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Messages - Nicklab

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The Legacy Collection / Re: Toyfare 2009 Fan's Choice Voting
« on: January 13, 2010, 03:00 PM »
Very pleased with the results. Bastila was a key player in KOTOR. And KOTOR has been widely hailed as one of the greatest RPG's of all time, as well as one of the most significant non-film contributions to the Star Wars universe.

I think when you factor in the broad appeal that KOTOR had with more casual fans of Star Wars, it makes Bastila's win that much more clear. And I think her win along with the top 5 gives some hope to EU fans that were disappointed about the cancellation of the comic 2-pack line some hope.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2010 "Vintage" Basic Figure Line
« on: January 12, 2010, 07:38 AM »
I think the only Darth Vader we're likely to see in the immediate future is an Episode III version with Sith eyes.  At least in the first 6 waves of this line. 

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Official Movie Thread
« on: January 7, 2010, 05:24 PM »
I went to see Sherlock Holmes last night.  WOW!  Great performance by Robert Downey Jr.  And I'm surprised that this came from Guy Ritchie.  He's been something of a one trick pony as directors go, but this actually showed some versatility on his part.  And I think he really was able to capture Victorian era London well.

And it was totally set up for a sequel, too.

TV-9D9 / Re: The Clone Wars - Season Two Discussion Thread
« on: January 7, 2010, 04:51 PM »
*As Nick, mentioned l really enjoyed the nod to the concept work for the OT, ROTJ specifically, with the Jedi Shuttle.

WOW, awesome catch Jayson!  That is totally the concept design for the Imperial Shuttle.  Funny thing is, it's been done in toy form before in Galoob's Action Fleet line as the Series Alpha Imperial Shuttle.

Shadows of the Dark Side / Re: AT-AT
« on: January 7, 2010, 04:45 PM »
I don't think the shot in the slide was intended to be the actual toy.  I recognized that shot immediatly as something I've seen before.  I think the slide was just saying "this is an AT-AT"...

Ok, but having said that - do you actually think Hasbro would be flipping, enhancing, and using an image of a product that was not owned by them?  Hasbro does not make Easykits.

What makes you so absolutely certain that the image is that of the Easykit model?  It could very well be a shot of the model from TESB that Lucasfilm provided to both Hasbro and Easykit/Revell.  The most likely explanation for the image is that it's a still provided by Lucasfilm to Hasbro for retail solicitation until there's an approved prototype image that can be presented.

As for the price point being around $100?  Based on what we saw with the Octuptarra Droid which is almost all legs, a large AT-AT does not necessarily have to cost as much as the BMF Falcon.  Those legs can fold or detach in order to make the box fit into that $100 packaging footprint.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Toy Fair Poll - Best Hasbro Pack-In?
« on: January 7, 2010, 04:28 PM »
My own rankings?

#1 - Droid Factory B-A-D
#2 - 30AC coins
#3 - ROTS scene stands
#4 - Saga Legends weapon lockers
#5 - Episode I / POTF2 CommTech chip
#6 - TIE - TSC/OTC figure stands
#8 - POTJ Force Files
#9 - POTF2 Freeze Frame slides
#10 - POTF2 Flashback cards

Shadows of the Dark Side / Re: AT-AT
« on: January 7, 2010, 01:28 PM »
Indeed.  The wait and see clearance mentality can serve you well personally & financially, but in the grand scheme of things does that hurt the line?  When you have hundreds or possibly thousands of collectors doing that I think there's the potential for a negative impact on future big items.  If a significant number of collectors use the wait and see approach on the new AT-AT, it can only have a negative affect on the release of future large vehicle offerings.

As for the veracity of the slide?  I'm on the editorial board at JTA, and was privy to the leadup to our staff receiving this image.  It was presented to JTA as a retailer solicitation.  But the lack of an actual product image led to our staff adding the disclaimer to our own report that nothing is official until Hasbro tells us otherwise.  Everyone at JTA is excited about this news, but we're also wary about the use of unofficial sources.

Gentle Giant / Re: Gentle Giant Mini-Busts
« on: January 6, 2010, 05:01 PM »
I honestly don't feel bad about not getting either Yakface or Captain Rex.  Why?  I stopped in my local comic shop today.  Those are the guys I deal with for my mini-bust preorders.  And sure enough, there's a Lando bust up for preorder in the new edition of Diamond Previews.  But also listed were a couple of others.

That got me thinking.  And I asked my guy at the comic shop just how many mini-busts I have on preorder.  The list is just staggering, and I honestly can't remember the last one I picked up.  It was either Garindan or the AT-AT Driver, but it was so long ago that my memory fails me.  And I still have these preorders outstanding:

Hoth Luke
Hoth Han
Mynock Hunt Leia
Darth Talon
....and now Lando

Is Gentle Giant planning on delivering any of these ANYTIME soon?

My checks were cashed within less than a couple of weeks of having mailed them.  I wonder how long it will be until they ship out.

TV-9D9 / Re: The Clone Wars - Season Two Discussion Thread
« on: January 3, 2010, 05:04 PM »
While it was cool to see Eeth and Adi I think the tired plot of Grievous torturing Jedi and narrowly escaping while battling Kenobi is getting old.

The second episode was probably the worst of the year IMO.  My boys were actually bored...and so was I. 

I couldn't disagree more on the second episode. I loved seeing a clone who felt differently and to see him even plant some seeds in Rex's mind.

Sounds like possible foreshadowing to me.  Especially with the whole Mandalorian plotline yet to be explored.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Legacy Wave 10 - A New Hope
« on: January 2, 2010, 11:51 PM »
I wish they'd pair that 501st trooper with another 501st trooper... I'd buy a bunch of those.

I saw one paired with a Super Battle Droid.  Not a bad pairing, IMO.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Legacy Wave 10 - A New Hope
« on: January 2, 2010, 08:48 PM »
I've only seen a couple of variations on the BOGO's.  Mostly it's the TPM wave.  But I did see Saga Legends BOGO packs, too.

Liking the new pics.  I didn't see "the hood" on the Cloud Car pods in the previous photos, but it's clear in these.  I wonder if it'll be some kind of engine compartment or some kind of storage.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Recent Legacy Purchases
« on: January 2, 2010, 08:42 PM »
Made some decent finds today.  Picked up a BOGO Obi-Wan & Gungan pack plus some clearance WM Evolutions at half price.  Namely the Rebel Pilots and Imperial Pilots.  It's nice to get 6 really good figures for a deal like that.

Found the rest of this wave tonight in the Walmart display pieces.  And it was very cool to get a hold of Zuckuss and the AT-AT Driver.

There also seems to be a packaging variant with the AT-AT driver.  One version has the helmet on, and the other has the helmet off.

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