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Messages - JediMAC

Pages: 1 ... 505 506 507 508 509 [510] 511 512 513 514 515 ... 521
Kubricks / Re: New Star Wars Kubricks "Early Bird" set...
« on: February 12, 2003, 06:25 PM »
Looks like the new Star Wars Kubricks are finally starting to trickle out.  It appears that only the "early bird" set of Luke, Leia, R2, and Chewie has been released, but check out how cool the pictures of it look:

From the early indications I've seen, including 7 or 8 eBay auctions up for them right now, I think this set will likely run ya' a good $40-60, which is pretty steep.  But they just look too cool to pass up for me!

I would love to win a loose Endor Rebel Soldier with Goatee.  Those things are real tough to come by.  Oh well, a guy can dream, can't he...?

Feedback / JediMAC's feedback
« on: February 12, 2003, 12:07 AM »
A big thanks to all of my fellow traders!  My Star Wars collection wouldn't be complete without your help.  Hopefully I was able to enhance your collections a little as well...

I have a bunch more feedback at both Rebelscum and Galactic Hunter as well, if you're interested...

Looking forward to trading with you!   8)

- Matt

Power of the Jedi / Re: Teebo's Peg Holes
« on: February 11, 2003, 09:49 PM »
I've got about 7 Teebo's, and will check out his feet when I get home and let you know.  Sounds like I may have heard this before though, so they may all be like that for some odd reason...

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Ice Cream Maker Guy
« on: February 11, 2003, 07:40 PM »
Willrow lives!  Nice custom job Scott!

Glad that I also finally figured out who the hell that fool in the orange was that was hangin' out with the Emperor in your new Imperial Shuttle pictures!  Completely threw me for a loop there for a short while.  Glad to see ICMG has moved up in the world, and right into the Emperor's good graces...   :D

Now if only Hasbro would follow suit and make an official release of ICMG so you don't have to deal with fixing the hands on yours...   :)

Toy Reviews / Re: Can someone review the Clone Scout?
« on: February 11, 2003, 06:17 PM »
I only have a carded one so far, but should be getting another one to open sometime this week from a buddy of mine, and will post a review for ya' then Brad.

All I can say at this point is the Clone's red eyes are rather bizarre, not to mention very evil looking.  It also appears to be the exact same speeder bike that was previously issued several times in the POTF2 line, just painted red this time.

JD Sports Forum! / Re: Lakers - Can you say 4-peat?!
« on: February 11, 2003, 04:20 AM »
JediMac, I would respectfully ask that you not pollute my trading threads with your west coast rhetoric.  Jeez, whaddid they do, reach 500 or something?  I can hear the chants all the way from the coast.

We're out of the lottery!  We're out of the lottery! ;D :P
What on earth might you possibly be referring to Brent?  :P  Just checked your trading thread here, and aside from it looking a little empty and lonely, it looks just fine - no West Coast rhetoric that I can see.  Maybe you're just getting confused again.  Happens sometimes at your age...  ;D  Besides, I would never stoop so low as to hijack somebody's trading thread somewhere just to say Celtics suck, or anything to that effect!   :D  What kind of pathetic loser would that make me (no need to answer that, thank you)?!  Sheesh.   That would almost be as bad as getting benched for the All-Star game, like Antoine Walker did...  :P

And for the record, my Lakers are now above .500, and back in cruise control on their way to #4!  The only tiny little chance the Western Conference foes actually had against the Lakers in the playoffs just got wiped out when Commissioner Stern changed the first round of the playoffs from 5 games back to 7 games this past weekend.  That just sealed the deal.  Game over.  Thank you very much.  Come again...  :)

BTW Obi-Juan, sorry to hear you're a Jazz fan.  Must've been a rough couple of decades for you, huh?  Talk to Scott though, as he could certainly offer some kind words of encouragement in this area (re: Vikings)...   :o   ;)

Saga '02-'04 / Re: The Imperial Shuttle has landed!!!
« on: February 11, 2003, 03:32 AM »
Looks just like mine Scott (without the table and chairs though)!   8)

Finally picked mine up tonight (Monday) as well.  Wow.  What a relief after 20 years of waiting to get one, and 10 excruciating months of drama since I originally signed up on my local FAO's Shuttle waiting list WAY back on April 18, 2002!  I even got to go into the back store room and take my pick from about 16 different Shuttle boxes!

