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Messages - JoshEEE

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Watto's Junk Yard / Re: What do you buy at the Movie Snack Counter?
« on: August 16, 2003, 05:47 PM »
My girlfriend is a fan of buying those big plastic cups that you can get refilled for 1.50 at theater chains (she has quite a few of them).  So drinks are cheaper if you actually remember to bring the cup.

Candy, I try to buy beforehand if I want it for some reason. I've snuck sodas in a few times, but I like fountain soda better than bottled or canned, so I don't mind paying for the 4 dollar cup if I have to.

I actually don't get popcorn much, usually because I see movies in the evening when I'm either planning on or have just been to dinner.

Gentle Giant / Re: Upcoming Gentle Giants bust confirmed
« on: August 16, 2003, 04:32 PM »
I have to say that after seeing the Tarkin up close, it was one of the most impressive and accurate replicas I have ever seen.

If only 12" could some how be made to this quality.

The Biker Scout looked great too, but they had a big note on him saying he wasn't done yet. He's got his gun pointing at you.   :)

Other Collectibles / Re: Blue Clone BUST
« on: August 16, 2003, 12:19 PM »
That's total crap!  You obviously weren't at the Chicago convention, because there were thousands of people who wanted that Bust.  It doesn't matter which show was bigger.  Gentle Giant had said 500 for San Diego and 500 for Chicago... they should never have changed that.  And because of that they're going to lose a lot of potential customers, because I am definitely fit into that category.

I wasn't saying there wasn't a demand at Chicago, you mis-read my post.  I said they underestimated the demand BEFORE Comic Con. I don't think they had any idea that as many people would want this thing as did.

Also, if you could find a link to a direct quote where Gentle Giant themselves said there would 500 at each show, you would be the first person to do so out of everyone that has made this claim.

As far as I know, that's just fan speculation. No one has proved that Gentle Giant ever said they'd split them evenly.

Other Collectibles / Re: Blue Clone BUST
« on: August 16, 2003, 02:59 AM »
I'm curious to know why you didn't think it should have been divided evenly (500/500).  That's total crap that they did it 925/75!  The whole damn thing should have been split perfectly evenly between the two conventions.

Two big reasons:

1. Attendance. Comic Con was a MUCH bigger convention and deserved the bigger share by quite a bit.

2. Demand. Before Comic Con, these busts were not the phenom they became  as soon as people realized how cool (or valuable) they were. So I'm sure they thought they'd take the whole truckload along with them and go to Chicago with plenty.  That was their only mistake.

Other Collectibles / Re: Blue Clone BUST
« on: August 15, 2003, 12:47 PM »
If anyone has any petty drama for me, keep it off the boards and take it to PM or email if you want to figure it out. Whatever you want to start is over now.

Back to the topic.

 But I'm not gonna be one of those that says "you all stop crying (since I got one)".

That's not who I am either. I agreed with many folks that the situation in Chicago was messed up. The way I hear they said you need not be present, and then changed those rules....and the way it was split 925/75. I'm not saying it needed to be 500/500, but a little more supply to Chicago would have been nice. At least 200. Show them some love in the windy city.

Still...."limited" means just that. I maintain that if there were 5000 of these things per show, no one would give a rat's ass about them, because they wouldn't be fetching 6 times retail on Ebay.  

These were probably bought a lot more my dealers and scalpers than collectors, and that's a shame, but such is usually the case with limited run figures.

So while I think people should accept it and move on, I do feel for the folks that didn't get one.  Hopefully they'll come down in price after the frenzy is over, and you'll snag one for the same price as some of the other rare busts in time.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Class Reunions
« on: August 15, 2003, 11:58 AM »
I left my high school in CA my Junior year to move to WA. So I have TWO 10 year reunions this year.

I'm going to NEITHER.  I'm still friends with a bunch of the people I knew from those days, and those who I'm not, I know how to get in touch with. None of us are going. Everyone else....I really don't need to know how they're doing now, because I sure didn't care when I was there.

However, my girlfriend has decided she wants to go to hers, and she'd really like it if I came. She gave me the option to back out of it, but I figure I should go out of duty. So....instead of going to my own high school reunion and having a crappy time, I'm going to someone else's and having an even crappier time.

I don't know what the logic is there, but I'm sure there is some.

Newbies / Re: Hey everyone
« on: August 15, 2003, 11:39 AM »
I have not yet said Hi in your "Newbie" thread, and thought that I should. Welcome to this wonderful nook of the web.

The Wookiee Arcade / Re: Galaxies: Who's in? Who's out? Who cares?
« on: August 15, 2003, 11:35 AM »
In, In and IN.

I'm absolutely addicted.  Anyone from this site is welcome to hit me up online, and join a mission party or something.

I'm still factionless and neutral, which is my plan until I achieve master of something. I'm heading towards Bounty Hunter or Commando. But right now I have too much artisan/medic going on to master either...and I'm hard pressed to give it up.


Joshta Ran
Planet: Naboo, home city Theed.
Currently located:  Naboo
Server Starsider.

I also have "JoshEEE" (of course) on another server, but I'm not working on him much.

Other Collectibles / Re: Blue Clone BUST
« on: August 15, 2003, 04:07 AM »
I love reading some of the various threads though on this matter at the different forums... Some (most) like myself think what GG did was just flat out wrong... Then some others like one of my favorite Rebelscum little poster boys adds his opinion... but also notes he got one and made himself a little profit from it. Great guy!

