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Messages - efranks

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Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Transformers Live Action Movies
« on: February 15, 2012, 12:12 AM »
Interview I read mentioned reboot also, but said that they'd bring Optimus and Bumblebee along.  But they've introduced new bots and killed off some (Iron Hide, NOOOOOOO!) so there's always the opportunity to bring in new ones.

I've mostly been okay with the films, robot on robot violence and all that, but man, they do not hold up on a second viewing.  I really kind of enjoyed DotM when I saw it in the theater but when I saw it again on DVD I couldn't remember why I'd liked it so much.  There's just too much to pick apart on those films and it all seems to really stick out to me on replay.

GI Joe was the same way.  I mostly liked it the first time but the second and third times I saw it all I could do is look at all the terrible CGI.  And I still can't get past the sinking ice.  There's only so much suspension of disbelief I can apply to a film like that, and the total suspension of the laws of physics was not something I could do.


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Walking Dead
« on: February 14, 2012, 11:52 PM »
I'm surprised Darryl's still with them.  That cat would do so much better on his own.  I definitely think that he's a better person with them than he was with his brother, but he's still much more of a loner than any of the rest.


The Bullpen / Re: Marvel Universe
« on: February 14, 2012, 10:56 PM »
Was there any pics shown of the team sets (Inhumans, X-Men)?  I know they were probably shown in the slideshow, but it doesn't seem like any of those have made it online yet.  Looking forward to those, from the sounds of who is included anyways.  The regular line figures all looked pretty amazing though I thought, looking forward to those quite a bit.

Yes, they showed photos in the slideshow.  They were really jamming through the presentation by the time we got to Marvel because the whole presentation started late and the Transformers took forever.  I barely saw some of the final slides because I was trying to take notes and send updates to Twitter. 

But they showed Rogue and it's the classic green/yellow outfit and jacket.  Couldn't really see the head sculpt well enough to make a call on that but I'm still psyched.  Rogue and an updated Gambit are really the only figures on my MU list that I want to buy.


The Bullpen / Re: The Avengers: The Toys
« on: February 14, 2012, 10:46 PM »
I thought the role play toys looked pretty cool, even though they're similar to what we've already seen from the previous movies.  Hulk Hands are coming back, Iron Man mask and a wrist piece of some sort, Thor's hammer, etc.  There's a new NERF bow for Hawkeye also.

They played a commercial during the presentation that showed a bunch of kids, each as a different Avenger, playing with the role play toys and it looked really well done.  I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of kids are running around with these toys this summer and come Halloween.  If I were 10 years old, I think this stuff would be right up my alley.

The only thing I don't care for is that some of the helmets have been replaced by these new masks.  The last Iron Man helmet was really nice, for example, but I think the new one is more mask than helmet.  It's like what they've done with the Star Wars masks.  It works fine for some like Captain America and the new Maul, but the Vader, Fett, Iron Man, I like the originals better.  I'm sure it's a cost thing but it always sucks to see companies have to go backwards.


Other Toy Lines / Re: Star Trek
« on: February 14, 2012, 04:03 PM »
Look at Thundercats, didn't they do 3 scales on that one?  A 3.75" and 8" (including classics) and then a 6" they were going to move to?

That seems to be standard lately, throw a bunch of scales out and see what sticks.  The last Terminator film had 3 scales, last year's Pirates of the Caribbean had 2, I think Tron Legacy had 3 also.  I think there's even a new smaller scale of Halo figures coming that will run alongside the current scale. 

I know DC does well with their line of what, 6" (? I don't even know anymore) and Hasbro is bringing 6" Marvel Legends back, but for the price it seems like 3.75" is a great scale for detail and accessories. 

I'd probably buy a lot more action figures if they were Hasbro Star Wars and GI Joe quality at the same scale.  Most of the other lines out there that do pick 3.75" don't seem to hold a candle to Hasbro, though, so I end up passing. 


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Walking Dead
« on: February 14, 2012, 01:31 PM »
I thought Rick said something about Lori and Shane and kind of burried it.  Like, he understood because they thought he was dead after being left in the hospital.  Didn't he even thank Shane for taking care of Lori and Carl?

I have a feeling that's something that's going to pop back up in the future, though.  Like, just when the gang doesn't need any more drama, Shane will turn into a jealous bitch and screw someone over.


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Walking Dead
« on: February 14, 2012, 10:10 AM »
My only bitch about Sunday's episode was Lori.  It was the Kim Bauer vs the Mountain Lion moment of the series.  Completely unnecessary.  She's one of my least favorite characters on the show on a normal day but when she makes a dumb**** move like that?  I can't even be concerned for her.


Middle Earth / Re: The Hobbit - Toy Line
« on: February 14, 2012, 02:31 AM »
Apparently The Bridge had action figures at TF but no photos were allowed.  I haven't found any cell phone sneak photos yet...or long lense, paparazzi style photos from the next ailse over or whatever.


Other Toy Lines / Re: Star Trek
« on: February 14, 2012, 02:26 AM »
I'm convinced, after seeing what the NYCC exclusive Star Trek Hallmark ornament did on the secondary market, that the Star Trek community is starved for collectibles.  I don't think anyone felt the last line of action figures really were up to snuff.  The playsets weren't terrible, and I actually liked the idea of the bridge, but when you can't deliver wave 2 and thus never be able to complete your stations, it's a real loser.

I think Lego sells no matter what.  However, I don't know what the license for that costs so maybe Lego doesn't feel like paying out for it.  Or, since they have Star Wars and their own Space section of City, they don't feel they need it.

I don't know if I'd buy into a Lego line of Trek but I'm interested to see what they do with KRE-O.  The Battleship stuff looks cool so the ST stuff may work as well.  But, if Hasbro ever got the ST license and gave it the full Star Wars type treatment in 3.75" scale, it would be hard for me not to buy it. 


