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Messages - Nicklab

Pages: 1 ... 457 458 459 460 461 [462] 463 464 465 466 467 ... 784
The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Recent Clone Wars Finds/Purchases
« on: April 10, 2011, 02:30 AM »
Found the BARC Speeder with Clone Trooper Jesse today.  Also bought the Army of the Republic battle pack, too.

TV-9D9 / Re: The Clone Wars - Season Three Discussion Thread
« on: April 10, 2011, 02:27 AM »
The reasoning about the Wookiees not having their own starships sounded pretty ridiculous.  Some of the EU backstory for the battle on Kashyyyk in REVENGE OF THE SITH was that the Wookiees were masters of hyperspace navigation, and the Seperatists were trying to capture the Hyperspace route data.  The site of the battle, the tree city of Kachirho, was home to the Claatuvac Guild which kept the hyperspace navigation data. 

It just seems ludicrous that the Wookiees would be at the forefront of hyperspace navigation, but not have their own starships.  My own theory on this particular choice in the storyline of Wookiee Hunt?  It was about keeping the design and animation costs down.  Dave Filoni has said in some behind the scenes videos that the animation team tries to re-use some models when possible.  Sugi's ship had previously been seen in a show, but not utilized.  The animation team had to make some modifications to that model in order to make it work for the show.  But that was no doubt a cheaper alternative than designing a Wookiee starship from the ground up and THEN animating it.

TV-9D9 / Re: The Clone Wars - Season Four Discussion Thread
« on: April 3, 2011, 04:40 PM »
I also caught a sleeker Republic fighter like an ARC-170/Z95/Xwing cross.

Gotta pump out some new toys!

The previews have definitely been interesting.  And there's going to be another Dooku vs Anakin lightsaber duel that we can probably surmise will not lead to anything of any consequence.  If anything, I would hope that any lightsaber duels in season 4 will feature Grievous as he continues to take out more Jedi.  Perhaps the Dexter Jettster looking Jedi will serve that purpose and show the Jedi being killed off as we near the events of REVENGE OF THE SITH.

It's also good to see that the Clone troopers are transitioning into the Phase II armor.  We saw some hints of this with the ARC Troopers in season 3, but it seems that all the troops have gotten the new armor now.  And in the Cartoon Network preview it seems that the Clones are wondering about the post-war landscape.  Could there be any discussion amongst them regarding Order 66?  It would certainly cast their relationship with the Jedi generals in a whole new light.

Ackbar being featured in the series will be very cool.  And you have to think that Filoni will be trying to fit in "It's a trap!" into his dialogue, too.

TV-9D9 / Re: The Clone Wars - Season Three Discussion Thread
« on: April 2, 2011, 05:20 PM »
Very cool pair of episodes to end Season 3 of Clone Wars.  The Trandoshans were pretty badass and made for some great villains!  And their distress call to one another?  Did anyone else make the connection with Jurassic Park 3, when the velociraptors were calling to each other?  As for the plot, the whole scenario was definitely reminiscent of the Predator storylines.  All of the trophies definitely elicited that kind of tone.  The wampa and gundark trophies were among my personal favorites!

Chewbacca was classic.  I think there was an expectation that since this was the Clone Wars that he would be stomping some Trandoshans, which he did.  Although I was disappointed that he did not actually rip out the arms of any of the Trandoshans.  Chalk that one up to it being a kids show.  But I like the fact that Filoni managed to show that Chewie as a character has depth, and he made a point of showing that he's intelligent and a mechanical genius.  And because of that Chewbacca managed to call in the Wookiee cavalry.  I'm guessing that was Tarfful flying in with the Wookiees, and adding in Sugi and the bounty hunter ship was a nice callback.  Sugi called him General, and that title had only been used with Tarfful when it comes to the Wookiees.

The one thing I had been hoping for with the finale just did not come to pass.  They set up this whole storyline with Savage Oppress going on a quest to find Darth Maul.  Granted, this episode was about Ahsoka's growth as a Jedi, and how she is steadily growing less dependent on her Jedi master, Anakin.  The younglings were a cool group of companions for Ahsoka since she was finally on equal footing with some other Jedi.  

Maybe I'm just too used to some series ending their seasons with a cliffhanger.  But I really think that with all the time they invested in the Savage Oppress storyline, his quest for Darth Maul could have been fodder for a GREAT cliffhanger.

Repeating last year's list...

1 - Jocasta Nu
2 - JK Burtola (Bear Clan member with dialogue)
3 - Rogwa Wodrata
4 - Ko Sai - Kaminoan cloner
5 - Senator Amidala - Palpatine's office
6 - Senator Toonbuck Toora
7 - Kalyn Farnmir - Outlander nightclub patron
8 - COO-2180 cook droid
9 - SRT Droid - Geonosis Droid Factory
10 - Cliegg Lars

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2011 "Vintage" Collection Wave 5
« on: March 29, 2011, 01:02 PM »
The Han Solo in this wave is really kind of a disappointment.  It works as a generic ANH Han Solo, but it doesn't nail the specifics of a Yavin ceremony Han Solo.  And the differences are pretty obvious.  Just looking at the figure compared with the carback photo you can see that the collar is wrong, and the sleeves should be rolled down to the wrist.