While I was picking up my Shuttle, there was a poor young fella in the store at the same time throwing an absolute temper tantrum because he had never heard of having to sign up on the store's Shuttle waiting list to get one, so they wouldn't give him one.  I finally had to leave (walked right in front of him with my Shuttle), but it looked like he was about to beat the crap out of the young female FAO "personal shopper" employee.  Too bad, since she's been very nice to me over the past year on the phone, with my monthly status report phone calls.  I did chime in with a few encouraging words for her though, and told the fella he should check out some of the collecting sites on the net to get with the program and know what's up...

BTW, I'm suddenly thinking that I need even more Commtech Stormtroopers now though!    :(

Well worth the wait for this very nice ship!  But if I get lucky and stumble across one at Disneyland for $20 cheaper, I'll be returning the FAO one.  I'd much rather support Disney with my money than retail scalper FAO!  :)

We've got a neck and neck race here folks, with only 3 votes separating the first four spots for which Jabba's Palace inhabitant you'd like to see next as a 4" figure!  Currently Yarna d'al' Gargan is in the lead, but Hermi Odle is right on her tail, or should I say know!

If you haven't chimed in yet, swing by our main page and cast your vote!

Clone Wars '03-'05 / Re: "Clone Wars" Gunship - What do you want?
« on: February 10, 2003, 05:38 PM »
The key word used by Nick though was wholesale - not retail.  They'll unfortunately be more expensive when they hits the store floors, for sure.

Collections / Re: OCB's Collection
« on: February 10, 2003, 05:32 PM »
Nice picture Scott!  Glad to see that case worked out well for you.  I'm still torn as to whether I should go with that mirrored one, or one of the non-mirrored versions.  What's your opinion on it?  Does it look too busy, or is it pretty cool to be able to see both sides of the figures?  So do you have a whole Star Wars room again in the new house?  If so, just keep your little friend away from your wife, so you don't wind up losing another one!   ;D

BTW, your Vintage beast collection at the top is...uh...a little off in spots...  ;)

Saga '02-'04 / Re: FAO Shuttle!!!
« on: February 10, 2003, 05:23 PM »
So, did you get yours yet Scott?!  I hope you took the day off of work (or that your wife is home) so that bad boy won't be sitting out on the front porch all day!

I just talked to my local FAO store here in L.A., and they finally recevied their Shuttle shipment at their store this morning.  They confirmed that I'm still #2 on the list, and told me to come by this evening to pick it up (once they've had time to unload them and put them into their system)!!!  So the 20 year wait should be over in about 4 or 5 hours!   :)  :)  :)

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Top 5 Hotties
« on: February 10, 2003, 05:12 PM »
1)Lisa Marie-Scott
this is all i have for right now, wish i had a pic or a scanner and you could see why!
No need for a picture max, I already know why!  She's mighty fine, and an excellent choice for inclusion here.  A long time favorite of mine!  8)

Vintage Kenner / Re: Gus Lopez's Auctions On Ebay.
« on: February 10, 2003, 05:02 PM »
Some nice stuff in there, especially that POTF proof sheet!  I wonder why Gus is selling this stuff off.  Running out of room?  Downsizing?  Needs cash?  Interesting...

To be honest though, I'd prefer his original Death Star model prop!   :o

Collections / Re: Koda's Kollection
« on: February 10, 2003, 04:32 AM »
Cool stuff Koda!  Do you actually get anything done on the computer when you're sitting at either of those desks?  Or do you just wind up re-enacting various battle scenes with your figures?!  :D

I know what it's like to have the vast majority of your collection stashed away in boxes.  It really sucks.  I just took another 10 or so boxes up to my very large storage unit earlier today.  But we're house hunting right now, so hopefully I'll soon have a Star Wars display room to unload all of my stuff into.  Actually, I'll probably need several rooms, which may pose a slight problem...  :P

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