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Messages - Muftak

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I went with:

--Rebel Fleet Trooper (on Rogue One card)
--Snowspeeder Pilot Wedge
--Carbonite Block Han Solo

I added my two cents...

--Sim Aloo
--Chewbacca w/Threepio Backpack (fully sculpted, not a play feature)

Yes, the TRU exclusive version in the Vintage style box:

Solo: A Star Wars Story / Re: Solo 3.75" Basic Figures
« on: February 23, 2018, 10:02 AM »
I think the lack of a basic Han Solo is a strategic business move by Hasbro.  Because there are versions of Han Solo, but at higher price points:  with the Force Link 2.0, in the TVC line, in the 2-packs and very likely with the landspeeder.  Frankly, I think that sucks.

Agree 100%. You also left off the Han that comes with the $99 Millenium Falcon.

You gotta pay for Solo.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Big Items of the Future!
« on: February 20, 2018, 02:24 PM »
As a playset guy, I'd love to see them make Death Star and Cloud City playsets. My ideal would be 3 3/4"-scale versions of the Micro Collection Death Star World and Bespin World. (I think choosing those old sets as the blueprint for new playsets would solve the "that's not the way I want it to look!" sentiments.) Bonus points for including the "Emperor's Throne Room" and "Bespin Cell" that were never produced...someday they could even finish out the series with a Hoth World too even though I'm not as excited to see that.

After those I'd jump up and down to see an "Imperial Outpost" playset based on the old 1985 concept.

436 down as I write this...

Totally on the fence about this for myself. I love that it is happening at all. I've never been the biggest Jabba fan, so this doesn't feel to me like a "Holy Grail" type purchase, except for all the pomp and circumstance now surrounding its creation--the SW version of the USS Flagg, as has already been mentioned.

If I don't go for it, it'd be more for a lack of space than a money issue. This thing is worth $500, I have no doubt.

If it had been a Death Star or Cloud City, they could've doubled the size and the price and I wouldn't bat an eye...I'd find room for those.

I see this making it through the gate, though. I mean, there are collectors out there who bought the BB-8 playset the day it came out, and the Black Series TIE Fighter...there is an audience, and Hasbro figured out how to remove the need to vacillate on when to buy based on whether or not it will hit clearance.

If it looks like it will make it easy, I may just pass and wait for "my" Holy Grail to come 'round. If it looks like it'll be close, it may push me to go in with you all. I never did get around to making a Jabba's Palace display shelf...

I am so happy to have this question at all!

(446 in by the time I finished typing...)

The Vintage Collection / Re: Re: Toy Fair 2018
« on: February 17, 2018, 03:42 PM »
Hasbro introducing “crowdsourcing” format Haslab?  Starts with Star Wars.  You want it you find it.  Jabbas Sail Barge!  You want it?  Ya gotta pay up.  4 deer long!  Holy cow!

I love this post! For what is says both before and after I decipher it!

But seriously Jesse, thanks for the live updates. We all appreciate it, especially when it is such fun news for a change!

And a Solo heist movie in the vein of an Oceans 11 sounds cool, but if it were an Oceans 11 in the Star Wars universe without any known characters?  I don't think I would really find that any more interesting than an animated Oceans 11 starring tropical fish.

**shrugs and throws his freshly-printed copy of "Eleven from the Ocean" screenplay into the trash...** :-[

It's fine to be ambivalent about the future of Star Wars. I've been struggling with those feelings since the Disney purchase as well. I didn't get excited about TFA until maybe Thanksgiving of '15...

As has been expressed, these two new trilogies and any more "a Star Wars story" movies are unknown quantities at this point. It's hard to get excited about a blank page. I can count the "Creator X" announcements that could genuinely excite me on one hand, and I get excited about "movie concepts" only slightly more.

(Not to mention the fact that we've seen more creators dismissed from Disney-era Star Wars movies (or reshot anonymously) than we've seen carried through from beginning to end. It's hard to get excited when tomorrow everyone could get fired.)

I will always love "Star Wars" based on what it has given me. I give movies a fair shake every year, whether Star Wars or not. Some I like, some I don't. Some I love, but I never go into it expecting to love it, I try to let that happen organically, you know?

The Vintage Collection / Re: TVC Rogue One Imperial Assault Tank
« on: February 7, 2018, 08:24 AM »
Perspective is a funny thing. I was pretty much retired from collecting by 2010 when the "Vintage collection" showed up, and while I picked up a few of the new figures I wanted, I was mostly over getting redo's by then. It was pretty much "meh" for me and I am not excited by its return except as an avenue to pick up some of the reissued figures I still haven't tracked down at prices I like. I miss the Legacy/30AC/Saga2 years more, that was when I really shored up the collection I wanted...

