my niece's boyfriend.


Kubricks / Re: Series 8
« on: April 26, 2007, 08:26 AM »
My guess is that Medicom will hold true to the whole 30th Anniversary of SW deal and have an announcement next month.

Does anyone else think that the McQuarrie Concept might crossover to Kubys?

Imagine a McQuarrie Chewie or Fett chase... :)

Those would be neat.
The Hasbro ones are nifty, but I'm happy with ordering the book that is on the way.
Love his art.


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