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Messages - JediMAC

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Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Happy Birthday to JD member... Scouttrooper!
« on: February 10, 2003, 04:26 AM »
A big JD Happy Birthday goes out to Scouttrooper, who turned 14 yesterday!  Just one more year 'til you can get that Learner's Permit to start driving - hang in there!  Then your Star Wars figure runs will be much easier!  Hope you had a great Birthday with many cool Star Wars gifts...


Newbies / Re: oooh... another Star Wars forum to waste my time on!
« on: February 10, 2003, 03:57 AM »
Welcome to JediDefender Mike!  We're always excited to hear from more Star Wars "knick knack" enthusiasts!  Got a few of them myself.  ;D

Enjoy the site, and please don't hesitate to let us know if there's anything we can do to better suit your Star Wars needs here at JD.

Newbies / Re: New to JediDefender
« on: February 10, 2003, 03:53 AM »
Glad to have you Gecko!  Always nice to have a monopoly on the SW buying in your area, but I wouldn't get too confident about that just yet.  Not many nooks or crannies out there that don't have several SW collectors running around, as you soon may discover.  If you find some others, try to set up a local trading network - that's always fun!

Star Wars wives are pretty cool, huh?  I've got a pretty great one myself, and like to think that she's quite the hottie too!  She's scored me my only Ephant Mon to date...

Enjoy the site and we look forward to getting to know you better...  :)

Newbies / Re: Yep, I'm new !! Hello from Knoxville...
« on: February 10, 2003, 03:43 AM »
Welcome aboard Adam.  We hope you enjoy your stay here at JD and look forward to hearing your thoughts on the wonderful world of Star Wars...   :)

Saga '02-'04 / Re: The Official Ewok Village Thread
« on: February 10, 2003, 03:35 AM »
I've got the Vintage one, and it was certainly one of the best playsets ever released.  I could definitely go for a new one though, preferably an all-new sculpt which would be equal to, if not better than, the Vintage version.

Of course, we would also need a few more Ewoks to inhabit such a playset...  ;)

Yes, bring on Butch!  But I'd rather have you're lovely little character instead Dale (inside Survivor joke everyone).

Upon further review of some new pictures of these three 12"ers, I say this:

I don't remember Han towering over Lando like that.  He's WAY taller.  Odd.

Does the Johnny Carson AT-ST Driver remind anyone else of Dark Helmet from Space Balls when his huge helmet is on?!  :D

...and the lower portion of Lando's Skiff Guard helmet doesn't seem adjustable, which is a shame since the bottom part seems way too high - almost like it's attached to the helmet's visor.  Won't even be able to see Lando's eyes...

But what do I care, I don't even collect the 12" line any more...  :-\

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Do You Have Pets?
« on: February 7, 2003, 06:15 PM »
I have 1 pet at the moment.  Angel she is a 135lb. hybrid wolf/shepard mix.  I have had her for 11 years.  She is one of the best behaved and intelligent animals I have ever had.
I'd imagine you'd like to recant this last statement right about now, 'eh Sarge?  Total bummer about the Vintage collection damage.   :'(  Maybe Angel was just jealous that she never got to play with the cool Vintage stuff too, and wanted to take a crack at it when she finally had the chance...

But like you said, it was really the (blonde) wife's fault in the first place for leaving the collection room door open...   :(

As for me and my (blonde) wife - no pets at the moment, but we both love big dogs and will probably get a couple in a month or two when we finally get a new house (hopefully).  Probably something along the lines of a Lab and/or Retriever.  I love Huskies/Malamuts too, but they're not really built for SoCal so much...

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Do You Use Your Computer At Work?
« on: February 7, 2003, 03:16 PM »
I use my computer all day long, every day at work...

But if you're asking if I use it to surf the various SW sites and forums, then I'm not going to answer that on the grounds of major self incrimination - just in case any of the partners at my firm here ever pull up any of the SW boards that I frequent and put two and two together and figure out who the hell JediMAC is!  But let's just say that I damn-well make sure to wipe out my Temporary Internet Files and Internet Explorer History at the end of each day before I leave!  ;)  I suppose I probably just answered your question pretty clearly anyways, huh?!

