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Messages - Muftak

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My gut is telling me that everything has flip-flopped from the "golden age" of ten years ago, when the 2 current lines consisted of 30AC/Legacy/what-have-you featuring new sculpts, new characters, etc, and the "Legends" line featuring repacks and rereleases.

When "Vintage" returns, it will be primarily a rerelease line while whatever current 5POA movie line will be the home of new sculpts. "Vintage" will be a way to keep Vaders, Troopers and Fetts on the shelves, and I have no hope at all of any new OT sculpts.

The 1-in-10 newly-sculpted SA "Vintage" figure will always be from Disney-era media, bar none.

Go ahead, Hasbro: prove me wrong.

Star Wars Anthology / Re: Solo (SPOILERS)
« on: January 17, 2018, 10:49 AM »
I hope meeting Chewie, meeting Lando, winning the Falcon, the Kessell Run, and all that Legacy lore is a minor point to the movie or at least handled in a way where it doesn't feel like they're just checking all the boxes.  I don't want to see 120 minutes of Han history neatly explained when they could devote all 120 minutes to crafting a fun story.

I agree 100% with this. The last ten minutes of Rogue One was a blast, but it felt sort of pertinent to the story and how it dovetails into the original film. Solo does not need that, and too much of it will hurt the movie (sort of how the C-3PO/R2-D2 cameo in Rogue took me right out of what was happening.)

And don't forget they will also feel the need to:
  • set up the personal beef with Greedo
  • set up the personal beef with Boba Fett
  • explain the training remote and blast shield helmet onboard the MF
  • meet a gundark (and have Chewie pull its ears off?)
  • flirt with a career as a nerfherder before going to the Imperial Academy
  • make a witty "Han shot first" reference
  • explain the golden dice from TLJ

Star Wars Anthology / Re: Solo (SPOILER FREE)
« on: January 8, 2018, 05:46 PM »
I know we're all scratching our heads as to if Solo will still come out in May of this year or get pushed out, but assuming that it is coming out in May, when do you think we would find this out and see a trailer?

When I went to see TLJ last month, the lobby poster spot that *had* been TLJ's was now occupied by the teaser poster for "Solo" and said May 25th 2018 on it. I took it as confirmed by that.

Star Wars Universe / Re: Is Star Wars special anymore?
« on: January 2, 2018, 04:12 PM »
I think "Star Wars" is special again. I think it had lost it during the "Clone Wars" years until Force Awakens came out. (Heck, I was jazzed about the "Clone Wars" movie ten years ago before the show became I grind that I gave up on.)

I really liked TFA. I loved Rogue One. After one viewing, TLJ left me feeling like I had watched a first draft, but I really enjoyed huge swaths of it. I am interested in seeing what happens with "Solo." It doesn't feel like a grind. I love taking my oldest son to the opening nights. And he loves it, too.

The toy lines will never have the same depth that they had as a "Nostalgia" property. But we never got Tarkin or the Cantina Band back in the vintage line, either. The toymakers are tasked with keeping up these days. We are lucky to still see as much as we do. Compare Last Jedi's toy mix it to the lines of "Justice League" toys if you don't believe me.

(I also have been blessed with taking a fun idea I had and turning it into a way to "play" with Star Wars everyday. Star Wars has given more to me in the past two years than I can believe.)

I'm ready for more!

Rogue One / Re: Retail Prices/Sales/Discounts
« on: July 5, 2017, 01:48 PM »
The Jedha Revolt 4-pack has been marked down to clearance price, and is now $12.99.  I ordered another for the Hovertank Driver, and I might try to make a custom Benthic Two-Tubes out of Edrio.

Thanks for the heads up on this...I had been on the fence about how much I "needed" this set, but at that price I couldn't resist!

Now to get busy building the Sears-style cardboard backdrop that should have been included with this in the first place...

So the other day I was looking around the web for some Star Wars music to listen to and stumbled across a band calling themselves "Galactic Empire" with an album's worth of cuts from various Star Wars soundtracks, all played in the style of a classic '80s heavy metal band. It was a really fun listen, and I wound up buying the album off Amazon to support the endeavor.

Standouts are the Imperial March and the Cantina Band. They hit the main prequel themes, too, but give deeper due to the OT stuff--I was surprised to find The Asteroid Belt cue on there, but it works great. No Disney-era stuff.