Other Toy Lines / Re: Transformers
« on: February 14, 2012, 02:21 AM »
The Bruticus figure is pretty cool.

The new Leader class is called Weaponizers.

I think the new Cyberverse stuff, except for Bruticus maybe, is probably the coolest thing they're putting out.  They're small, affordable and with the larger figures, like the new Maximus scale, you can do a lot with them as far as playing with them goes.  Plus, with the shrinking size of Deluxe, it's not a terrible way to go.

Another thing they mentioned at the start of the presentation was about the cancelled Prime First Edition figures of Optimus Prime and Bulkhead.  They admitted they couldn't get them produced and shipped to the US.

And I'm not familiar enough with the various TF stuff to know what had been previously announced, but it seems there are going to be some Asia exclusives that won't be making it to the US.

If Hasbro ever sends out the actual presentation some of that might be more clear.


Joe Defender / Re: GI Joe Retaliation - The Toys!
« on: February 13, 2012, 04:50 AM »
Yep, they used the costing line when speaking about the pack-in figures.  On the plus side, the detail on them is still pretty good, just no articulation.  They'll probably look fine in the actual vehicles or standing on the shelf, but may not have much playability to them.

I'd rather not have a figure, personally, than get these.  But, I can see why they want them in the package to help sell them.  And if going with 5 PoA to keep the price down, that's fine with me.  They even admitted that they maybe didn't price the RoC line well and this line is less aggressive and should be better priced.

And, yeah, they're way off the reservation on the ninja content of this line.  If kids need that and it sells figures, I'll live with it, especially if it gets me my Blind Master and Kim Arashikage in wave 4...and Joe Colton in W3.


Joe Defender / Re: 2012 SDCC Shockwave HISS and Jinx
« on: February 13, 2012, 04:45 AM »
I wasn't too hot on this when they first announced it, now I really want to pick it up.  I think it's pretty genius.  They're really packing a lot in to the set and I loved the storyline behind it.

I'm going to be working hard for a hook-up to get this and both Jinx figures.  I may even take the week after SDCC off so I'm home during the ordering frenzy.

I wish I'd had a longer chance to talk to Derryl DePriest at the show.  I'd love to have suggested in person that they try to get to release one license each day online.  Star Wars one day, TF on one and Joe on another just to cut down on the number of hits they'll get.  It could definitely reduce the load rather than having 3 major fan bases slaughter their bandwidth at the same time.


Joe Defender / Re: G.I. Joe Toy Fair
« on: February 13, 2012, 04:41 AM »
I didn't get to spend a lot of time in the GI Joe area, it was smaller than some of the other areas and a little harder to get into.

I was mostly impressed with the Bruce Willis Joe Colton figure, Kim Arashikage, Blind Master, GI Joe Trooper and the SDCC Shockwave set.  That SDCC set has so much win in it that I nearly wet myself. 

The storyline behind it is kind of cool; Shockwave sets up a deal with Destro for Energon.  He buys it (suitcase of money) and the BAT delivers it.  He scans Destro's blueprints of the HISS Tank and takes on the shape.  It's interesting to me and I'm putting it on my wish list along with Jinx Kim Arashikage.  Oh, and the little Soudwave w/ the Shockwave set?  Genius!

The new Ghost Hawk, which has stickers to customize the nose art, is kind of nice.  The zip line attack runs through the whole line pretty much, and I'm okay with that, I'd like to think kids are going to be ziplining figures across their living rooms all summer. 

I'm unimpressed with the Battle Kata stuff.  The Alpha and Bravo vehicles mostly leave me cold, but I do like the upgrade to the VAMP (which I don't think was there live).  The 10" Ninja Commando isn't my thing either but we'll see how kids react to it.  The role play stuff, again, not my thing but I hope kids like it.  There's some fun stuff there.  I like the new Lady Jaye head sculpt but the re-use of the Renegades Scarlett body was maybe a little bit of a copout.  It's a nice sculpt, 

I'm sure the Joe sites covered some of this other info but I'll throw it in here also:

- The Crimson Guard figure will come with stickers so you can customize his unit for army building.
- There will be some store exclusives this year but they weren't shown.
- The 50 figure count includes vehicle drivers which, as we now know, may not all be great.
- I missed exactly which vehicle they were talking about, but in the early photos both the the Ninja Combat Cruiser (VAMP) and Ninja Commando 4x4 (AWE Striker) were listed with Snake Eyes as the driver.  One of the two is actually coming with Night Fox, not Snake Eyes.  But I forget which.  Too much ninja this and ninja that to keep it all straight.
- There's a Night Ops Battle Pack with Mouse, Snake Eyes and Sgt. Airborne
- Cobra Invasion Battle Pack with Firelfy, Storm Shadow and Invasion Trooper

I'm definitely worried about not getting Jinx Kim and Blind Master until wave 4.  Based on RoC, and the late waves of Renegades and 30th anniversary, I just don't have faith in Hasbro's ability to deliver anything past the first 2 waves of a line that doesn't start with Star and end with Wars.

If you guys have any questions that weren't answered on the Joe sites, LMK, I may be able to answer them.


Joe Defender / Re: 30th Anniversary Line
« on: February 9, 2012, 03:32 AM »
Nerd Rage Toys has some Wave 4 left in stock.  He still has Airtight, Sci-Fi and Zombie Vipers as of this writing.

I put in an order for Airtight, Lifeline, L&O and a Zombie Viper earlier today.


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Spider-Man Movie Series
« on: February 7, 2012, 02:27 PM »
I'm not sure I'm happy with the design for the Lizard, but the rest of the trailer looked good.  Possibly a little better than I was hoping for.


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