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Messages - Boba Binks

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Saga '02-'04 / Re: New Saga TIE Fighter!
« on: April 5, 2003, 10:36 AM »
Yeah I was told long ago that the wings were going to be larger. If not, that is bad. At least it is a ship that everyone can use.

Oh, I hope they show up at the KB Stores and not just the website. I also want the 12" Pig Guard.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: !! Man This Is A Sucky Thing!!
« on: April 5, 2003, 10:33 AM »
I hope this will be an easy thing to get over and done with. If not I am screwed.

I was told that on Monday to call an 1-800 number to talk to someone at the credit company and see if they can sort this out. I am sure since they called me first that they are looking into this right now.

I have a feeling it is on-line purchases because I shred all my paper work before I throw it out. If someone wanted to piece back the pages I guess they could.

I hope it does not take months to get things straightened out. If it does I need to start looking for a new creidt card.

Middle Earth / Re: Lord of the Rings
« on: April 4, 2003, 09:18 PM »
LOTR kicks ar$e!!! I have the Two Towers on DVD and I have watched it so many times that I know all the words. My favorite speech in the movie is at the end that Sam says to Frodo when things start to change for the better and give hope for them to go on.

I cannot wait until Return of the King.

You can view my LOTR collection at

I only have my laptop with a 14" screen. I have it set to 1024 X 768.

Watto's Junk Yard / !! Man This Is A Sucky Thing!!
« on: April 4, 2003, 09:13 PM »
Today I got a call from my credit card company asking me why I have charged so much in the past two days. I was like what!?! I have not used my charge card except for a few things that I have on order from a few on-line stores. (New waves of figs, pre-sells, ect. Less than a $200.00 of stuff)

Apparently my card has been maxed out to the $10,000 limit. I asked how could this be when I have less than $100.00 charged up. They show in the past two days my card has been charged on many occasions. So now my card has been canceled and now I am going through th process of fighting the charges. That means the few things I have on order are now invalid.  >:(That just ticks me off to no end. I do not know how anyone could of got my credit number and use it in stores or on-line.)

So now there is going to be an investigation and I am going to press full charges on the person or persons who has done this to me if and when they are caught. It is not like I am going through a lot of stress as it is.
This is my one and only credit card also. So now I have no card to use to buy toys on-line and whatnot.

Oh man I am mad. I just need to vent.

Has anyone dealt with this kind of situation before?

Any advice would be greatly respected.

Saga '02-'04 / Re: New Figs totally destroyed
« on: April 4, 2003, 09:06 PM »
When I have ordered a case with my nephew I noticed that the figures are packed in really tight. So when you try to pull them out you need to really grasp onto them pretty hard and yank them out. So yeah, the way the new figures are being packed make it pretty hard for a carded collector to get a minty fresh figure.

It will be very, very, very, very for you to get a very clean and pretty card.
Good Luck though.

Toy Reviews / Re: 12" Han Solo, Lando (Guard), & AT-ST Driver
« on: April 3, 2003, 12:00 PM »
Johnny Carson now that you mention it, yeah.  :)

Collector's Tips / Re: Action Figure Stands = HELP!!
« on: April 1, 2003, 02:34 PM »
Yes!! Real Stands those are it!!! Thank You! I do not know why I could not remember that.
I just ordered 150 of them.

Thank you!

**Man I must be looooooosssssiiiinnnnnggggg it! :)
I could only rest for a few hours. Now I am up and running again.

Collector's Tips / Action Figure Stands
« on: April 1, 2003, 11:35 AM »
Can anyone tell me where I can order those clear circle stands for the Star Wars figures? For the life of me I cannot remember where I bought the ones I have. It has been so long ago.
I ordered them from some website but can't seem to remember.  >:(

They are the same stands that the Fan Club gave away when you bought the Hoth Leia, Pote Snitkin, Death Star Droid, and now I can't remember the other figure.

It has been a long past 24 hours. I am now going to go to bed and get some rest. I am so glad that I have the rest of the day and tomorrow off.

