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Messages - Rob

Pages: 1 ... 533 534 535 536 537 [538] 539 540 541 542 543 ... 829
Collector's Tips / Re: Opened Cards... what to do with them?
« on: March 5, 2007, 05:17 PM »
I started saving cardbacks in 1995.  I saved them until last year.  I had hundreds of them.

Then I threw them all in the recycling bin.

And now I don't have them anymore - and my life has not been affected by this in the least.  I can't believe I hung onto them all this time.  Nowadays when I get a new figure I throw the cards right into the recycling bin with the rest of the paper and cardboard.

JD Sports Forum! / Re: JD Fantasy Hockey 2006-07
« on: March 5, 2007, 03:21 PM »

Gentle Giant / Re: Gentle Giant Busts
« on: March 5, 2007, 01:54 PM »
I'm not terribly interested in the EII clones myself either - unless I find a great deal on some of them.

The other ones that don't interest me right now are the first run busts that lack arms.  The Dooku I want, because with the cape it doesn't look like the arms are cut off - but the others I'm in absolutely no rush on.  I could see the completist in me taking over at some point - but that's most certainly not now.

Nick, I got a reply from your friend last night, he asked me to send him a list - it was a pretty short list but I sent it nonetheless.

Thanks again for forwarding me that.

Gentle Giant / Re: Gentle Giant Busts
« on: March 5, 2007, 11:27 AM »
I did a little bit of a garage sale on ebay the other week... so while I've spent a lot on busts at this point, only about a third of it was out of pocket, which I can stomach.

It's definitely a very expensive end of the hobby though, especially when you missed out on lots of these at their initial prices. 

I'm one Red R2 short of having all of the figures that are new from these and I haven't paid more than $17 for any of them.

Blue clone from China by itself for $17
Cantina Tin on clearance for $13
Figures from ESB tin from Paul
ROTJ and ANH tins buy-one-get-one at TRU
ROTS tin on clearance at Wal-mart for $16

The $75 or so dollars I've already spent is still too much for the handful of new figures - but if it's a hell of a lot better than the $210 if I'd spent $30 per tin...

One more to go...

I bought 3 of these guys and unless they want to make it more accurate, I'm done. 

Saga Collection '06 / Re: The Future of Star Wars Collecting
« on: March 5, 2007, 02:03 AM »
I'm back on board in a big way after what we saw at (and in the weeks leading up to) Toy Fair. 

I've also expanded into Gentle Giant mini busts...   But I'm going to army build much less - at least on PT clones.  I'm sure I'll still pile up on OT troops.

Other Collectibles / Re: Unleashed figures
« on: March 4, 2007, 11:52 AM »
I found it yesterday as well - disappointing that it was $20 for a repainted (third time used) stormtrooper sclupt...

I'd gladly pay $20 each for NEW figures though.

Disappointing to pretty much announce that it's coming back only to have it end this way.

Gentle Giant / Re: Gentle Giant Busts
« on: March 4, 2007, 11:51 AM »
I bought some 8" shelves yesterday.  I'm going to move the Large Legos to the top shelf of the other wall above the regular legos, then put 3 or 4 of these 8" deep shelves where the big legos were - it will be just GG busts in that spot.

I'll update the photos once it fills out a little.

JD Sports Forum! / Re: JD Fantasy Baseball 2007
« on: March 3, 2007, 10:43 PM »
We need at least 2 more teams.  Any other ideas?

JD Sports Forum! / Re: JD Fantasy Basketball 06-07
« on: March 3, 2007, 10:41 PM »
I'm hobbled as well.. just when I thought my team might be able to make a push for 3rd or 2nd place, Marion goes out and Ray Allen is contemplating surgery.

This is in addition to being without Baron Davis for awhile. 

That's 3 of my top players.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Target DPCI #s
« on: March 2, 2007, 11:29 PM »
Interesting... none of the Targets near me had it regardless.  I just needed to know that I had the right #


The Vintage Collection / Re: Target DPCI #s
« on: March 2, 2007, 12:55 PM »
Has anyone seen a DCPI for the Tantive battle back?

Is it 087-06-1707?

I dug that up on some other site using Google...

Kevin, can you get this thing onto Youtube or something so those of us who didn't see it, can?

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: How often do you go to the Dentist?
« on: March 1, 2007, 10:18 PM »
What exactly has to be done to re-implant a tooth?  Can they be re-attached and have the same strength that they did before?  I always figured when a few teeth were knocked out it was time for some dentures.

Basically if it's been out an hour or less there's a good chance that the ligament on the root of the tooth will take back to the ligament left in the socket in the bone.  That's really the key, an hour or less.  Also there are various transportation mediums that the avulsed tooth can be placed in from the site it was knocked out until you get to a dentist.  There's something a lot of school nurse's offices have called Hank's Balanced Salt Solution (Save A Tooth) that has exactly the right mix of salt and nutrition to keep the cells in the ligament on the root of the tooth alive so that they'll be viable and reattach to the bone when it's reimplanted.  If you don't have Hank's on hand, you can also use milk, saliva, or water with varying degrees of success.

Even if all goes well, and the tooth takes back to it's home, there's a good chance that the tooth will have to have a root canal at some point in the patient's life.


You really do learn something new every day.


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