This seems like a figure that Hasbro offered in the hopes of satisfying fans.  But it seems very clear that they were just trying to use a sculpt that could be re-purposed for other ANH Han Solo offerings in the name of cost-savings.  Knowing that makes this figure that much more disappointing.  Because it seems like Hasbro could potentially come back in 3 or 4 years saying "Here's your new, improved Yavin ceremony Han Solo".

Here's what I've got for...


-Qui-Gon Jinn
-Obi-Wan Kenobi
-2 x Security Battle Droids
-Blast Door with lightsaber damage lighting

-Queen Amidala (SA, new)
-Naboo Royal Guard (SA, new)
-2 x Battle Droids
-Destroyer Droid

I sent away for two pretty late.  But I did get confirmation that those checks have been cashed.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Japan
« on: March 16, 2011, 01:18 AM »
Missile silos in the U.S. are built to withstand them I thought?  Maybe not though...  I'd just think that a nuclear plant would be similarly built but I suppose there isn't really a prep you can do for something like that.

I heard it was more the tsunami than the quake.  But who the hell knows.

It was the tsunamis that damaged the cooling systems. 

But there are concerns that the Fukushima reactor design was not as safe as it should have been.  This former GE engineer explains that because of those concerns at the Fukushima Daiichi plant he resigned his position.  Newer reactor designs have cooling systems that do not rely as much on electrical power for water pumps and heat exchangers like those used at Fukushima.  It's those systems that have failed because of damage from the tsunamis.

The bigger concern seems to be that the situation at Fukushima is getting so much worse that workers at the site are being pulled out because of the radiation danger.  Without those personnel in place to keep actively working at cooling down the reactors this crisis could approach proportions close to that of the Chernobyl disaster.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2011 "Vintage" Collection Wave 7
« on: March 15, 2011, 11:37 PM »
So this is the potential draw for the Revenge of the Jedi set?  It might draw me in to buy more than 1 set.

TV-9D9 / Re: The Clone Wars - Season Three Discussion Thread
« on: March 14, 2011, 09:42 PM »
I agree that I don't like how quick LFL is to piss on the EU. I mean how much does it suck to be the writer who went to all that trouble to have GL essentially contradict his book for really no good reason. It made for a moving episode but it really wasn't necessary.  But despite all of that, the show is damned entertaining.

That's pretty much been par for the course for the past couple of seasons of Clone Wars.  There has been a good deal of EU backstory that was established in novels.  Karen Traviss wrote a great deal about the Mandalorians only to have it contradicted in large part by the Mandalorian story arcs of season 2 with Obi-Wan's trip to Mandalore and the Death Watch.  Traviss wound up quitting as an EU writer because of that change in direction from Lucasfilm.  And now there's this issue with Even Piell's demise.

I don't lay these continuity issues at the feet of Dave Filoni alone, though.  Yes, he is the director of the series.  But he works for George Lucas.  And if you've watched some of the behind the scenes video on the Clone Wars animated series, it becomes abundantly clear that George Lucas is involved significantly from a story standpoint.  His involvment was made very clear in some of the material about the Mortis trilogy and explaining some of the origins of The Force.  In some instances it almost seems as though his stance on the story comes from a place where GL says "Wouldn't it be cool if....". 

Does that serve the overall story?  That's debatable.  What might make for an interesting EU novel might not translate well to episodic, animated television, or vice versa.  In this regard though, we all have to deal with the fact that it's George's universe, and we're all just observers.  He's going to do what he wants to do, and that is what he's done here.

No Wedge's in the cases I found.

Pleasantly surprised to see that this wave is still shipping.  I found 3 sealed cases of the ROTJ wave tonight.

Star Wars Universe / Re: 'Star Wars' in 3-D?
« on: March 8, 2011, 06:13 PM »
Outwardly, this release looks like it could be a cash grab on both LFL's and Fox's part.

Will there be anything really eye-catching in the 3D release of TPM?  I think the Pod Race sequence has potential.  So does the space battle.  And the underwater sequence on Naboo might be interesting.  I'm not sure about much else though.

Shadows of the Dark Side / Re: 2011 Saga Legends Figures
« on: March 8, 2011, 01:09 PM »
I think it would be almost foolish of Hasbro to pass on the opportunity to get more Gamorrean Guards out on the market.  The secondary market prices of $20+ for that figure should definitely give them good reason to get more of them out on the market.  And Hasbro does actually watch what's hot on eBay. 

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