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Messages - JediMAC

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OK, here's my list:

1)  Yareal Poof
2)  Oppo Rancisis
3)  Gragra
4)  Amidala (Final Celebration)
5)  Amidala (Pre-Senate)
6)  Amidala (Return to Naboo)
7)  Handmaiden in orange gown (Padme or anyone else - don't matter)
8)  Daultay Dofine
9)  Aldar Beedo
10) Dud Bolt

Yeah, that should do for now.  I reserve the right to alter any of my selections later on down the line!   ;)

JD Sports Forum! / Re: Lakers suck
« on: February 14, 2003, 06:38 PM »
I see ya' comin' Brent!  Better watch it...   :-X
Ah, chickened out, huh?  Wise choice Mr. Leprechaun lover!   ;D

Only 10. Let's see. In no order.

1) Mas Amedda.
We already got a pretty nice Mas Amedda in the POTJ line Dale.  Why would you want another?  ???

Did you forget, or just confuse him with another character?  Old age catchin' up to you?   :D

And here's a swimming Obi-Wan with respirator (no cloak though) from the Gungan Scout Sub for Guttersnipe:

Do we have to send these top 10 lists in to you Scott, or can we just post them here and let you do the tabulations later?

Let me think about this for a moment to get a nice list together here...

Saga '02-'04 / Re: New Darth Vader and Snowtrooper!
« on: February 14, 2003, 05:52 PM »
Good point.  I guess that would make for a decent alternative.  I still wish we could've just had one "Ultimate Jedi Luke" Deluxe figure, with all the trimmings (like the commemorative 100th figure in the 12" line for the regular Luke).  I'd pay the Deluxe $10 price for something real nice like that!  Wishful thinking, I know.

Hopefully there will be a few more loose shots of the new Vader at Toy Fair over the next several days, so we can get a better look at him in some different poses...

Clone Wars '03-'05 / Re:New Clone Wars line previewed at Toy Fair!
« on: February 14, 2003, 05:34 PM »
Oh yeah, I forgot they stuck that under the Deluxe Figure moniker!

As nice as that $10 price is for 3 army building figures, that was a concern of mine as well:  What will the overall quality of them be at such a cheap price?  But they do look pretty good upon initial inspection!

Can't wait for those new Screen Scenes!  I wonder if they'll mix the Jedi Council sets up and do one from each movie - TPM and AOTC, since we're definitely still missing some of the members from each.

I wish we had some more OT news to chew on though.  Maybe a surprise figure announcement or two...   :-\

Saga '02-'04 / Re: New Darth Vader and Snowtrooper!
« on: February 14, 2003, 05:27 PM »
Hopefully Jedi Luke will be equally as exciting!
Please no ugly action feature.  Please no ugly action feature.  Please no ugly action feature.

Mega articulation with some nice accessories would be MIGHTY nice...   :)

But I'm guessing that since he's supposedly the "dueling w/ Vader" version, we unfortunately won't be seeing a lot of the other cool stuff that we've been hoping for with this figure:  removable Endor poncho & helmet, interchangeable hands, skull & bone from Rancor pit, etc...  Bummer!

Clone Wars '03-'05 / Re:New Clone Wars line previewed at Toy Fair!
« on: February 14, 2003, 05:18 PM »
Well lookie, lookie who finally poked his head in here!  Nice to see you J!

As for the pictures of the couple carded figures, I almost lost my gourd there temporarily when I saw those repacked figures of Anakin and the Clonetrooper.  Fortunately, Hasbro was quick to explain that they just threw some old figures in there for the mock-up packaging.  Phew!

I usually only buy one carded and one loose of the Prequel figures, since they're of much less interest to me than anything from the OT, which I tend to buy many of each of.  But if these two 3-packs come out as nicely as it looks like they will, you can now officially consider me a Prequel army building fool!  Especially if Hasbro sticks to that $10 per 3-pack price.  Very nice!  Somehow, I think that might change though - unless they're just issued in the white mailer boxes through non retail outlets, and not put on cards.  Do you think that will happen?

I hope Hasbro's still got some more goodies to pull out of their bag at Toy Fair...  Jedi Luke, Coleman, Wat, Wedding Padme...

Clone Wars '03-'05 / New Clone Wars line previewed at Toy Fair!
« on: February 14, 2003, 04:05 PM »
Eegads, my head is spinning with sensory overload right now! Having a difficult time formulating coherent thoughts...

