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Messages - Nicklab

Pages: 1 ... 375 376 377 378 379 [380] 381 382 383 384 385 ... 784
The Wookiee Arcade / Re: Knights of the Old Republic
« on: June 18, 2013, 10:33 AM »
I downloaded KOTOR for my iPad the other night.  The game is the single biggest file on my iPad, and that's a little bit of a pain.  But so far, it plays pretty much like the PC version with only a couple of minor differences.

The Black Series 3.75" / Re: Defender Wishlists 2013 Discussion
« on: June 17, 2013, 10:27 AM »
So Merumeru FINALLY shows up on a figure rumor list for this year or early next year?  I've had him on my ROTS wishlist ever since the movie came out.  Still, I'm skeptical that it's actually happening.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: A Game of Thrones (HBO)
« on: June 17, 2013, 08:41 AM »
Yeah, the Reed children were definitely in the back of my mind along those lines.  But Beric did show up in a single scene of Season 1, albeit played by a different actor.  I can't say that I recall him showing up anywhere else prior to the events of season 3.

As for Strong Belwas?  I can understand why he wasn't introduced in season 3, since the premise for his introduction was the inclusion of his squire, Arstan Whitebeard.  The show didn't go with that, though, and straight-away we knew that the old, bearded mystery man in Astapor was Barristan Selmy.  Simply because the television medium makes the concept of a disguise tougher to pull off.

Is there any chance Robert is Jon Snow's father?

I highly doubt that.  George R.R. Martin has been laying out the hints regarding Jon's lineage for a while.  And one of the key things he asked David Benioff and Dan Weiss when they initially met was who did they think Jon Snow's mother was?  Apparently, they answered correctly.

I know that there's sometimes conflict between the books and the television series, but an important thing occurred to me when I was watching the season 1 DVD's recently.  During the episode "The King's Road", there are two notable scenes where Ned discusses Jon's mother.  First, as Ned parts ways with Jon as they both leave Winterfell, and again when Ned and Robert are talking over lunch. 

Clearly, Ned has something to tell Jon, but does not want to tell him that early on in the book.  Perhaps he wants to wait until after Jon has taken his vows, and is a sworn member of the Night's Watch?  After all, Maester Aemon, one of only three known surviving Targaryen's is a member of the Night's Watch.  But as a sworn brother, Maester Aemon has relinquished claims to any titles.  Does Ned intend to tell Jon about his true lineage after he is a sworn brother so that he can hold the same status as Maester Aemon?

And then there's the conversation with Robert.  King Robert specifically asks Ned about "his bastard's mother" during their conversation along the side of the King's Road.  Ned identifies the mother of Jon Snow as "Wylla".  But what if Jon's mother is indeed Lyanna Stark, and Ned said as much?  That might drive a serious wedge between Robert and Ned, and put Jon in danger.  After all, Robert and Lyanna had been set to be married.  And it was Rhaegar Targaryen's abduction of Lyanna that caused Robert and Ned to go to war with the Targaryens.  Ned is well aware of Robert's hatred for the Targaryens.  What would Robert do if he came to learn that Jon was not in fact Ned's bastard son, but the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and the woman he loved, Lyanna Stark?  Ned is one of the most honorable characters of the series, but it seems quite clear that he's been lying to everyone about Jon in order to protect him.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: A Game of Thrones (HBO)
« on: June 17, 2013, 06:48 AM »
I've been wondering about Strong Belwas.  He has a role to play further down the line.

But there's another character that I thought we would see more of who was introduced in season 2.  Namely, Ser Dontos Florent.  We got to see him in the first episode of season 2, but he's disappeared since then.  He also has a role to play.  Will he return for season 4?

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Iron Man (Movie and Sequels)
« on: June 15, 2013, 10:41 AM »
And what about your star?  Robert Downey Jr. has been through a very rough and public battle with substance abuse.  He's defied the odds and managed to turn his life and career around.  He's also one of the most gifted actors of his generation.  And if he was going to do a movie with a character arc that revolves around substance abuse, I think he would want it to be done the right way.

Maybe, but we don't really know what RDJ's opinion is.  Maybe he signed on for this character thinking he could play out a story of substance abuse and redemption.  Maybe he would come across as incredibly believable and realistic because of the fact that he's gone through it in real life.  Maybe taking on that challenge and hitting it out of the park would give this movie some emotional firepower.  The best movies teach you something about yourself or give you a moral to rally behind.  What was the moral of IM3?

Let's not forget that RDJ was only 3 years removed from being in recovery when he was cast as Tony Stark in 2007.  And with his comeback, circa 2004, he has had to deal with contractual clauses and insurance policies that were designed to ensure that he would stay clean and complete his work on film projects.  Reportedly, this may still be the case of RDJ's contracts to this day.  Are his issues under control?  I hope for his sake that he is.  Especially in light of some of the amazing work he's generated in the past decade.  But addicts do relapse.  And most people in recovery will tell you that it's possible for anyone to relapse.

Then take a look at the box office receipts:  the Marvel films with RDJ as Iron Man have grossed over $3.9 Billion.  That is HUGE money in the bank.  Do the executives at Marvel Studios / Disney take a risk with that successful of a franchise by doing a story about substance abuse with a star who has had very public issues with substance abuse?  Try looking at that purely from a business standpoint, and I don't think the studio would want to take that risk.  Call it a copout as much as you want.  But remember, this is show BUSINESS.

