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Messages - Phrubruh

Pages: 1 ... 323 324 325 326 327 [328] 329 330 331 332 333 ... 444
Celebration IV - Ultimate Group Project / Re: UGP chat
« on: April 2, 2007, 04:49 PM »
Good luck there. I see no reason for a chat. We have nothing to discuss except to get people off their collective asses and start working. We need townspeople, droids, aliens and vehicles in a bad way.

That statue is going to look great. Too bad we can't have a really working fountain around it with black water. I could dream.

I really want the purple one to be in the UGP diorama at C4. Quazar, would you please send him to me for inclusion before May 1st?

Celebration IV - Ultimate Group Project / Re: Web Site FAQs:
« on: April 2, 2007, 04:05 PM »
These are all great questions. I'll post an answer to each of these a little later today.

If you have completed you assignments or have completed a number of figures, please start sending them to me. I need to start cataloging this stuff so I don't get overwhelmed with things on the last day in May.

PM me for my address.

This is all well and good but WE MUST START CREATING CITIZENS, ALIENS AND DROIDS FOR THE DIORAMA. So far this city looks like a battlefield and not a real working city. This is not a worn torn city like something in a battle zone. I know imperials and jedi and fun, but your going to have to make me pick and choose what figures are going to in the display. I really don't want to leave anything out but I will if 90% of the population is imperials with heavy machine guns.

Please start sending me what you have.

Lets just bare in mind that this is CITY NOT A BATTLEFIELD. Therefore, we need a ton of citizens, droids and aliens roaming the streets. We need small accessories such as little market baskets with fruit, tables, chairs and other things to help decorate the streets and make them looked lived in.

We do not need alot of imperial army guys. Infact, we don't need really any jedi at all. Maybe there will be one rooming the streets but this is suppost to be after ep3 and closer to ep4. Therefore, we wouldn't see a gang of jedi having a shoot out with imperials.

The thing is, we have only about a  month and half to get these buildings built and have lots of miscellanous citizens running around the board. Agruing over whether an rebel should have a certain insigna is stupid. We don't have time for this kind of discussion.

Everyone needs to start working on citizens, droids, aliens, ships and vehicles. These are in desparate need! Please start sending everything that you have to me. So far I have only recieved one small box.

I will help out in any way you guys need. If you need me to finish some painting just let me know what you need. Just get the pieces here in enough time for me to do this.  (ie Not night before)

Remember guys we have 58 days left. I sense the stresses of the due days are getting on some people. Please keep the project in prospective and keep pushing thru. Things do not have be perfect especially in a group setting but they do need to be finished. The goal is something to show at C4. We have alot of work to do.

This is true. Since the buildings are underway, we need to get some population created. Why don't we call the city C4 as a kind of Imperial designation or call sign?

Celebration IV - Ultimate Group Project / Re: Decision made
« on: March 26, 2007, 09:45 AM »
It's chewing gum.  ;)

Sure if you can pronouce it for me at C4.  ;D ;)

Ok. We are going to use the fan booth in ADDITION to Franks place. The booth will act more as a lounge and meeting space for us while the dio is at Franks. That keeps us out of his hair. Pendragon is bringing the naked Twi'lik dancing girls.

Celebration IV - Ultimate Group Project / Re: Decision made
« on: March 24, 2007, 11:35 PM »
Cool. Sorry Frank we've never done this before. Its been a great learning experience. Sometimes we are a little thick headed around here. Well...mostly me. :P  I guess that is what happens when everything gets discussed in a committee.

Happy Birthday dude!

So Tom, you need to get ahold of the dancing Twilek girls. I hear their is a spearment Rhino not far from the convension center. We won't go into how I know this.  :-[

Celebration IV - Ultimate Group Project / Re: Decision made
« on: March 24, 2007, 07:05 PM »
Frank's got a great point. I havn't sent anything off to Mary yet so we still have the booth. I think we should keep the booth for literature handouts and contests while still pointing people to see the real display over at Franks. Heck, Frank could also store a few things there if he wants. This way we can help point people over to Frank, we still get any passes that come along with it and we don't have to worry about manning the empty booth 24 hours a day. It makes for a good offsite meeting area or lounge to hang out in and visit each other without getting in Frank's way. It's kind of the best of both worlds.

I really like this idea. What say you all? 

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