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Messages - Nicklab

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I see both Dooku and Jango as Greatest Hits type releases.  Hasbro stated explicitly that not all of the figures in the Vintage Collection would be all-new sculpts.  Jango would be a "make good" for the bad paint jobs.  And Dooku is a key villain that could stand to be re-released.  In that case the EVO Dooku/Darth Tyranus would be fine by me.

we could also use a re-release of Aq-Med Bet and Capt Filoni (or whatever they called anthony daniels' character).  whether they upgrade the articulation or not, we need them released again. Oh and more clone troopers ;)

Gaps in your personal collection are really no excuse for slotting two VERY insignificant figures into the basic figure line.  Check eBay or a local toy show and you can score both of these for a very minimal cost.

I think it goes without saying that there's likely to be a Clone Trooper in this assortment.  As for anything else?  It's pure conjecture at this point.  I think one Arena Jedi is likely.  Dooku seems to be a strong candidate, too.  And Hasbro gave indications that a re-decoed Jango Fett is highly likely.

Also, this is set to be Wave 4 in the Vintage Collection.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: A thread about concerts.
« on: March 5, 2010, 11:52 PM »
Got tickets for Eric Clapton's 3rd Crossroads festival in Chicago for this June.  Topping the bill are Clapton, Jeff Beck, the Allman Brothers Band, BB King, and a whole lot more.  An incredibly lineup for one day of music!

Such a nice note from Hasbro today.  ::)  Especially since they cashed my checks as soon they got them.

As a result my Nahdar Vebb forms are going in this week.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: WWII in HD
« on: February 26, 2010, 11:15 PM »
I caught this when it first aired.  It was very, very well done.  And it's also been issued very recently on DVD. 

JD Sports Forum! / Re: The Self-Destruction of Tiger Woods
« on: February 19, 2010, 07:12 PM »
I watched some of his statement this morning.  Some of it seemed contrite.  But equally some of it seemed very crafted and calculated.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Legacy Wave 6 - The Empire Strikes Back
« on: February 18, 2010, 09:52 AM »
What was the final word on the clean-shaven Hoth Rebel Soldier?  He never came out right?

Is he still going to?

Nope - he never came out.

They have indicated that they hoped to get him out in a battle pack or some other similar type release.

The Hoth Rebel will be in an exclusive battle pack that's set to be announced at Celebration 5.

"Old Wounds" was supposed to be set about 10 years after the events of Revenge Of The Sith.  This Owen looks like it was built on the AOTC Owen body, but with more of an OT Owen head.

This is not the AOTC Owen body at all. I have used that figure several times on customs, I know the parts very well. I am 100% positive this Owen does not use a single part from that figure.The only carry over from that figure is the cloth robe. This is a 100% new sculpt, OT style with a slight color change. I am so positive I made this nifty 30 sec Photoshop pic....(He looks awesome!)

I am more excited about him than Maul.

Glad to see that I was wrong.  The coat looks like the only common element between this Owen and the AOTC Owen.  I think I'm probably suffering from a degree of information overload in the aftermath of Toy Fair.  It's a lot to take in over the course of a couple of days.

"Old Wounds" was supposed to be set about 10 years after the events of Revenge Of The Sith.  This Owen looks like it was built on the AOTC Owen body, but with more of an OT Owen head.

The limited quantities statement is no doubt a response to overstock that Hasbro has wound up with following some recent cons.  They wound up having the Holographic Emporer with Vader long after the 2008 Comic Con.  And there were plenty of TFU Stormtrooper Commanders left following last year's Comic Con.  It seems that Hasbro is trying to avoid that kind of situation going forward.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2010 "Vintage" Collection Wave 1 - ESB
« on: February 15, 2010, 10:46 PM »
Are there two cloud car pilots?

No.  The loose proto on display was simply missing the mustache paint ap.  The carded Cloud Car Pilot, which is production sample, had the mustache intact.  They said definitely not an intentional variant.

Yup.  The loose one just didn't have any paint apps on the mustache.  But you can definitely see the sculpt of the mustache on the loose sample.

Here's my ten.  It's the same from last year:

1 - Queen Amidala - Post Senate
2 - Tendau Bendon - Ithorian Senator
3 - Naboo Royal Guard
4 - PK Droid
5 - Gardulla the Hutt
6 - Tey How
7 - Naboo Security Officer
8 - Maoi Madakor - Captain of the Radiant VII
9 - Mawhonic
10 - R5-X2

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: CW Deluxe Figure & Vehicle Line
« on: February 15, 2010, 10:20 PM »
I'm pretty sure it might have been Rex that rode the BARC with the sidecar cannon.  But seeing as they're making a Cold Weather Gear Rex, I guess they felt the need to offer another figure with the BARC speeder.

Personally, I really like the Mandalorian with the Speeder.  Probably my favorite offering from this line.

Shadows of the Dark Side / Re: Imperial AT-AT
« on: February 15, 2010, 10:17 PM »
Apples and oranges... I'm guessing they started by deciding they needed to fit x number of figures in the head for playability, and once they had that number, making the body to scale would have been insane.

Agreed.  Hasbro said during the presentation that they originally planned to sell the AT-AT at the same price point as the Millenium Falcon  ($149).  And they had to fight hard in order to get the price down to a $99.99 price point. 

The head of the AT-AT is about where it needs to be in order to house as many figures as it can.  With that in mind, how much bigger would the main hull need to be in order to be in proportion with the movie model?  The answer is that it would have to be significantly larger.  Perhaps too large to be affordable to produce.  And too large to get into stores at that $99.99 price point.  It's about making a compromise in order to get something better to collectors.

A very telling question was posed to the Hasbro brand representatives during the Q&A.  They were asked "Do you make toys, or do you make collectibles?"  Every brand rep from Marvel, GI Joe, Transformers and Star Wars said universally "We make toys".  If you want a collectible that's geared towards an incredibly detailed level of accuracy, you should probably look to companies like EFX, Sideshow or Gentle Giant.  And for a footnote from Toy Fair, what did I see around the AT-AT display in the Star Wars section of Hasbro's showroom?  Reporters and photographers swarmed around the AT-AT so that they could take in every detail.  And they seemed universally impressed.

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