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Messages - Phrubruh

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Great list Ryan. I have a large van that I can fold down all the seats. All this stuff will fit in it very easily. It's not a concern. We definately can do some carpooling down there. I could take one personal legally with me. We could meet at my house that morning and get things loaded. Not sure on the time we can get in to setup. We need to find that out from Frank as the day gets closer.

I have a folding table and three camping chairs for the booth. A cooler full of bottled water would be good to have. It would be good to include some dry snacks for whoever is manning the booth. I have most of the customizing supplies already but I'll go shopping to pick up the extra stuff. I don't know how much customizing you want to do on site. Things are in pretty good condition right now. 

The fruit market arrived today.

Celebration IV - Ultimate Group Project / Re: C4 Activity Planning
« on: April 30, 2007, 08:37 PM »
that sounds cool. is the pantry a resturant?

This is from their web site. There is usually a long line outside the place.

Established in 1924, The Original Pantry has spent eight decades providing its customers with generous portions of traditional American cuisine. The restaurant started with 5 employees in a building at 9th and Figueroa St. It consisted of one room -- a 15-stool counter, a grill and a hot plate. It wasn't long before patrons were forming lines for seats. To offset the wait they were asked to place orders in advance. This practice continues to this day and is largely responsible for our tremendous turnover.
The Pantry survived the difficult years of the Depression and even managed to expand by adding a dining room in 1934. When World War II came in the forties, almost half of our boys joined the armed services. All but one had returned by the end of the war. In 1946, we expanded again to accomodate 60 people. Our family had grown to 46.

As the business grew, so did the city, and our property was acquired by the state for a freeway ramp. So, in 1950 The Pantry moved into its present location at the corner of 9th and Figueroa streets. The day we moved lunch was served at the old location and dinner in the new, with no loss of customers.

Today, The Pantry is close to Staples Center and the L.A. Convention Center, Dodger Stadium and Dorothy Chandler Pavilion and is accessible from the 101, 110 and 10 Freeways.

The Pantry's facilities are available for events, and we will cater offsite as well. The restaurant is also available as a filming location and has been featured in numerous films and television shows over the years.

More than just a casual eatery, The Pantry offers diners an atmosphere rich in character and history. An integral piece of Los Angeles culture, The Pantry has served many movie stars, politicians and other celebrities and continues to be a gathering spot for the city's movers and shakers.

As The Pantry's current owner, former Los Angeles Mayor Richard Riordan likes to boast, "We never close. We're never without a customer."


Dan Mathis

Celebration IV - Ultimate Group Project / C4 Activity Planning
« on: April 30, 2007, 12:58 PM »
Do you guys have any items for activities or get togethers you would like to do during C4? I'd like to have at least one lunch or dinner planned during the show for everyone that participated. Any ideas where? Maybe the Pantry?

Welcome to Parenthood you guys. Remember it just gets more expensive from here.  ;)

But it's all worth it. :D

Don't worry, I'm totally committed to being there for set up, booth patrol and providing my Imperials.  In fact, I was going to offer Paul any pre-set up help at his house.

There is only one caveat that could prevent me from being there, and that is if my ailing mother-in-law passes away. I can't see why the army isn't a slam dunk. Even if worst case scenario, I can either hand it off to paul before hand or PenDragon can bring it with him.

Sounds good. We'll talk about it more at the jd meet this saturday.

So I guess we will have to live the boy scout motto and "Be Prepared."

Even if he can't for some reason, I'll be flying in Thursday afternoon & staying at his house.

Does he know that?? I can just see it.  ;D

I wonder how many, if any, tables come with the booth?

I hope somebody has a back up plan. Does anyone else have the ability to fill in for Anton if things fall through for some reason. If anyone else whom is going to be involved in set up has the abilty to pack up their Imperial Army and have it on site just in case it's needed I'd suggest they do so.

I'm meeting up with Anthony (darth_anton) the saturday before for our quarterly JD get together. I have no doubt he will come thru.

Yah, most of the rebels lost their heads. Shall I glue them back on?

Fritzkkrieg, I'm very greatful to you for all the great customs you sent and the donations. It's going to make life alot easier at c4. You definately know how to pack up your custom figures for shipment.

Sure. Are you going to build it? ;)

Ok this figure is not actually going to be in the UGP Dio, but it is being auctioned off to help sponsor the project. The final sale price of this figure will be donated to the UGP.
LMK what you think. Your feedback is always appreciated.

Sandtrooper Corpse

Congratulations on the winning bid of $40 for this figure!!! :D


Brent Sinclair


Order 66 customs

Justin Cook

Ron Baumhardt

Justin Cook

Order 66 Customs

Brent Sinclair

Order 66 Customs

....and Justin Cook's wall boxes that I didn't take a picture of.

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