If you like the old metal (I am pretty sure a lot of us here do.) and appreciate the soundtracks, I suggest you give them a listen.

Any one else hear about these guys?

Rogue One / Re: Rogue One 3.75" Wave 4
« on: February 4, 2017, 09:11 PM »
Yay, Bistan finally. Though the paint on that one doesn't seem so great. Hopefully the production version is better.

How do you still have this unscathed optimism?  ;D Production paint better than the photography sample?? Seriously???

Star Wars Anthology / Re: Rogue One (SPOILERS)
« on: December 29, 2016, 09:20 PM »
And speaking of Spaceballs, I find it oddly satisfying that the "Shield Gate" subplot had already been spoofed thirty years in advance...

Star Wars Anthology / Re: Rogue One (SPOILER FREE)
« on: December 27, 2016, 04:25 PM »
Anybody know what the thick silver "pen like" things are that nearly all the characters have in pockets either in the front of their shirts or in pockets in the upper arms?

Code cylinders.

They even have their own Wookieepedia page!

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Official Space Exploration Thread
« on: August 19, 2016, 03:14 PM »
As soon as we hit the singularity, AI will figure out all the solutions in a matter of hours.   ;D

As soon as we hit the singularity, we'll be able to upload our minds into space-exploring robots and leave the meatbags behind...

...which makes the possibility of finding and colonizing an Earth-like planet out there kind of moot.

Rogue One / Re: Rogue One - U-Wing Starfighter
« on: August 16, 2016, 06:22 PM »
If five different companies can do 6" figures I don't see why another company can't step up and make properly scaled "SW vehicle collectibles" that are actually representative of the onscreen source material.

Hasbro can keep making their ****** under scaled Nerf toys, and we collectors can get stuff like The Ghost and Kylo Ren's shuttle that actually go with the figures we buy. WIN WIN!

I'm just spitballing here, I know all the factors that would combine to make this highly improbable. But I would be more than happy to shell out $100 or more for a quality Ghost, even if I had to have it shipped from Japan.

I don't like being Mr. Wet Blanket, but I don't think $100 would even get you the Galactic Heroes version of the Ghost if it was coming from a smaller company doing a more limited run. If you were looking at a figure-sized Ghost with some kind of playset-like features on the inside to interact with figures and the existing Phantom, near the size of the TFA Falcon, I feel like a far more realistic price would be somewhere more in the ballpark of $600-$800.

As for the U-Wing, I like it and am tempted to get this toy. The TFA TIEs, X-Wings, and Speeders had no pull on me at all, so this is a step in the right direction as far as I'm concerned.

The Black Series 3.75" / Re: EE Exclusive: Mystery 6 Figure Set
« on: July 19, 2016, 02:46 PM »
Exciting news! I'm even (especially?) intrigued about the box, given how Pawlus has pushed in the past for diorama-style packaging.

If the "previously released" character is an update of the Lars Family Power Droid, I'll eat my hat!

Other Toy Lines / Re: ReAction Lines
« on: July 12, 2016, 03:11 PM »
Didn't have time to post these in here yesterday, and yes I know they are not technically ReAction, but I saw that Super7 has another wave of He-Man figures coming to SDCC!

I want to like this line...I really want to get into this line...

I was holding out to see what Wave 2 looked like before I decided on Wave 1. I'm slipping more to the "no" side now. Something here just I don't know what it is.

And why Sorceress in Wave 2 and not Teela? I'm disappointed. I should be all over a 3 3/4" MOTU line. I wish I was.  :-\

Star Wars Anthology / Re: Rogue One (SPOILER FREE)
« on: July 6, 2016, 12:02 PM »
Has anyone seen a teaser poster for this, or know if there is going to be one?

Pretty bland stuff...

Rogue One / Re: Re: Rogue One Toy Rumors
« on: June 23, 2016, 07:47 AM »
What were those grey action figure displays that were stackable and space themed. IIRC, they had swappable foot pegs. Can't remember the name of them.

Those were the Ultarama...

I had some of those back in 2000! They weren't expensive, but  they were extremely generic. Still, I was glad to have something figure-specific in the days before I was brave enough to build my own...

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