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Messages - JesseVader08

Pages: 1 ... 393 394 395 396 397 [398] 399 400 401 402 403 ... 421
Revenge of the Sith / Re: 2005 Red Metallic Darth Vader @ Target
« on: February 16, 2005, 01:05 PM »
I am almost positive that it will be a promo item tied into April 2nd to get you to go to Target instead of TRU/Wal-Mart.  It should end up being just like the TRU Silver Figures were where you buy $x.xx amount of product and you get one for free.

You've got to admit, that's a pretty smart move on Target's part.  Who wouldn't want something for free when they're going to be spending their money anyway? 

But if they want to really compete, they'd better get their prices closer to Wal-Mart's, because one free figure won't make up the $$ difference if you're buying, say, 20 figures.  (not that it'll be a factor for me, seeing as how we're not blessed with Targets in Canada - when I visited Arizona, I was really impressed buy how much more organized it was compared to most Wal-Marts I've been in.  Granted, that was only one Target, but it sure created a good first impression for me.)

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Ep3 Sneak Preview Anakin's Starfighter
« on: February 16, 2005, 01:00 PM »
Well, we know wookies have the ability to fly starships...   ;D

Gentle Giant / Re: Gentle Giant Busts
« on: February 16, 2005, 12:07 PM »
Old Japanese saying: fix the problem, not the blame

Too true.  I'm so much happier to have someone simply admit to me that they screwed up, rather than fling BS in my direction.  You can always smell it.

Other Collectibles / Re: Kinder Suprise - Hipperium
« on: February 16, 2005, 12:05 PM »
Martin's Curiosity Shop has the set of 10 figures in stock, plus the Landspeeder, Plush Yoda, and MAXI R2 in stock.

Collections / Re: Mikey D's collection
« on: February 16, 2005, 11:53 AM »
The stuff I have carded but not in cases is orange cards.  They're nostalgic for me but not really worth protecting.  I do plan on opening them for their own little He-Man, Masters of Star Wars display but haven't done so yet. 

Exactly!  I just finished a deal with i4imperial to get a bunch of those orange carded figures (already loose) so that I can display them.  I just get such a kick out of those steroid-freaked-out figures!

Collections / Re: JesseVader08's Collection
« on: February 16, 2005, 11:46 AM »

The only problem with something like those, is that that's where my wife would really start drawing the line.  When she saw some of the "cutesy" Playskool sets sitting in my hobby room, she got rather annoyed, and suggested there's no way in hell I was collecting that "baby kinda crap" too now...  (her SW tolerance has it's limits, which is shrinking a bit of late)

Of course, I quickly lied and said the GH sets were just for some other guys on the board.   ;)

Actually, my wife is the opposite.  She gets such a kick out of the kiddy stuff like these Hippos and the GH sets and thinks it's great that I wanted the complete sets.  Naturally, I took advantage of this and did my best to get them!   ;)

Yes, there is 10 but there is also the rare chase Dark Laser in black.  ;)

Ahhh, **** Dale!  Well, I'd better hit eBay - gotta have 'em all!   ;D

Other Collectibles / Re: Kinder Suprise - Hipperium
« on: February 16, 2005, 11:41 AM »
My old link to the display no longer works, pulls up a frickin' Ewok ::)  How's that for irony >:(

Ha!  I did get a kick out of that.

This is a good spot to post my pic of the 10 basic figures:

This little info sheet was included by the seller I purchased the set from on eBay (it's 3" by 4 1/4"):

Dale has also posted some great links in my collection thread.

Collections / Re: JesseVader08's Collection
« on: February 16, 2005, 02:31 AM »
The Hippos set is complete, only 10 in total, as shown in the info sheet:

As for the price, you most certainly may ask.  $32.61CDN shipped from Germany to Canada, about $25US.  Sweet.   :)  It'll never be worth anything, but just too unique to pass up on!

