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Messages - JesseVader08

Pages: 1 ... 394 395 396 397 398 [399] 400 401 402 403 404 ... 421
Collections / Re: Mikey D's collection
« on: February 15, 2005, 12:30 PM »
Oh, most definitely looking forward to more pics!  So is that room in the picture the one where they are going to be displayed, or are they going to be distributed around the house?  How big is the room (if using only one)?  Any hints as to how you will organize it?  Am I asking too many questions?   :-X

Gentle Giant / Re: Bust Ups!
« on: February 15, 2005, 12:26 PM »
What am I, chopped liver?

After I saw the news about the Black Hole Stormtrooper, I went and ordered 3 sets.  Lo and behold, it paid off because I got one!  WOOHOO!

My most humble of apologies Sir!  29 years old, and the ol' memory is failing already...  Uh, what were we talking about?   ;)

My precious ;D
According to Jim, there are actually four stormie's in the box, three regs and the black, so that's awfully sweet.

Now that's cool, I somehow missed this comment before.  So you still get the regular 3 whites and a black.  That's a very cool bonus!

Kubricks / Re: Power of the Kubricks!
« on: February 15, 2005, 12:14 PM »

Hologram Leia, 50$ BIN

Must... fight... the urge...

I spend too much $$ as it is.  I can't start Kubricks too...  :-\

Clone Wars '03-'05 / Re: Animated Wave 3 (and beyond)?
« on: February 15, 2005, 11:49 AM »
Hmmph, tres boring ;D

 :-[  (by the way, we need a smiley who's tongue sticks out and covers the reader with spit to show our disdain for their cavalier attitude   :P ::: )   :(

I managed to find the ARC, Anakin and Grievous in Arizona when I was there, but no coloured clones.  But here in the Great White North, I haven't even seen an animated clone to save my life.  Maybe Superstore or London Drugs will get this 3rd wave in soon (like they eventually did for the 1st & 2nd waves)?   :-\

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: JD Pics to Names!
« on: February 14, 2005, 12:43 AM »
I'm not really all that bad.  Well, not really...

Are you trying to convince us, or yourself?    ;D

Watto's Junk Yard / Happy Valentine's Day!...
« on: February 14, 2005, 12:41 AM » me!  No seriously, I just got the best gift a guy could ask for.


That's right.  Today, my wife offered me her sewing room so that I could expand my Star Wars room.   :D  So I spent the entire day ripping out cabinets in another room in the basement so that we can create a joint spare bedroom / sewing room.  I'm bloody tired, but the excitement of the prize at the end of all this work kept me going.   It's likely going to be a couple of weeks or months before we complete this new room so that she can move out and my toys in, but this will certainly be the most motivated I've been for home renovation projects.   :)

Somehow, the charm bracelet I bought for her just doesn't seem like enough now.  I think I'm going to have to sneak out tomorrow morning and get her a little extra something.  Cuz I obviously have the best wifey there is!    8)

So I'm sending out an early HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY to all my geeks at JD - may your day of hearts be filled with mushy stuff.   :)

Gentle Giant / Re: Bust Ups!
« on: February 14, 2005, 12:20 AM »
Congrats on the Blackhole Stormtrooper!  Glad to hear that at least one of us lucked out.

As far as I'm concerned, the others don't exist, unless they drop below $30 a piece.  I'd love to have them all, but I am completely ecstatic to have just one :-*

I think that's the best mentality to have with these chase pieces - if I got one, cool, if not, oh well.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Top 5 Hotties
« on: February 13, 2005, 12:57 AM »
Glad you like it, have a hottie!  :)

Mmm... that picture was delicious, more please...   ;)

Other Collectibles / Re: Playskool Galactic Heroes Thread
« on: February 12, 2005, 10:42 AM »
Thanks Matt, I think I can take that Scout Trooper off my list.  Of course, that means I have to actually complete my Playskool collection, I only ever tracked down the X-Wing Adventure and Duel with Darth Maul.   ::) 

What's funny, is that the Hasbro reps at their SDCC booth actually CAUGHT me trying to snag some more extra Scouts out of their supply box sitting right next to them. I just played it off like I thought they were free, and that we could just help ourselves to them since they were sitting out (after they'd probably seen me go through their line about 10 times already... ::))


I would have LOVED to have seen you try and explain that to them.   ;D  I'm sure they might have believed a five year old, but a twenty-something?  Priceless.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Celebration 3 Figure: Talking Darth Vader
« on: February 12, 2005, 02:43 AM »
I'll wager $20 on the Drunken Canadian - we're wiley you know!   ;D

Holy ****, he's hassling you, so you get to swear at him, not the other way around!  I would've lost my grip too.  Don't you wish you could reach through the phone and strangle these guys?  I used to listen to these telemarketers, but now I politely say no, even twice, but after that I simply hang up.  I've got better things to waste my time with.   ::)

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: JD Pics to Names!
« on: February 12, 2005, 02:26 AM »
Would that happen to be Boba Fett on your shirt?   ;)

Vintage Kenner / Re: Wow
« on: February 12, 2005, 02:21 AM »
Original Kenner Boba Fett Photo Art Star Wars Prototype

Darth Vader Resin Stunt Lightsaber Prop

I don't think I'd be in too big a hurry to bid one something for the money he wants when he only has a feedback rating of 43.  Even if these are legit, I think he's going to have a hard time convincing people of that fact.  Nowadays, you have to be skeptical about auctions like these on eBay, and I think that's going to hurt his ability to sell.

Gentle Giant / Re: Gentle Giant Busts
« on: February 11, 2005, 03:20 PM »
I really hate FedEx right now!   >:(  1 week later, it's still there in ******* customs!  >:( >:(

Grrr... FedEx, what a bunch of crooks.  I can't stand dealing with them, why can't and deal with USPS?   Nothing pisses me off more than those damn brokerage fees, and obviously by your situation Dale, they're not always very fast either.    >:(

I'm hoping I've got a Han bust waiting at home for me tonight as well...

So, looks like it's time for Round 3 on the Gold/Chrome Sandtrooper:

Do I hear $3K?!   :-X

Looks like that last one didn't sell at $3k and he hasn't re-listed it yet.  Apparently there is only one dumb-ass out there willing to pay thousands for this bust...  ::)


I'd love to hear about how GG tracked down the guys that are selling these gifts and cut them off from any product in the future - hell, I'd laugh my bloody ass off.

Other Collectibles / Re: Playskool Galactic Heroes Thread
« on: February 11, 2005, 03:15 PM »
I've managed to collect nearly all of the two-packs, I think they're just too damn cute to pass up on.  The only thing I need is a Stormtrooper 2-pack, I've never seen them on the shelves north of the 49th.  And the SDCC Scout Trooper would be nice too, but a lower priority (I'm assuming they're a tad more $$ to track down).

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