That Yakface article is poorly titled...the unrealistic expectations being placed on the "Vintage collection" continuation meeting the sure reality is not going to "make the hobby fun again" for the writer. I guess he figures if he's gonna get his hopes up, he'll just put 'em through the roof...

On the topic at hand, you can see where Hasbro is going with this "Vintage collection" continuation just by looking at their intentions with this tank: feature-filled, collector-grade, high-priced, Disney-era product.

Star Wars Anthology / Re: Solo (SPOILERS)
« on: February 5, 2018, 06:01 PM »
I like how grungy this looks.

Except for the Falcon.  Never thought it was ever that clean.

I'm betting the Falcon is a big fake-out. The ship we keep seeing is going to be someone's well-maintained, pristine version of the freighter. Whatever ship this is, it's the one that makes Han fall in love with the YT-1300 Model (if that's still a thing), so that when the old familiar hunk-o-junk shows up (maybe even in much worse shape than we've ever seen it) Han jumps at the chance to own one, no matter the condition.

And Lando, probably having made the same conclusions since they are on this job together, has the same thing in mind and gets to it first, hence the established backstory.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Toys R Us (Or: Die, Dinosaur, Die!)
« on: January 29, 2018, 04:37 PM »
Retail as we have known it all our lives is going away.  Every year it seems like another major retailer is biting the dust.

That may be and I for one am okay with it. Two of my favorite shopping experiences anymore (Costco and IKEA) are retail as I never knew it could be.

Make the shopping an experience that a family can enjoy as a day trip (seriously, we drive a couple hours to spend a day at IKEA. It's always worth it.) and you don't have to worry about shutting down.

TRU tried to do it with their "Geoffrey" stores, but it was not enough.

The Vintage Collection / Re: TVC Rogue One Imperial Assault Tank
« on: January 27, 2018, 01:43 PM »
I am really excited to watch the shelf-life of this product unfold. Will it disappear quickly? Will it linger? Will it be a regional thing? Will it come in an assortment of previously-released "Vintage" styled vehicles at the same price? No one knows at this point, but the result will have big implications for the future of the vehicle assortment...

Vehicles have never really been my thing and I don't really put them out on display, so I can be a bystander here more or less. I am surprised the pricing of this thing comes up so often in the discussion so far. 80 bucks might be more than you've ever paid for a mid-sized vehicle before, but it's still only the cost of 6 "Vintage" line action figures, so it's not beyond reason. And it has the incredible level of detailing so far above what the Disney-era/post-Chinese manufacture vehicles have had...I am floored by the separate rubber treads (when was the last time you saw something like that?) I mean, just the three kyber crates are $30 worth of engineering and plastic these days...

My advice would be if you want to see vehicles like this in the future, you need to get serious about recalibrating your pricepoint expectations and supporting the Hovertank at retail at $80. If you love it but wait for clearance anyway, you'll be telling Hasbro to not bother developing high-end "collector's" toys anymore. After the death of the 6" TIE fighter (a piece no one asked for, no one bought, and no one has since asked for a line-continuation of) Hasbro really seems to be listening and trying to give the fans exactly the toy they are asking for.

Like I said though, as a student of all of this, I can't wait to see how the history of this toy shakes out.

The Last Jedi / Re: TLJ 3.75" Class A Creature/Droid Assortment
« on: January 22, 2018, 04:14 PM »
...But it'll be one per case with 3 vintage-boxed Rathtars...  >:D

The Sequel Trilogy / Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (SPOILERS)
« on: January 19, 2018, 04:08 PM »

A few questions about the Falcon part: Did someone call for Chewie and Rey to find them in some place other than the shield door (Could be Rey's Force senses at work)?  And why, once they've dispatched the fighters, didn't they go back and take on the walkers, Kylo's shuttle, or the 'doorbuster' laser?  The Falcon's better equipped than Snowspeeders... or were the quad-lasers taken out by Chewie's tunnel detour (and someone said the Falcon loses the dish again)?

I think Matt touched on this, but there is defintiely a shot of Rey using her tracker in the MF cockpit and following Leia's signal through the underground tunnels at the back of the base. I assume she and Chewie had read the situation and realized the survivors needed a getaway ship more than a battle assist.

The Sequel Trilogy / Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (SPOILERS)
« on: January 19, 2018, 01:09 PM »
On my first viewing, I thought Leia was waiting for Finn and Rose and was trying to time it just right so they could get in while keeping the First Order out...

...and then I was completely confused when the Resistance started firing on the crashed shuttle. So yeah, it didn't add up for me either.

I guess I could argue for the Resistance trying to conserve resources, including however much power it takes to close the giant doors. They were only going to close it if and when they absolutely needed to.

(In truth I think the movie was rushed through production and could have used another couple of script drafts to work all this stuff out.)

I totally missed the "here they come" callback. Maybe the line reading needed to be "faster and more intense" for me to get it.

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