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Messages - Muftak

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TV-9D9 / Re: The Mandalorian (SPOILERS possible)
« on: May 11, 2018, 08:24 PM »
I could get behind this idea...glad to finally be exploring this era!

Rogue Squadron? The First Knights of Ren?

Interest piqued!

TV-9D9 / Re: Star Wars Resistance - Coming Fall 2018
« on: April 27, 2018, 05:12 PM »
Like I said, no worries. I'm glad there is some kind of debate/difference of opinion in the discussion. Things would be too stale if we just all agreed out of hand.  ;D

TV-9D9 / Re: Star Wars Resistance - Coming Fall 2018
« on: April 27, 2018, 12:23 PM »
Honestly, I have no patience anymore for the entitled Star Wars fans, the ones who think everything Star Wars should be things they specifically want and nothing else.  Bad news for you dudes - your time is over and it's only gonna get worse for you.  This cartoon is not OT focused.  Many of the new movies and TV shows will not be OT focused.  There will be TONS of new Disney Star Wars characters introduced in the coming years.  And you know what?  That's OK. You might even accidentally like some of it.

I feel like I'm getting beat up a bit in here, but it's all good. I read some of the other comments across the boards and if I'm the worst curmudgeon JD has, then things here aren't so bad...

I have given every new thing Disney has thrown at us a fair shake. Some I like, some I don't. I am guilty of having the same "OT Man-Crush" you profess to, Jeff, of course.

Maybe I am feeling oversaturation fatigue? I dunno.

At the end of the day I have no problem with the show that I haven't seen except I honestly don't get how its pitch wins out over OT goodness. Of course I will give it a shot, just as I did Clone Wars and Rebels (neither one stuck for me, but that's taste for you.) I love Star Wars stuff, even the goofy awful stuff (Okay, sometimes I like the goofy stuff even more than the straight stuff.)

TV-9D9 / Re: Star Wars Resistance - Coming Fall 2018
« on: April 26, 2018, 10:47 PM »
I dunno.  ??? I loved the Anime-style "TIE Fighter" short that got produced a few years back. I'm not adverse to the concept, but two sentences into the blurb and I was tired of this show already.

It's as easy as this to me: you could have a "Kazuda Xiono" show, or you could spend the same money and have a "Luke Skywalker" show. Which one is gonna have a better return on your investment? Do you think the "Ezra & Zeb" show was more successful than a "Han & Chewie" show would have been?

I don't buy for a second that Disney is trying to "not dilute the brand" by not focusing on legacy characters. There is more crappy merchandise than ever, and for Star Wars that is really saying something. I'm talking Spaceballs proportions.

Nor do I think they are overly concerned with preserving the narrative. I'd point to the conflict between the storylines of TFA and TLJ but that horse is far beyond dead.

I get why Jon Favreau's live-action series would have a focus away from the OT stuff. I understand why 30 years later the Sequel Trilogy takes place 30 years after ROTJ. I can appreciate why George Lucas put "Ewoks" on Saturday Morning TV in 1984. But today, here and now,why can't the most recognizable segment of the brand be put to work on a weekly basis in animated form?

My 8-year old son was scanning through the "Forces of Destiny" shorts and was mesmerized by the Luke/Yoda story and the Maz/Leia/Bouush story. It doesn't have to be adult-aimed stuff, in fact I'd argue it shouldn't be. Why can't they just do more of that?

Have I really become an old angry grump?

TV-9D9 / Re: Star Wars Resistance - Coming Fall 2018
« on: April 26, 2018, 08:03 PM »
I asked it when they started "Rebels" and I'll ask it again...

Why can't they just give us an animated series following the main characters from the OT in all-new adventures? Especially now that we have thirty years of story between Episode VI and VII they could wade through? Why is Disney adverse to the money they could make with such low-hanging fruit? I mean, I thought that's what Disney stood for...

I'm not all that interested in the further adventures of young Poe and BB-8...even if it finally answers what the Resistance is resisting (I bet it won't, and I'll never know.)

Star Wars Anthology / Re: Solo (SPOILERS)
« on: April 24, 2018, 04:09 PM »
I didn't even read your tiny type and I know exactly what you are referring to. If that is the case, it will almost require a whole other movie just to explain how the droids happen to get there.

Star Wars Anthology / Re: Solo (SPOILERS)
« on: April 24, 2018, 09:51 AM »
Do you think C-3PO and R2-D2 will be in this movie? They have been in every other movie so far. Isn't that the rule?

They have no place here. Them showing up in "Rogue One" for no reason other than "because..." seriously took me out of the movie.

If they feel they must do it, I hope it is tongue-in-cheek, like in silhouette that is ultimately revealed to be a guy in a gold lame' jumpsuit hauling around a white and blue vaccuum cleaner.

If I remember the movie correctly, every time someone challenged/beat his scores he would then get an even higher score and regain or retain his spot at number one.

It's new, and backward compatible to last fall's TLJ ForceLink toys. New ForceLink 2.0 figures are not compatible with the original ForceLink.

It is also supposed to be forward-compatible, and will be able to update the sounds it contains so that going forward you don't have to buy a new one every six months to keep up-to-date.