As for the "Demon in a bottle" comic story arc, it was groundbreaking stuff.  I don't think anyone would deny that.  But the summer movie format just does not seem optimal for appropriate treatment of that kind of issue, and the dignity that it deserves.  Clearly, you seem to think that you can write that movie.  Will it really work?  Would it be successful?  That's another issue entirely.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Iron Man (Movie and Sequels)
« on: June 15, 2013, 07:52 AM »
Talking about the issue of alcoholism is one thing, but making a summer movie with it as a major plot is another thing entirely.  When Shane Black attempted to make Iron Man 3 more of a character study about Tony, I get the sense that the audience wasn't on board as much as they had been for Iron Man, Iron Man 2 and Avengers.  And you want to take this character study to an even darker place?  Just from the standpoint of producing a summer movie it seems like a bad idea.

How bad?  Apparently, Disney didn't want to go there either.  And they told Shane Black as much. 

And what about your star?  Robert Downey Jr. has been through a very rough and public battle with substance abuse.  He's defied the odds and managed to turn his life and career around.  He's also one of the most gifted actors of his generation.  And if he was going to do a movie with a character arc that revolves around substance abuse, I think he would want it to be done the right way.  Especially since he's been through substance abuse and recovery.  A summer popcorn movie does not seem like the right venue to examine a very complex issue like alcoholism.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Iron Man (Movie and Sequels)
« on: June 13, 2013, 03:41 PM »
I think everyone is in agreement.  I don't think you can tell that story over the course of a movie.  If it we were talking about a television series, that might be a different thing.  There you have the time to do the long play in developing plot points.  Tony's drinking has been written into the movies.  And the only time it proved to be a problem was in Iron Man 2 at the party.  Shane Black really didn't touch on it in IM3, interestingly enough.  But Joss Whedon did work the drinking into Avengers.  Will it develop it anything more?  We'll have to wait and see.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: A Game of Thrones (HBO)
« on: June 12, 2013, 01:39 PM »
....And let the speculations about season 4 begin!  Clearly, there are some hanging storylines that are notable:

-What's to become of the Wildling Raiders who are south of the Wall?

-Where will Bran's journey with the Reeds lead?  And who will they encounter?

-What did Melisandre see in the flames?  And what will Stannis do?

-What becomes of the apparently reformed Jaime Lannister  following his return to Kings Landing?

-And what of Cersei's arranged marriage to Loras Tyrell?

There are some new characters who should be working their way in to season 4.  Notably, the Red Viper and some of the Dornish.  Can anyone else think of new characters that might work their way into season 4?

Saga Legends / Re: Saga Legends Rumors
« on: June 11, 2013, 11:14 AM »
More rumors are surfacing over at FLYGUY.NET.  The figures that are rumored to be on the way (complete with UPC's) include:

•Star Wars Episode III AT-RT with Clone UPC:653569741824
•Star Wars Episode IV Tie Pilot UPC:653569797234
•Star Wars Episode III Saesee Tiin UPC:653569831495
•Star Wars Episode III Clone Pilot Jag UPC:653569831518
•Star Wars Episode III 212th Clone Trooper Action Figure UPC:653569799153
•Star Wars Episode III Galactic Marine UPC:653569831594
•Star Wars Episode III Emperor Palpatine UPC:653569831488
•Star Wars Episode III Clone Trooper 327th UPC:653569831549

Based on the characters, I'm thinking that these are PROBABLY Saga Legends offerings (with the exception of the AT-RT).

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: A Game of Thrones (HBO)
« on: June 11, 2013, 10:23 AM »
Time to get off the chamber pot.

You might laugh at that one in hindsight once your done reading the books.

Well played, sir.


Too clever by half!

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: A Game of Thrones (HBO)
« on: June 10, 2013, 05:45 PM »
Without a doubt, my favorite scene from the finale was Tywin dressing down Joffrey.  Sending the King to bed without supper, and having Pycelle give him a sleeping potion?  Tywin has really stepped up to handle his monster of a grandson!  But then to follow that up with Tyrion & Tywin's exchange?  That was fantastic.

The intersection of Sam & Bran's journeys was great.  It was great just to see a little of one of the other castles on The Wall, first and foremost.  Even if it was a ruin.  And the stories of treachery at the Nightfort added to the sense of lore.  I will admit:  I was a little disappointed in one respect with these scenes, and the fact that one character wasn't included.

Jon Snow's return to The Wall was something I was waiting to see.  And Ygritte didn't disappoint in lighting him up before he got there.  I was missing that in last week's episode.  Maester Aemon's message to Stannis and the other lords of Westeros following Sam's return did appear to be something of a game changer.  Especially with regard to Stannis, Davos and Melisandre.  Clearly, Stannis's focus will be shifting elsewhere.

I have to agree that the final scene was not something that I found interesting.  But it does move forward Dany's story arc as a liberator.  Still, I thought that a closing scene with Jon Snow and what's to come in his storyline might have made for a stronger closing scene to the season.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: A Game of Thrones (HBO)
« on: June 8, 2013, 02:01 PM »
Hmmm.  I think that if you want to pick up where season 3 of the TV series is leaving off, you may just want to read all of Book 3.  Picking up in the middle of the book would probably make for an odd reading experience. 

I actually started readying the books following season 1 of the show, and the first book I read was A Clash of Kings.  After that, I read the rest of the series in order.  Since finishing book 5, I've actually gone back to read the first book.  There are some serious differences between the books and the series, but the overall direction seems to line up.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: 'The Hobbit' movie
« on: June 8, 2013, 01:54 PM »
Considering that The Hobbit falls under the general Warner Brothers banner, does anyone else think that it's likely we'll see a trailer attached to Man of Steel?

The Black Series 3.75" / Re: Black Series Rumors
« on: June 8, 2013, 08:09 AM »
This list is based on what information? At this point I gotta wonder.

Yeah.  After the whole "The Black Series will ONLY be available in North America" mess, you have to start exercising some skepticism with some sources.

Clearly though, the Mace Windu in Clone Wars gear had been in the works.  As for everything else?  We'll see.

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