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Messages - Deanpaul

Pages: 1 ... 36 37 38 39 40 [41] 42 43 44 45 46 ... 56
Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Snow!
« on: December 21, 2004, 12:05 PM »
We have Snow in the mountains. None in the valley, well, none that stays. This ski resort is 25 minutes up the mountain from me.

Request for Scott:

I'd like to see some Super Tiny Oranges in your next project. Will you work these babies in somehow?

EDIT: I just came back to find this link for something else and it now leads to an "inappropriate" web site. I've taken the link out of the post, but if you google "super tiny oranges" you might be able to find the correct site.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Guys i need help!!!
« on: December 20, 2004, 09:34 PM »
Can't go wrong with flowers or diamonds - girls eat that **** up.

Or chocolate. I know girls that eat chocolate.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Guys i need help!!!
« on: December 20, 2004, 07:36 PM »
I asked this at rebelscum too, but i want to get as many ideas as possible before its to late!

 its getting so close to Xmas and I still dont know what to get this girl i like for a present. Please help!!

If you're dating her, break up with her. If you're not, don't start.

If you can't think of a gift she would like, or one you could at least feel good about giving her, give her the gift of letting her date someone else.

I know it sounds harsh, but coming to a Star Wars fan site for advice on love? Give her the gift of moving along.

I have that same Mac monitor here at work where I view this forum. I used to browse at my home office, but I needed a more high paying job. So, now I really have to work for a living.

Cool! Which one? The 21" Cinema Display, or the 17" B&W Studio Display?

What is your new job, and what was your old job?

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Where are you, when you're here?
« on: December 20, 2004, 08:52 AM »
I finally discovered the return key. Is that better?  >:( What resolution do you boys have your monitors set at? 640x480?  Seriously, sorry about the widness. I wasn't getting that at all at 1680x1050. :-*

C'mon. No one has pictures?

Watto's Junk Yard / Where are you, when you're here?
« on: December 19, 2004, 11:45 PM »
I usually browse JD from my *cough* office *cough*... Although I've got the Powerbook as well and check from the road when I'm travelling or working off-site.

Here are a few snaps of my attic office I took for a website:

So here's the question: Where are you, when you're here? And, what does it look like?

Dean, tell me you don't use that thing for browsing the internet...

I know, I know... I've considered downloading Firefox or Opera, but just have not had the time. Too busy playing those dang penguin games I guess.

With tabbed browsing and the ability to sync bookmarks across different computers, it isn't all bad (for a hack like me) ;) ... Even Homer Simpson uses tabbed browsing:

EDIT: The good news is that JD works just fine on Safari. Except Colman's sweaters look a little more pink each time I log in...

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Stupid **** From the Internet Thread.
« on: December 19, 2004, 07:00 PM »
You ain't seen nothin'yet!

Classic. Don't let Brad see that link... It will take him an hour or so to realize it's a loop and then he'll be pissed (again).

I never said it was going to be difficult... Check out the time:

Penguin fun. Discuss.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Pics to names 2 - The 2004 Holiday Season
« on: December 17, 2004, 02:17 AM »
Would someone be so kind as to spruce it up with a Santa hat on my noggin?  I think that'd give it the added seasonal touch that it really needs.


I have a new poster in my room, right next to Bertha.

... I want to cut the head balls off of the Stormie and Han...

Note to self: enable language filter.

j/k - congrats on getting off your butt, Scott! I was cutting you slack until after the holidays, glad to see you're making progress.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Lord of the Rings
« on: December 16, 2004, 01:10 PM »
I'll be adding The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (Special Extended Edition) DVDs to my Christmas List. If anyone has forgotten, that's 12 discs worth in one slipcase.

Wait, wait, wait a second here...  Are you saying they're gonna be releasing a boxset of all three EEs together?  I don't follow the DVD news too religiously, but that's the first I've heard of it (though I assumed they would probably do that eventually).

I REALLY hope they don't add anything into that set that isn't otherwise available in the other three EE sets seperately.  Anyone know the details on this thing?  Or is Brad just talkin' out of his ass?!   :P

So, is there a 12 disc set? Or was Brad butt talking [again]?

I totally understand.  Our phone number has 2 digits reversed compared to the number for the 7-11 in town.  So you can imagine the strange times of the night that we get people calling asking for the flavours of slurpees they have.  How freakin' hard is it to dial correctly?  Ok, I make mistakes too, but if it's 3 in the morning, I make damn sure that I'm dialing the number right.   ::)

You know, they just might believe you about the ink cartridges.  I mean, it's such a bizzare story that they'd almost have to believe that no one would make it up.  Cross your fingers, some days you get an understanding store manager.   :)

My direct dial office number is one digit off of the Marriot Rewards customer service number.

My favorite so far was the dude from the deep South who, after I answered "Hello, this is Deanpaul at *********" shouted "How many them points I got!?!". It was early on in the nightmare, so all I could ask was an honest "Huh?".

In recent months, I've begun to have fun with the "situation". I'm nearly ready to start collecting their personal information, for a devious plan I'm hatching.

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