Ok. Time out.

Look....I'm not getting into this personal stuff with you. Whatever your beef is with me, knock it off. You've baited me twice today, and I'm not biting. Keep it up, and you'll end up getting yourself kicked out of yet another Star Wars collecting forum.....cause I'm not taking the low road with you.

Now, as far as what you've said about me......people can read through my experiences with this figure over at RS. The long and short of it is, I didn't WANT this bust, but I stood in line for it because I promised a fellow scummer I'd try to bring one back for him. And I did.

He was going to trade me a 12" Plo Koon (retail 20 bucks) and I believe one of the new 12" Biker Scout figures. He also offered to pay all the shipping as a thank you. That was retail plus what would have been about 10 bucks for shipping.

That seemed like a good deal to me, and I was happy to help.  I stood in line for about an hour and a half. Maybe more.  Got the thing. Got back, and then the guy didn't email me. I couldn't remember his user name or email (we had talked in June).

SO...I posted a bulletin in the classifieds giving him 2 days to email me.  No dice (still no dice to this day actually).

Meanwhile...ANOTHER Rebelscummer PM'ed me and said if that guy didn't trade me for it, he'd swoop in.  He OFFERED me a Plo Koon and some cash.

I didn't counter. I didn't haggle. I said sure.  I took his first offer, we paid our own shipping.

If that makes me "evil" I'm sorry.....but he's happy, and I'm happy.  And I know damn well I could have gotten 250 on Ebay or whatever, but there was no way I was going to do that when I could deal with a fellow Rebelscum collector instead.

Am I saying I'm a saint?  Did I say "Nah, just the retail is fine, and forget the figure I want." ?

 No. I took him up on his offer for some cash AND the figure I wanted.  He saved a lot over Ebay, and I got the figure I"ve wanted forever.

If that makes me a bad guy, I'm sorry.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: My uncle just died....
« on: August 14, 2003, 08:11 PM »
So what was he screaming about before the phone cut out that made her think he was dying?

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: JediDefender: Back To Back Contests
« on: August 14, 2003, 08:09 PM »
Fair enough, (and I was being sarcastic about the RS thing).

I suppose that's why sometimes there's no getting things across via the keyboard (even if you use your smilies).

I'm sure the contest will be run quite well, and look forward to seeing all the answers to those things I don't yet know about all of you folks.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Trading Music, Bootlegs Etc
« on: August 14, 2003, 06:51 PM »
My CD purchases have gone up probably 300% since the advent of downloading music. Especially in the beginning.

I hear it on the radio, I download more songs by that artist. THEN I buy the CD if I like it.

Previously, I'd buy CD singles in that case, or sometimes over look the artist altogether if I didn't hear more than a single on the radio.

I'm one of those guys who actually likes to own a REAL CD of the music I like, not some home-burned job that I won't have in 10 years. Yes that's right folks, those things DO have a shelf life.

Granted....your hard drive will keep them forever, but what if it crashes? I lost probably 70 gigs of great music to my last crash. Since then, I've used a dupe drive, and every time I buy the CD, I delete the MP3's.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: My God...I'm a clone...
« on: August 14, 2003, 05:54 PM »
I just thought of someone else you kinda look like (I was trying to place it earlier when I posted but couldn't).

Watch the beginning of Dogma. You kind of reminded me of one of those hockey kids that kills God.  With shorter hair though.


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: JediDefender: Back To Back Contests
« on: August 14, 2003, 05:46 PM »
This is a forum community scavenger hunt and is about mostly staff and a few members. Without getting too much into the recent events these days, we are a close community here, that strives to be friendly and informative, and our contest reflects that. Perhaps if you feel this is not a good way to run the contest, you shouldn't enter.

Jeez Chris, I was just remarking that it was the first time I've ever seen a contest like this. I've never seen personal details used as questions before on a forum (and I don't go to GH anymore, so this was new to me).

That's all I was pointing out. It was a new concept to me. I didn't say there was anything WRONG with it. I didn't say it was "run wrong".  I didn't say it was lame or anything.

The only remark I made that could be taken as derogatory (and warrant the responses I got)  is that it was "scary"....and all I meant is that everyone's details are not only well known, but that they're trivia.  On the net, that's sort of a rare thing, no?

It was an attempt at humor, and (at least to me)...a pretty clear one.

Then I get this reply telling me not to enter, and I get one from Jimmy suggesting the "Great forums at RS" ( Which by the way you are WAY too obsessed with considering you've been  banned from it for months. Get over it and move on).  

You guys are really touchy about something that was nothing more than an observation.

I don't know if it's cause it sometimes seems like I'm the only person here who doesn't have the common hatred for RS that it seems I'm supposed to have, or what.....but it just seems kind of lame to get snapped at for remarking on a contest of which the likes I have never seen before.

Anyway, it was a strange but COOL idea (so there can be no misinterpretation of my comments) and that's all I meant. Please lighten up on me.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: My God...I'm a clone...
« on: August 14, 2003, 02:21 PM »
I asked for full pictures over at RS (the side by side stuff is too hard to tell) and I'd say that you look a little like him.......but not as "spot on" as I thought with all that digital editing.

Proof positive that Photoshop can be deadly. Cool double pictures though.  :)

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