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Messages - Nicklab

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The Vintage Collection / Re: Vintage Collection Rumors
« on: August 18, 2011, 03:28 PM »
The Villains & Sith sets sound potentially interesting.  But will they deliver?  Just brainstorming through some of the possibilities...

Holo Darth Sidious & Nute Gunray
Darth Maul & Destroyer Droid
Count Dooku & Super Battle Droid
Asajj Ventress & Tactical Droid
Darth Sidious & Shock Trooper
Darth Vader & Stormtrooper
Emporer Palpatine & Royal Guard

I passed on Chewbacca, Even Piell and R7-D4 when I saw them today at a K-Mart store.  $9.19 a figure?  No way at that price.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Recent Vintage Collection Purchases
« on: August 17, 2011, 05:04 PM »
Bought the K-Mart exclusive B-Wing today.

Hey Hasbro! / Re: Questions for Hasbro?
« on: August 16, 2011, 06:04 PM »
QUESTION:  The mini-rig concept seems to have been very well received by collectors.  Especially some of the movie realistic offerings (Hint, hint) as well as some of the original designs like the Y-Wing Scout Bomber.  But we're also left wondering if we can expect some new animation derived vehicles like the underwater sled as seen in the CLONE WARS season 4 trailers.  Can we expect to see more original designs, Clone Wars designs, Saga designs, or a blend of all of the above over the next year?

QUESTION:  The upcoming Battle Droid from the recently announced EPISODE I wave looks interesting.  It definitely has people wanting to see more of it!  And it also begs the question, will this new Battle Droid be repainted so that we can get some high-quality versions of the Security, Pilot and Commander Battle Droids?

QUESTION:  One of the highlights of the CLONE WARS Season 4 trailers have been some clips of Jedi General Krell.  He's a Besalisk, complete with 4 arms and 2 double-bladed lightsabers, and he plays a prominent role in a 4-part story arc in the upcoming season.  With all of that in mind, he HAS to make great fodder for a Clone Wars basic figure.  And it make you wonder, how WOULD you give Jedi style articulation to a character with 4 arms?  Oh, and in the process we'd love to see you revisit Dexter Jettster in similar fashion, too!

TV-9D9 / Re: The Clone Wars - Season Four Discussion Thread
« on: August 16, 2011, 03:01 PM »
I don't think people really grasped the concept of Season 3 (Secrets Revealed) until later on in the season.  It wasn't until then that it became clear that they were trying to tell some of the backstory to plot points that had been explored in both Season 1 & 2.  Plus, the political stories didn't really translate well to the animated series.  Perhaps it was intended to be that transitional point for the eventual shift towards the ROTS era?

Season 4, OTOH, seems dark and forboding.  I gather that some of the darker settings are the Umbara storyline.  And the Mon Calamari scenes look far better than anything we saw in the Tartakovsky series.  Yes, I said it.  That stuff looked like 2D animation crap, and it was dated within a year of it's release.  I'm also wondering what the deal is with all the Togruta that were lined up.  There was a storyline in the CW comics about Togruta being taken as slaves.  Is Filoni going to explore that storyline which was very much focused on Ahsoka?  Hmmm....

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Avengers (and sequels)
« on: August 16, 2011, 01:15 PM »
Nope.  One of the final scenes of Iron Man 2 specifically dealt with an evaluation of Iron Man and his fitness for what Nick Fury referred to as the Avenger Initiative. 

As for the figures?  They're definitely prototypes.  And I wouldn't expect anything movie accurate from Hasbro yet.  The Avengers toy line will probably launch around March or April of 2012.  Sure, they could try to do a teaser in time for Christmas.

TV-9D9 / Re: The Clone Wars - Season Four Discussion Thread
« on: August 16, 2011, 11:12 AM »
Another trailer has been posted.  Check out The Clone Wars Season 4 "Battle Lines" Trailer

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Avengers (and sequels)
« on: August 15, 2011, 09:28 PM »
This Gothamist article has some shots of the Avengers shoot that is underway in Cleveland, OH.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Hasbro Q&A Sessions
« on: August 12, 2011, 09:16 PM »
Why can't Lucas make something else? What happen to all those great ideas for movies he never made? What all we get from that is Willow and Howard the Duck?

Like Red Tails?   Check out the trailer.  George Lucas was Executive Producer and writer on this upcoming release

Wow.  Tough choices to make.  30 of my choices made it into the Tournament of Champions.  Here's who made the cut:

#03 R5-X2
#07 PK Droid

#01 Cliegg Lars
#04 Jocasta Nu

#08 Tera Sinube

#01 Emperor Palpatine (Office Duel SA)
#02 Padme Amidala (Buns Hairdo)
#05 Merumeru

#06 Baniss Keeg

#01 Toryn Farr
#02 Han Solo (Carbonite)

#01 Nien Nunb
#03 Sergeant Doallyn
#05 Sim Aloo

#05 Darth Sion

Star Wars Universe / Re: Boba Fett: The Movie
« on: August 12, 2011, 11:14 AM »
This whole Boba Fett feature film idea may be an attempt to salvage the live action series concept which we've been hearing about since around 2007.  And no doubt, an overwhelming problem with doing a television series is that the ad revenues and ratings at the major networks are down.  The audience has been dilluted by the explosion of cable and satellite tv.  That downturn in ad revenue means that the budget for a tv show HAS to remain manageable. 

Effects budgets are coming down.  There are a lot more digital effects houses today, and computer processing power is far greater today than it was when The Phantom Menace was in production in the late 1990's.  And with those advances we've seen effects heavy feature films like Skyline get made for between $10 - $20 million.  But can a Star Wars television show generate the advertising revenue to produce a series?  Or is a Bounty Hunter based feature film the more economical way to go?  This whole thing could really boil down to what makes the most business sense.

I honestly think that one of the better options that all parties involved should explore is a short run, hour-long series on cable.  HBO proved that the audience is there with Game of Thrones.  A 10 - 13 episode run of Star Wars - Bounty Hunters on HBO  would probably be better than a Boba Fett feature, or a 20 episode run on TNT.

Local guy got his today.

Mine is still DOA.  So I think I have missed the boat.

Oh and I lost the bet, he did indeed get the set.  In the Boxed Set Shipping box even.

This really sucks, Paul.  Sorry to hear about it.  You have very good collecting karma, and it really irks me that you weren't able to get the one Death Star set for a giveaway, and dealers were able to get dozens of them.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Hasbro Q&A Sessions
« on: August 12, 2011, 09:46 AM »
It's definitely amazing to see how many movie toy lines come and go but SW keeps on chugging along.  And it continues to be a top earner.  This 2007 article from Forbes addresses the overall earnings of the films along with all of the merchandising, and 4 years ago it was in the $22 billion range.  So as long as it remains profitable for both Lucas Licensing and Hasbro, I think we're going to see the line continue.

I'm curious about who takes Chewbacca's place as well.  I'm equally surprised that 3 of my choices have already been confirmed as figures.  Can't wait for Chewie or that Seperatist Assassin droid!

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: A Game of Thrones (HBO)
« on: August 11, 2011, 05:09 PM »
Sio Bibble as Maester Cressen? 

I've also been happy to see some casting announcements for roles like Asha Greyjoy (now to be known as Yara and avoid confusion about Osha), Craster, Davos Seaworth, Roose Bolton and more.

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