Hasbro just previewed some of the new Clone Wars line.  Check these bad boys out:

Sweet Clone Troopers!  I don't mind the preposes of the Clone Trooper 3-pack, as long as all 3 are in different (and excellent) poses, which these appear to be! Most beautiful. And if that Federation Droid 3-pack does indeed come with one of each of the Super Battle Droid, Destroyer Droid, and regular Battle Droid, then that will be an absolute dream come true! Looks like the two "wheels" on the Hailfire Droid have been corrected to a more angled position too! I love the new packaging as well. Kudos in a major way to Hasbro!

FOUR new Screen Scenes - of the Jedi Council and Geonosis War Room, with at least two brand new figures in each!!! Does that mean that there will likely be two different sets of each of those two scenes? Do you realize what that could potentially mean?!  Oh boy, lots of holes might get filled in with these!

What do you guys and gals think?!

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Everything eBay! Scams, questions, etc...
« on: February 14, 2003, 03:21 PM »
Man...  That's about as bad and blatantly obvious as an eBay scammer can get!  Sheesh, absolutely disgusting.  Hopefully nobody gets screwed here, other than the seller of course.  Good job blowing the whistle on him Dale.  Keep up the fine eBay police work!   ;)

Saga '02-'04 / New Darth Vader and Snowtrooper!
« on: February 14, 2003, 02:46 PM »
So Hasbro finally put up a couple pictures of the new Vader and Snowtrooper figures this morning (oddly no Jedi Luke though).

That Vader looks pretty sweet!  I'm a little concerned over the "lightsaber throwing action" and what it will do to the (permanent) positioning of his arm though.  But the detail in his face is even better than the previous RH Vader, and it looks like he'll be able to hold his nicely detailed lightsaber with both hands (I think).  Not sure why his cape's got to be quite so "wind blown" though...

The Snowtrooper looks decent.  Nothing spectacular, and pretty similar to it's previous incarnations.  Can't say that I care at all for Hasbro decision to remove the two waistband utility pouches from the front of his uniform though!  Ugh.  I guess the functioning holster is a nice touch, though I'm not sure how authentic that is.  I'm assuming it's the same tri-pod cannon as before, which was already pretty good looking.

I like 'em...  :)  You can check out Hasbro's complete report here:

JD Sports Forum! / Re: Lakers suck
« on: February 13, 2003, 03:39 PM »
You still on the anti-Kobe kick of yours, Scott?  Man, the kid just dropped 51 points in 31 minutes last night, and has been averaging well over 40 points over his last 7 or so games.  The kid's just sick!  MVP all the way!  Though I'm not opposed to the idea of giving Garnett the runner up status.  Besides, when's the last time you heard Kobe make a stink about anything?  He lost the cry-baby status last year I think.  Still makes the occasional face at the refs on some non-calls, but not much more than that...

And I'll also have to respectfully disagree again that the Lakers are no longer sucking!  7 in a row, and the Lake Show steamroller is back in full effect again!  Watch out league!  Now that we've got the machine well oiled again, and with the lengthening of the first round of the playoffs from 5 to 7 games (thanks Stern!), there's virtually nothing that can stop us at this point aside from a major injury to Kobe or Shaq...

Can you say 4-peat?  I know I sure can.   ;D

They better, to make up for my Raiders goofing the whole Super Bowl up!  >:(

Kubricks / Re: New Star Wars Kubricks...
« on: February 13, 2003, 02:17 PM »
Yeah, finding a reasonable price on these is going to be the big challenge.

...and don't forget, that ultra-cool bounty hunter 6-pack is due out next!  8)   **drools**

Power of the Force 2 / Re: POTF2 Variants/Errors
« on: February 13, 2003, 02:37 AM »
Boy, errors and variations are aplenty in the POTF2 line - so many it's rather scary!  Obviously you've got all of the different cardbacks, from red to green to freeze frames to...  Not to mention all the figures that bounced around between the Collection 1, 2 and 3 designations.  And on and on and on.

Yeah, that original Boba Fett is probably the king of all production variations/errors with those gloves and their full circles, half circles, and no circles.  Then you can throw in the missing Mandalorian insignias...  The list goes on and on.  As for my several original Fetts, they've all got the standard, run of the mill full circles on the gloves.

But what really irritates me to no end, is that way back in late '95/early 1996, I sorta knew a guy from college that was working at the KB in the local mall up in Santa Barbara.  He was taking a bunch of the SW figure cases out the back door - never stocking them on the shelves, but at least paying for them himself.  I remember he told me he had a new box with a couple Boba Fetts, and the rest of that new wave (Lando, X-wing Luke) and to swing by and he'd hook me up.  So I went by - he pulled out the two Fett's and asked me which one I wanted - the one with the full circles or half circles on the gloves.  Unfortunately, neither of us knew the difference at that time, so I picked the full circles, as they were more movie-accurate to my recollection.  Bad choice.  Never had a sniff of any of the Fett variants since.  Oh well...