I asked the exact same thing a while back at RS.  Here's the thread.

Modern Classifieds / Re: update(selling my non-vintage)
« on: February 7, 2003, 02:34 PM »
Congrats Frank!  Glad to see you got a decent amount for all that nice stuff of yours.  Good luck with the Vintage search now...  :)

Saga '02-'04 / Re: RFT head variants
« on: February 7, 2003, 02:24 PM »
Here's all three of the Rebel Fleet Trooper head variants, courtesy of our former esteemed colleague David:

Still wish Hasbro had made one of the head variants of that grey/silver haired RFT from the opening scene of ANH, since he was showcased a little more than all of the others.  Oh well...

Saga '02-'04 / Re: Trade Federation's 2003-2004 Rumor List
« on: February 7, 2003, 02:20 PM »
I just wet myself in excitement!  :o

Hopefully that list is accurate, otherwise I just ruined a nice pair of johns for no good reason whatsoever!

Anything OT is awesome in my books, especially the more minor and background characters...  Can anyone say ROTJ 20th Anniversary?!  Though, if true, these figures might not actually make it out until a bit later...  As long as we get them at some point, I'll be a happy dude!

Vintage Kenner / Re: When good blonde wives go bad...
« on: February 7, 2003, 01:52 PM »
My condolences to you and your Vintage collection Sarge.  That really sucks, and is the nightmare that most of us collectors always pray we are lucky enough to avoid.  BTW, my wife is blonde to, and let me tell ya', she does some rather mindlessly aggravating stuff sometimes too!

Best of luck with the clean up and rebuilding process.  Just tell your wife that you're not taking her out to dinner for the rest of the year to compensate for her actions.  That should save you up some cash to replace some of your damaged loot!

But keep in mind that it's not your dog's fault.  He's just being a dog and obviously can't be expected to know the difference between chewing a C-9 12 back versus say a Saga Jar Jar, right?  Unless he's highly trained that is...  Just like when a Great White munches a poor surfer boy - he's just being a shark and it's what they do (eat stuff in the ocean)...

Sorry again, and good luck with things...

Saga '02-'04 / Re: Variants
« on: February 6, 2003, 04:43 PM »
We probably won't know for a little while ('til more product hits retail) what the real breakdowns on the head variants is on the Saga cards (POTJ version/resculpt #1/resculpt #2).  I highly doubt most eBay sellers will either.  To them, any of these new head resculpts is new/rare/a variant/etc...  Not surprising with the less than helpful auction pictures either.

RS finally verified last night that the third RFT head variant is true as well, so we'll really have to pool our resources here to see who finds what in regards to both the IO and the RFT Saga figures.  I'll keep you posted on my finds - one of each so far for me (I'll double check which one's when I get back home).

As for the Amidala Pilot figure, I found a lot of these when they very first hit, and I never once saw one with only the incorrect text printed on the card.  All stickers or corrected versions.  Of course, it's fairly easy to just remove the sticker to reveal the error text, so I wouldn't ever bite on actually buying a variant of that nature.

Other Collectibles / Star Wars Stikfas figures...???
« on: February 6, 2003, 05:13 AM »
Not sure if any of you are familiar with these new Stikfas figures that have been getting pretty popular of late, but I just saw a picture of a Jango Fett Stikfas figure in this month's AFN or Toyfare magazine (don't recall which).

Anyone know if this was real, or just a custom?  I hadn't heard of Star Wars being licensed to this particular action figure line, but might be interested in picking them up if it was...  Anyone have any insight on the matter?

The Clone Wars line is supposedly going to be coming in all new red and yellow packaging, which I'm assuming will only apply to this specific line, and not the rest of the Saga figures.  I'd guess that it will be akin to the SOTE line, which was exclusively packaged in a purple color, while the rest of the regular line continued on in orange during the same time (followed sortly thereafter by green)...

I'd fashion a guess that Hasbro just might be showing off this "EU" subset line in a week and a half at Toy Fair, since they've let most of their other upcoming stuff out of the bag already.

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