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Messages - Nicklab

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30th Anniversary Collection / Re: 30AC Star Wars Comic Packs
« on: November 25, 2007, 01:31 PM »
Which Mandalorians are you referring to? 

Fenn Shysa and Tabbi Dala are both Mandalorians.  Those last two packs (Dengar/Fenn, Leia/Tabbi) are most likely from the Marvel Comics

I'm expecting Dengar and Leia (Hoth) repaints along with repaints of the sculpts from the EE sets for Fenn and Tabbi...

Ahhhh.  Maybe this will be a vehicle for a new Hoth Leia?  We've only had the POTF2 sculpt for who knows how many years.  But I wouldn't be opposed to a reissue of the Saga Gold Dengar.  That was actually a decent figure.

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: Recent 30AC Purchases
« on: November 24, 2007, 06:45 PM »
Scored the Anakin & Trade Federation Droid plus the Fel & Hobbie comic 2-packs this morning.

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: 30AC Star Wars Comic Packs
« on: November 24, 2007, 06:40 PM »
I would have preferred Jodo Kast over the mandalorians on the list.

Which Mandalorians are you referring to?  This is how I see the lineup breaking down:

Wave 1
Tol Skor and Assaj Ventress STAR WARS REPUBLIC (Tol Skorr was a dark Jedi who followed Dooku)
Darth Talon and Cade Skywalker STAR WARS LEGACY
Anakin and Durge STAR WARS REPUBLIC (This was a pretty dark comic.  Anakin goes to the Dark Side in his fight against  Durge)

Wave 2
Grand Admiral Thrawn and Talon Karrde HEIR TO THE EMPIRE
Darth Vader and Grand Moff Trachta STAR WARS EMPIRE (This was back around the beginning of the EMPIRE title.  I think that storyline was called "Betrayal")
Princess Leia and Prince Xizor SHADOWS OF THE EMPIRE

Wave 3
White Vader and Princess Leia STAR WARS INFINITIES (In one edition of Infinities Anakin is redeemed without sacrificing himself.  He goes on to join the Alliance and changes his armor to all white.)
Antares Draco and Ganner Krieg STAR WARS LEGACY (It's a 2-pack of Imperial Knights.  This has been confirmed in the Q&A's already)
Dengar and Fenn Shysa (Not sure of the comic)
Tabbi Dala and Leia STAR WARS REBELLION (I think)

I'd like to thank all of you for buying these Target Ultimate Battle sets this week...

By buying up all the sets this week, you are increasing my odds of winning the contest when I pick up my sets during the official contest dates.   8)

Don't lump me in there Jeff.  I've been holding off on buying these.

Hmmm, it really is a substantial list, huh?

TIE Bomber YES
ARC 170 (Clone Wars) YES
ARC 170 Battle Pack YES
AT-RT Battle Pack MAYBE
Battle of Hoth Ultimate Battle Pack YES
Battle of Endor Ultimate Battle Pack YES
Jabba's Palace Galactic Heroes Pack NO
Death Star (X-Wing) Galactic Heroes Pack NO

Jabba's Band Battle Pack (Max Rebo Band) MAYBE
Jabba's Band Battle Pack (Jabba's Dancers) MAYBE
Comic Packs (Fett/DSD, Keller/Marine, Obi-Wan/Bail) YES
Cantina Galactic Heroes Pack 1 NO
Cantina Galactic Heroes Pack 2 NO

Battle of Hoth Galactic Heroes Pack NO
Battle of Naboo Galactic Heroes Pack NO
Obi-Wan's Jedi Starfighter w/Hyperspace Ring (2008?) YES

EE 14 Figure Mandalorian/Elite Force Packs YES
7" Unleashed Trooper (Diamond) ALREADY BOUGHT
Battlefront II Packs YES

Gaak - I wish they would have used a different head set since wicket is in this set.

"Gaak"?  I thought that the text on the box said that the second Ewok's name was Dochee.  Maybe I should have taken a closer look at that when I saw it at the store yesterday.

JD Sports Forum! / Re: NFL 2007-08
« on: November 19, 2007, 10:46 PM »
The next two weeks are locked in on the sunday night games.  Next week it's Eagles at the Pats, and then it's Bengals at the Steelers on December 2nd.

Given last night's game, I don't know that the Pats games will be the best draw for the flex schedule.  Especially with the Pats piling on 56 points against the Bills.

I saw these this morning...the turret is just ENORMOUS compared with the POTF2 Hoth turret.

Hey Hasbro! / Re: Darth Plagueis the Wise
« on: November 18, 2007, 02:38 PM »
Wow!  Is that possibly artwork from the Darth Plagueis book that was pushed back?

I liked the first offerings in the 30AC Collector Tin line, but these?  They're weak.  The original tins had something going for them because of the combination of new and/or premium figures that were in that lineup.  But these are all just straight reissues which makes them far less attractive.  PASS.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Guitar Hero
« on: November 14, 2007, 07:23 PM »
I'll play a silly video game, but certainly not guitar player.  Maybe that makes me middle-aged?

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Guitar Hero
« on: November 14, 2007, 05:30 PM »
I tried the game at Best Buy.  It's really silly if you already know how to play guitar.  In fact, it seems very counter-intuitive if you already know how to play guitar.  Witness me trying to play "Surrender" by Cheap Trick on Guitar Hero, a song I've jammed on numerous times.  Hell, I've even been paid to play that song.  But can I play it on this stoopid game?  Of course not.

Feh.  I'll stick to playing for actual audiences in bars and clubs...not in my living room.

Real guitars are for old people.

So does that mean I have to join Brent over in the old section?  :(

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Guitar Hero
« on: November 14, 2007, 03:41 PM »
I tried the game at Best Buy.  It's really silly if you already know how to play guitar.  In fact, it seems very counter-intuitive if you already know how to play guitar.  Witness me trying to play "Surrender" by Cheap Trick on Guitar Hero, a song I've jammed on numerous times.  Hell, I've even been paid to play that song.  But can I play it on this stoopid game?  Of course not.

Feh.  I'll stick to playing for actual audiences in bars and clubs...not in my living room.

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: 2008 Order 66 packs?
« on: November 13, 2007, 03:48 PM »
Jedi Master Sev and yellow ARC Trooper had me puzzled until I saw this:

I guess we'll get a kitbashed Sora Bulq for this set.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: 2008 Clone Wars Preview Figure?
« on: November 13, 2007, 11:44 AM »
Hmmm.  I'm thinking that the mail-away figure might be Alpha, the ARC Trooper.  Maybe I'm taking the image on the card too literally, but that looks like an ARC Trooper on that card and Alpha is also featured prominently in the trailer

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