If anyone can help out please post.
I need to order about 100 or so of these stands. I only have about 15 left in my stockpile.

I just posted about these. Sorry I did not see this thread before I posted.

Anyways today at Meijers I found this new set of 12" Dolls at Meijers for $19.99 each.

1:6 Scale Figures and Collectibles / Re: 12" Plo Koon
« on: April 1, 2003, 11:24 AM »
I have him also. I really like the doll except for two things. The black pants and the very wobbly head.

Other than that he is a great doll.

Toy Reviews / 12" Han Solo, Lando (Guard), & AT-ST Driver
« on: April 1, 2003, 11:21 AM »
Well today at Meijers I picked up the new wave of 12" Dolls for $19.99 each.

12" Han Solo
Well, it is Han Solo. The head sculpt is Han-esq. Not really a good likeness. The head looks to fat for the body used. It is Han who ate too many donuts or something. A Major crash for this doll.

The hands are the standard kung-fu grip hands.

Standard Han Outfit from Episode 4 with the same belt that the first Han doll had.

The boots that come with this 12" doll is not like the other boots of past. The set of boots are a thin sticky type rubber. Which I find to be a major downfall of this doll.

There is a lever on his back. If you pull it down his right arm raises up.

So with the ugly fat head and the boots I give this doll a 2 out of 4.

12" Lando as Skiff Guard
Lando is Lando this time for the head sculpt, not the Hispanic Version of the Cloud City Lando so many years ago.

The Outfit looks nice except for the lower skirt part. It is made of very thin cheap vinayl.

The hands have the bendable hinged fingers like the 12" Dooku doll.

The Gun is a nice scuplt and painted with details. It fits into the holster that has a snap to keep it in there.

The Staff is short in my opinion. But non the less it looks ok. It only comes up to Lanso's shoulders.

The Helmet is nice and heavy. A nice scuplt and nicely painted details. Too bad there is no liner in it to keep it snug on his head.

Over all I give this Doll a 3.75 out of 4.

12" AT-ST Driver
Ok the AT-ST Driver to me looks like a younger General Rieken from Hoth with the standard GI-Joe scare on his cheek.

The outfit is a nice one piece jumpsuit.

The boots are like the Han Solo. The set of boots are that thin sticky type rubber. Which I find to be the only downfall of this doll.

The Helmet and Goggles are nice. The elastic on the goggles are a bit too long so I had to double it like a rubber band and palce it on the head. The Helmet itself is nice and heavy. The chin strap hold the helmet on very nicely.

THe Gun is that funny Imperial Blaster.

I like this doll alot. More with the helmet on. Without the helmet he just looks like a standard Imperial.

I give this doll a 3.25 out of 4.

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Should I put up my customs again?
« on: April 1, 2003, 10:49 AM »
Ok. I will retake some pictures of my customs so that they at least have a uniform background, slap on a watermark, and build a page for my custom figures.

It will take a bit of time...

Saga '02-'04 / Re: Pegwarmer of the Year Award
« on: March 31, 2003, 09:40 AM »
For the Indianapolis area I will have to go with Jango (pilot) and Padme (Pilot) these two figures are everywhere.  >:(

Star Wars Action Figures / Should I put up my customs again?
« on: March 30, 2003, 12:26 PM »
Many of you know that I have customizing since POTF2 was released in 1995/1996. I had a website showcasing my work.
I took down that section of my website for I was finding many of my customs on other sites saying that they were their own creations.

Anyways, I have been getting some e-mails from people who ask where did my customs toys go? I told them I took them down. It seems that some people want me to put my customs back up on my site. So I have to ask. Should I or should I not I re-take pictures of my custom figures and put them back up on my site?
If there is a demand to do so I will in time.
If I do I will have to watermark them in some way so others do not steal my work and pass it off as their own.

An update on my customizing. I have not had the time to do any customizing since last May or so. So I do not really have anything new. But I have a list of customs that I want to do. I will be getting back into customizing again, when I do not know. It is a passion that I have and want to continue.

So what do you think you fellow customizers?

Yes or No!?!

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