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Messages - Nicklab

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Well of the Souls / Hasbro Indy Playsets?
« on: December 9, 2007, 02:05 PM »
Looks like perhaps two playsets are on tap.

I'm gonna spoil the enthusiasm here by pointing out the Playskool line is called Adventure Heroes and the speculated playsets are called the Ultimate Adventure Playset and Sword Adventure Set. Look for a Spidey & Friends-type playset.

That's probably the most likely scenario here.  Especially since it's the Hasbro Star Wars team that's doing double-duty by also taking on the Indiana Jones line.  Besides, how would it look for them to repeatedly say "playsets don't sell well, we're having trouble marketing them" and then that same product development team comes back with an Indiana Jones playset.  It would be a totally inconsistent turn of events if they did come out with a playset for the IJ line.

...Errr, nevermind.

The Bullpen / Marvel Legends
« on: December 9, 2007, 01:22 PM »
Not bad.  I might actually buy these, but of course I want to see them in person first.  But this begs the question:  when does the movie come out?

The Legacy Collection / Re: 2008 Wave 3 - ?
« on: December 9, 2007, 01:14 PM »
I'm pretty convinced its a new RFT as well as the other two early 2007 BPs don't have a lot of resculpt canidates (outside of a SA AOTC Obi-Wan)

Well, Hasbro also dropped some other hints in other Q&A answers.  Namely that the Saga/TAC wave themes will only run from Episode III through Episode VI for 2008.  With that in mind it helps narrow down the early 2007 Battle Pack characters that might get revisited.  So what does that leave us with in terms of eligible candidates?

___  Betrayal On Felucia - w/ Aayla Secura, Clone Commander Bly & 3 x 327th Star Corps Clone Troopers - TARGET EXCLUSIVE
___  Treachery on Saleucami - w/ Commander Neyo and Saleucami Clone Trooper on BARC Speeders - WALMART EXCLUSIVE
___  The Capture of Tantive IV - w/ Darth Vader, 2 Stormtroopers & 2 Rebel Fleet Troopers (individual head sculpts)
___  Jedi Training On Dagobah - w/ Luke Skywalker, R2-D2, Yoda, Spirit of Obi-Wan Kenobi & Dark Side Spirit Darth Vader

I think we can rule out the ROTS themed Battle Packs since Wave 1 is a ROTS wave.  Plus that Commander Neyo is due out in a Saga Legends wave.

That leaves Capture Of Tantive IV and Jedi Training On Dagobah as the likely sources.  Based on that I think we're looking at either a new Rebel Trooper or possibly the Obi-Wan Kenobi Force spirit figure with an opaque paintjob.  And either one of those figures would fit into an A New Hope themed wave.

With a totally subpar kitbash figure?  I think the focus needs to be on a good figure, first and foremost.  Packing a crap figure with a cool accessory is like polishing a turd.

The Legacy Collection / Re: 2008 Wave 3 - ?
« on: December 7, 2007, 10:24 PM »
I think it might be alluding to an ANH wave.  And given the hint, I'm thinking it might actually be a Lieutenant Pello Scambras.  He's probably the single most recognizable Rebel Fleet Trooper.

And there have been rumors along the way that we might see figures like Commander Praji, too.  I have been waiting for a black tuniced Stormtrooper officer for a LONG TIME.

That's a very good question.  I didn't really care about the Jabba's band packs, but what about the comic packs?  Those I've been waiting for!

The original Y-Wing contained Tiree if I recall which is why I didn't list him (and he had a Red Symbol not blue)

Does he need a resculpt...yep.  But that's not what this list is ;)

That Y-Wing pilot has the right markings on his helmet for Tiree, but I don't think that figure  was ever identified as an individual pilot.  That's why I brought him up.

Excellent list Scott!  The only other Rebel pilot that's coming to mind is the Y-Wing pilot Tiree, but he looked a lot like Lt. Lepira who just came out this year.

Oh, and Commander Praji is strongly rumored for next year.

Yeah Pax rocks!  I've got three of him already.  I can see a group of them being a gang of Rodian thugs in the Coruscant underworld.   :)

Can I send the ones that will be pegwarming here in January to you?  ;D

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: Cutting back in 08?
« on: December 6, 2007, 10:37 PM »
I started cutting back in 2006.  I realised that some of the army building was getting ridiculous when I found that I had bought like 15 of the TSC Sandtroopers.  That may not sound like much on it's own, but when you mix it in with all of the other Sandtroopers I have (POTF2, POTJ, 4-Pack, Evolutions), it got a bit ridiculous.  So I've scaled back on the army building.

The Legacy Collection / Re: New Evolution Sets
« on: December 6, 2007, 12:54 PM »
There are images of the three new Evolutions sets in the latest edition of Lee's Toy Review.  The pics of the Jedi don't really show anything new.  The images of the Mandalorians are pretty good, and show off a good deal more detail than the images from Comic Con.  And the Sith Lords made the cover.

Gentle Giant / Re: Gentle Giant Mini-Busts
« on: December 6, 2007, 12:48 PM »
Picked up my Royal Guard and Senate Guard busts last night.  Can't wait to open these!

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Led Zeppelin Reunion Tour
« on: December 5, 2007, 07:29 PM »
There's also a troika of articles dedicated to each of the surviving members of Led Zeppelin in the most recent issue of Mojo.  I read some of the John Paul Jones excerpt.  It was interesting to see him totally bash their former tour manager, Richard Cole for his book Stairway To Heaven.

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: Defender 2005 Wishlists
« on: December 5, 2007, 07:20 PM »
Wow.  All of the candidates have made some significant headway.  Does this include how the 2006 wishlist candidates performed?

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