As for the 9th one, well he's kinda useless.  When you mix and match the 3rd set of 3 stormies to produce the 7th and 8th poses, you're left with him doing the funky chicken:

Hmmm... Black spray paint.  Maybe I should try my 1st custom and somehow articulate his arm and make my own variant.  One of a kind!  Must be worth at least $200, or more!  (sorry, eBay rant there  ::))  But seriously, it could be fun to try and customize one...   :)

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Bar's open! What'll you have...?
« on: February 16, 2005, 02:08 AM »
Oh ****.  I cracked open the vodka again tonite.  Damn that goes down nice.  But I only had a couple, cuz I don't need to make an ass of myself again.  Right?  I still gotta try that Red Bull and Vodka combo Dave, maybe tomorrow?  My wife is working, she'll never even know.  Tee hee.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: What Were You Thinking Michael Knight?
« on: February 16, 2005, 02:06 AM »
Ah, the memories.  Thanks Dale, now I remember why I loved this show as a kid - clearly it was some quality programming!   ;)  Nothing beats the classic "evil twin" plotline.   ::)

Collections / Re: JesseVader08's Collection
« on: February 16, 2005, 01:25 AM »
After getting a few bust-ups, I'm really enjoying them and glad I ordered the Stormtrooper 3-packs from  I ordered three of them, and managed to create a pretty cool army:

I've been waiting for a good deal on these incredibly cute Kinder Surprise Hippos based on Star Wars characters.  I finally broke down and won an auction on eBay from Germany:

They are named as follows:
Leia - Prinzessin Hippeia
Luke - Luke Eiwalker
Chewie - Aubacca
Han - Happy Han
Jango -  Jango Jet  (I'm not sure why they chose Jango over Boba, he's the only non-OT figure)
Vader - Dark Laser
Obi-Wan - Obi-Wan Hippobi
R2-D2 - Erzwo Hippo
Yoda - Hippoda

I also managed to pick up the ROTS sneak preview figures, POTC (all 8), and the last 2 waves of Galactic Heroes 2-packs.  More pics to come as I rearrange my display wall of carded figures...

Collections / Re: Mikey D's collection
« on: February 16, 2005, 01:14 AM »
Hmm.  I actually stayed away from the tubs for my carded figures and prefer the cardboard (file boxes are great) because the perfectly square corners of the boxes will keep my cards in the best shape.  The curved corners tend to cause the cards to bow out and potentially crease, at least for me.

However, I do understand the fear of flooding.  Fortunately, my remaining boxes are up on blocks to hopefully keep any water away.

Vintage Kenner / Re: Vintage ebaY auction wins!
« on: February 16, 2005, 01:08 AM »
Glad to hear that the figure appears to be genuine.  I guess these guys have to make a couple of legit sales in order to build up their feedback, luckily enough you were one of those guys.  Good luck with the weapon.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: 2005 Red Metallic Darth Vader @ Target
« on: February 15, 2005, 06:55 PM »
I'm up for one and will need help, unless Target roams north really quickly.

There's still hope - remember that rumour that Target was going to buy out Zellers?... 

Anyway, if they're done right, they could be very cool - purely as a display piece obviously.  But like Brent says, they have to be done right - my R2 is nice because it doesn't look like it was just dipped in a bucket of 17 year old 99cent paint (like the TRU Vader - of course I still bought one - add another hypocrite to the list). 

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: JD Pics to Names!
« on: February 15, 2005, 12:46 PM »

I was thinking of not going to C3, but after reading that my bags are packed and ready to go!!! 

Yes, I said grinding.  What, a guy can't share a special moment with the corner pocket in order to distract his female opponent?!  ****.   ::)

I better shut up now.

 :-X  Are you kidding me?  Now I'm scared to even consider going.  The last thing I need is to see a guy's package sitting in the corner pocket...  Thanx Matt, my mind is burned with that image, I'm not going to sleep for a week.  :-*

(actually, I often wind up dancing/grinding on pool tables, and not regular ones)

Alright, now you're talking!  I've been known to bust a move on a few tables, but I actually prefer speakers.  My sense of balance when I'm drunk is uncanny.   ;D

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