So if I buy one for the figure, I can't check the paint apps first...

...or make sure the unscrupulous lot haven't already removed the figure and returned the set. At least with a window box they have to replace it with something. So much for stopping the thieves, I think this makes it easier.

This is not a cool development, and has pushed me to not being interested in tracking this Han down 'til deep clearance time. My son likes his ForceLink enough I would have considered it otherwise.

Other Toy Lines / Re: Your First Action Figure (Any Line)
« on: April 12, 2018, 10:28 AM »
Star Wars: R2-D2 (This was before I saw the movie in '78, when the figures first showed up in the store. My older brother who had already seen it got Luke.)

GI Joe: Destro (I loved his chrome head, and he was a bad guy for my Star Wars figures to fight. Later I would buy lots of Joes (especially Cobras) to fill out my Star Wars adventures as the 80's wore on. Eventually my friends and I wound up cracking them all open and mixing/matching parts to make our own superhero characters out of them. For all the Joes I owned, I never played GI Joe.)

MOTU: Trap-Jaw (I had avoided this line the first times I saw it in the store, but once I saw the commercial for Trap-Jaw I really wanted to play with him. From there I started watching the cartoon, and for 1983-84 this was my go-to toyline, snuggled right between the death of Star Wars and the beginning of Transformers. He-Man and I were never "exclusive," but we had a great affair. I even invented a subline called "Cat Island" that was a story about where Cringer/Battle Cat and Panthor came from, and included a whole bunch of other cats like Cringer's love interest, his best friend etc etc. I drew pictures, and wrote stories about Cringer's return to the island to stop evil Panthor, and how hard it was for him because without He-Man he couldn't turn into Battle Cat and instead had to handle it as himself. My first fanfic!)

Transformers: Windcharger & Hound (I saw the Decepticon cassettes in the stores first, and was really intrigued by them but didn't have enough money. My younger brother got Windcharger and he was the first one I got to transform. Once I had watched the cartoon miniseries, I really wanted to play with them. My mom worked at a department store and happened to be taking care of the toy section the day the big Autobot cars first showed up, and she called me from work and asked me which one I wanted--my immediate reply was Hound because of the impression he had left on me from the miniseries. This became the toyline that took me to my teenage years when I started to transition from "playing" to "collecting." I remember getting Powermaster Optimus Prime and realizing I was too old to play with him, but I still appreciated it as a toy. Ah, to be a teenager, such a confusing time...)

Star Wars Anthology / Re: Solo (SPOILERS)
« on: April 9, 2018, 12:42 PM »
"I have a good feeling about this!"

The Vintage Collection / Re: Big Items of the Future!
« on: April 6, 2018, 12:32 PM »
The Ghost would be great, and maybe makes the most sense, if it shows up in future TV. I'd wager a updated Skiff will hit retail next year, to go along with the Barge. A re-release of the POTF mold is possible, but let's see something new.

Love all the ideas on the transport. Probably way down the list, but I'd buy it. The next SW HasLab will be TF next year, almost certainly, and it will be something massive like the DS or so left field no one will guess. But it's fun guessing.

I would want to see a Twilight over a Ghost, I loved the design of the Twilight. Plus the Clone Wars figures were at least available, and the mains needed for the crew have even been done as realistic VC versions. They could get reissued for the occasion.

I'd also be seriously ready to go with the Rebel Transport in the Sail Barge treatment.

An $80 VOTC Skiff at retail next year would be very interesting.

My gut tells me the next thing HasLab throws at us is a Death Star Playset (as opposed to a Death Star Replica or a Death Star Modular Diorama) followed by a Blockade Runner not-to-scale vehicle.

Okay, I'll try this one...

1 -- Vintage B-Wing Pilot (this was me when I used to play Star Wars as a kid. Luke adopted him and called him "Champ."
2 -- Shogun Warriors Godzilla (he attacked the Death Star so many times...)
3 -- Transformers Blaster (loved him, he replaced Optimus as the Autobot Leader in my version after reading his exploits in the old comic book.)
4 -- Vintage Jedi Luke Skywalker
5 -- POTF2 Muftak (I never in a million years thought they would make a figure of him. Still my avatar on the boards)
6 -- Transformers Snapdragon Triple-Changer Headmaster (the Blackbird SR-71 is still my favorite plane)
7 -- MOTU Trap Jaw (I didn't like He Man 'til I saw that guy, then I was all in.)
8 -- POTJ Bespin Capture Han Solo (Just right, how does a piece of plastic ooze such personality?)
9 -- Vintage Max Rebo (I couldn't believe he was wearing a diaper under the organ! All my SW figures doubled as musicians, the Ewok VIllage was their concert stage and I would play 50's "best of the oldies" LPs for them to perform. Obviously Max was always there...)
10 -- POTF2 Jawas (I have bought so many of these, I must have had over a hundred by now. Gave many, many away over the years as a memento.)

Good topic!

Did the Ithorian prisoner go away?  I'm not seeing him in any of the mock ups they're showing now, and without really digging deep he doesn't seem to be on the HasLab page anymore.

He's still listed in the details. Don't worry.  8)

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