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Messages - Phrubruh

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I took a few hours today to take pictures of the items that I've received. For the most part everthing arrived in great shape. You can see from the pictures in this thread what we have and what kinds of things we need still need or need more of.

Currently I'd say we are lacking on imperial troops and buildings. But keep everthing coming. I'll keep posting new pictures as soon as packages arrive.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Top 5 Hotties
« on: April 27, 2007, 05:05 PM »
I think she works as a hottie. She's even a real Jedi!!

Got stuff from Brent today. :D

The way I see it, if I can't phyiscally cram it into the table as part of the display and make it make sense, it will go in our booth area for display.

Actually, I kind of like that GH-style Ree-Yees. ;)

So far I've got about 10 HUGE boxes stacked up in my dinning room. My mailman is starting to give me dirty looks everyday.  ;D  I hope he doesn't go postal.

I'd perfer to keep it simple (ie cheap). I'm planning on printing out some of the preproduction art for poster boards at the booth.

Celebration IV - Ultimate Group Project / Re: UGP - Sponsorship
« on: April 26, 2007, 09:41 AM »
Fantastic! The bids are over $30 now.  :)

Thanks guys, I'm glad most everyone seems to like the junk yard.  It was a fun piece to do but I think it will surely be overshadowed by a lot of other things in the project.  It's not quite Owen D. material in my view but for my first experience with styrene, I'm excited about it.

Phruby - How is the wall coming along?  Any questions about it?


Havn't touched it yet. I'll be working on it this weekend.

Keep'm coming guys! We've got lots of space to fill. How about some more vehicles and spaceships?

That Mearkat looks so small compared to Vader. I like the scale. I can't wait  to get ahold of these. Keep the figures coming guys! We've got alot of space to fill!

I've got to say that I'm totally blown away by all the fantastic pictures I've been seeing over that past few months! My biggest worry is how these pieces will all fit together. It should be alot of fun setting this up. So far, most everything has survived shipping. There are some little problems but nothing right now I can't put back together.

I've asked jedistyle to look into getting us a booth banner. I think it needs to be something very simple such as just the name and web site address. LFL will be more likely to approve it if it is simple. However, they did approve the original web site banner. PenDragon, if you can get that original picture to jedistyle maybe he can get it turned into a banner. We don't have much money to spend so the simpler, the better and cheaper. If worst comes to worst, I'll print out a large banner.

Please start sending in what you have. Do not wait until the day for c4. This will only guantee that we don't see your item in the dio. We have very little time left!!!

PM me for address.

Just a friendly reminder, we have

10 days left!

to get your figures done. I've already received packages from Diego_bah, Chewie and Fritz. Feel free to start sending them now. PM me for address. I don't want to be receiving things the night before C4. That would be bad and probably will guarntee that the item doesn't make it into the dio.

if Quazar sends him to me as he promissed. We'll see.

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