Newbies / Re: Greetings
« on: February 13, 2003, 01:38 AM »
Welcome aboard FishEyedLouie!  You won't mind if I just call you Matthew for short, will ya'?  Thanks for stopping by.  Give us a hollar if there's anything we can do here to enhance your viewing pleasure!  I already shot you another link to try to add your Trading List into your signature area.  Give me a shout if it doesn't work.

EDIT:  Hmm, still not quite working right, I see...  I'll check it out again...

Hopefully we can meet up sometime, since you're just 10 minutes up the freeway from me.  I'll be keeping an eye out for your wants in the meantime.  Take care and enjoy the site!

Yes, this was an interesting development to say the least.  One that I think might be around for a while to come too.  My instant reaction to this news was "those money sucking pigs at Hasbro are just trying to screw us out of more of our hard earned dollars!"  Though this is probably partially true, after I stopped to think about it and rationalize their reasoning, I realized that Hasbro really has every right to re-release these figures, and the manner in which they've chosen to do it - from a business standpoint - was very smart, and will indeed prove quite beneficial to them financially.  As a company, I can't really fault them for finding an easy way to make more money - from both the kids and collectors.

What Hasbro is accomplishing here is getting some of the "core" figures back out on the market for those that may have missed them for various reasons the first time around.  Had they not done it this way, they would've likely had to create another "rehash" of these particular figures, which as we all know, we're sick to death of.  The way I'm trying to look at it, is if they aren't putting their resources into creating a new rehash (by just issuing an old one), they can instead be putting their now freed up resources into other figures, hopefully all-new ones, while still having some "core" characters available at retail for the kids.

I have chosen to be a loose and carded completist, and as such I can not necessarily find fault in Hasbro's decision to do what is in the best interest for their company.  If they put an old figure on a new card, I'll have to pick one up to keep my carded collection complete.  Plain and simple.  Sure it sucks, but it's not Hasbro's fault that I've chosen to collect this way.  Kenner re-released all of the Vintage figures on each subsequently issued new movie cardback as well, and nobody made a gripe back in the day about that...

As for the bases...  Well, again I've got to say that this is a bummer for the loose completists that feel that they need to buy another just to have the new base (as I will), but again - not Hasbro's fault.  The choice is all mine, and I've got to live with it.  I must say that the new base is certainly a very nice touch in the way of an added accessory, but it is also very likely a clever attempt on Hasbro's part to lure in the loose completists dollars as well, even though they already bought the same figure before.

So as a loose and carded completist, I'm getting hit on both ends here, and will have to purchase TWO more of all 5 of these figures to keep my collections complete, along with any future ones as well.  My initial reaction was 'THAT SUCKS' for Hasbro to do that to me!  But like I said, they're making some very wise and clever business decisions here, and it is completely my own choosing to collect in the manner that I do, so if these rehashes piss me off and I still go out and buy them (which I will), I've got no one to blame but myself.  But hey, at least I'll still have complete collections!   :)

As far as the 5 specific figures chosen to be rehashes goes, well... they are some decent offerings of core characters, though I'd have probably made some different decisions myself.  First off, the MOTDS Maul was an excellent choice (if they had to go with a Maul), as it was near impossible to obtain at retail, and still near impossible on the secondary market as well.  Good figure too!  The Han is certainly a good figure and choice (again, if they had to have a Han).  The Leia is OK, but the Commtech version was much nicer, not to mention a lot harder to find originally.  That would've been a much better choice.  The C-3PO is decent, but I would've gone with the much nicer MMC version, which was also pretty hard to find (not to mention twice as expensive originally).  As for the Jango Fett...  I am absolutely dumfounded by his inclusion here.  He's STILL warming many of the pegs around here, and was NEVER hard to find at retail, and was released less than a year ago on a Saga cardback already!  A most curious addition to say the least...

What I would like to see Hasbro do if they're going to continue with the rehashes, is try to pick some that  A) We could use some extras of (R2's, Stormtroopers, etc.) and/or B) Were very hard to find the first time around (last waves of Ep. 1, Commtech R2, Motti, etc).  That would be a lot better from a collector's standpoint.

Hasbro also needs to be very cautious about how they choose to include these figures in the future case assortments. If they're not careful, and overpack these things in the slightest bit, some, if not all, of them might very well become instant pegwarmers, which as we all know, could potentially lead to no new fresh figures on the pegs...

But as crappy as this rehash idea is, and as much as we'd all like to lash out at Hasbro about it, the completists are just going to have to suck it up and go out and buy 'em, or finally give in to the dark side and let go of their completist ways.   :o  Don't expect to see me doing that anytime soon though!   ;)

- End novel -   :o

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