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Messages - Muftak

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This was not on my radar at all as a possible buy, but after that quick look and description I really want it.

The only question I have is how does the pack-in Stormtrooper's sculpt compare to the Rogue One stormie sculpt? Are there obvious sculpting differences (apart from the paint job?)

Is there confirmation on the exact outfit on this figure. I'm just asking because a "Bespin Leia" could be a tweak of the "Hoth Leia" that will be hitting soon...

Solo: A Star Wars Story / Re: Solo 3.75" Basic Figures
« on: June 11, 2018, 12:43 PM »

Rogue One was planned to be a short line since TLJ was coming May 2018... then TLJ got bumped and Rogue One line felt incomplete.  Now SOLO is coming just 5 months after TLJ and it feels like both lines ended up short changed - TLJ stuff hasn't been on the pegs long enough to clearance and is kind of eating up space that could go to SOLO.

The whole thing is pretty diseased and hopefully with no new Star Wars movie until Dec 2019, there will be enough time to get some more figures from both TLJ and SOLO to the stores. The "final wave" for the TLJ/Solo stuff shouldn't happen until next spring at least...

Agreed with this assessment, and I hope they can sort themselves out in the "downtime" between movie releases.

I can't and won't let Hasbro off the hook for bungling stuff, though. The fact that Last Jedi got bumped back six months on the schedule, yet Hasbro still had to scrap the last wave of Rogue One toys they had planned and put into production tells me everything I need to know about it where fault sits.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Toys R Us (Or: Die, Dinosaur, Die!)
« on: June 10, 2018, 06:01 PM »
Took my kids to our TRU to look around today and finally found something I'd bite at: the Imperial Bike with AT-DP Pilot. They had a few of them along with the Ezra Bike and Kanan Y-Wing filling six feet of display space in an aisle far removed from the Star Wars section. Only $10, which was the price I was looking for back in 2016.

That is good to know. And it might be a behind-the-scenes change eBay just made, because an international buyer just bought 18 things from my store in a matter of minutes (without paying) then asked for everything to be cancelled because eBay wouldn't let him pay on the other end.

(Sorry for the detour folks. We now return you to the discussion of the Kessel Run Millennium Falcon...)

I had no problems ordering, but the nature of my work means I am usually carrying a balance in my PayPal account itself so my payment came directly from that. 

As an eBay seller I have heard of glitches like that during checkout from my customers, and they seem to happen pretty randomly (I've never been able to replicate it when it happens to somebody to figure out what happened) Sorry it happened to you. :-[

I got one...

It's kinda funny because I just got a package from him today, and still had stuff in my eBay cart from my last browse. Han put me over the edge to completing another order. Between this 5POA one (and the Vintage version when it shows up) I should finally have that "Solo" Solo itch scratched.

Thanks for pointing it out, Rob!

But at $40 they break down to $13.33 each. Hasbro would tell you that limited-edition figures cost more to make, so they have to cost more to buy. You know, the smaller the edition, the higher the cost.

The problem is these types of figures cost $13 to start, which is already asking a lot...

There can't really be surprise or sticker-shock, can it? It breaks down to $17 a figure. The standard release Vintage figures are $13 each. These are the Comic Con Exclusives, so you had to figure they would individually price out at higher than that.

Don't get me wrong--it's a high price, but not unexpectedly high.

Star Wars Anthology / Re: Solo (SPOILERS)
« on: June 5, 2018, 04:39 PM »
I could see the theory working out. Lest we forget Larry Kasdan co-wrote both TFA and Solo, and had the clout to get rid of the guys who tried to mess with his story

I liked (a lot) the restraint shown in "Solo" where they refrained from having Greedo and Boba cameo (When I saw Enfys Nest's swoop gang raiding the conveyex I had a sinking feeling we were about to set up the EU beef with Dengar, too.) Instead, they brought in the surprise cameo and the only thing I could think was "world building" ala when Sam Jackson would show up in an old-school Marvel movie (and having typed that just now, how awesome would it have been for the surprise cameo to be Sam Jackson as Mace Windu instead?)

And now we've had the unofficial announcement of Mangold's writing/directing of a "Fett" movie. I assume such a film is going to serve as much as a sequel to "Solo" as its own thing, and I hope they get to reuse characters/actors (especially Q'ira now...if her final scene turns out to be her final scene it will hurt future viewings...) Let's hope Kasdan can communicate with Mangold about things that seem to be set up going forward. (And for that matter, I wonder what would have happened if Rian Johnson had gone and had a long talk with Larry instead of the infamous short talk he had with JJ.)

Star Wars Anthology / Re: Solo (SPOILERS)
« on: June 4, 2018, 08:26 PM »
Crazy idea that won't ever happen:

Alden Ehrenreich should play Indiana Jones when Ford is done.


Do you realize what you just did to the minds of the "Original" Star Wars fans??

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2018 Vintage Collection Wave 1
« on: May 30, 2018, 11:09 AM »
There is a big cardboard shipper of Solo toys showing up at Targets to coincide with the new movie, and apparently this wave is included with it--I finally found a Hoth Rebel in the shipper at my nearest Target.

It also had a Wampa, which was the first time I had seen one of those in a few weeks. Might be worth the chase if you are still catching up on the launch stuff. (I have given up on the Mimban Stormtrooper now that wave 2 is hitting...maybe he will get picked up for a future wave.)

The Black Series 3.75" / Re: 3.75" Black Series Rumors
« on: May 18, 2018, 05:24 PM »
These are the "Rogue One" era reissues, correct? The ones I could buy for over a year on deep discount at Wal*Mart (and in a couple of armpit stores, still can)?

Looking at EE, the Shoretrooper/Cassian Andor revision case is already gone. People love that Shoretrooper!

I have a feeling EE is going to be handling these cases almost as long as they were selling the POTF2 Muftak & Kabe 2-packs they picked up 20 years ago...

Solo: A Star Wars Story / Re: Solo 3.75" Basic Figures
« on: May 17, 2018, 10:42 AM »
Found a case of wave 2 on the pegs at Target today, the cards all crinkled on the right side. I picked up Hoth Leia and Moloch. Great figures on both counts.

Leia is the upgrade I didn't know I needed, and all the fun little details oh Moloch have me anticipating the character in the movie next week in ways that remind me of getting Admiral Ackbar early in 1983.


I may be up for that one...  :D

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