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Messages - Rob

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JD Sports Forum! / Re: JD Fantasy Baseball 2006
« on: July 21, 2006, 10:12 AM »
Well after a month or so in 1st and at one point holding a 6 point lead, I thought my team had shaken the bi-polar thing and would be rather consistent, but since the all-star break they've been HORRIBLE (except Andru Jones...).

My pitchers keep getting blown up for 5 and 6 runs... my WHIP has been around 2.00.. my team BA is .12 lower than it was a few weeks ago (losing Alex Rios and Michael Barrett didn't help in that regard).

Just when I started getting hopes of maybe riding this thing out...

Oh, and since that 3 HR game, Teixeria is 2 for 20 with 1 run and 2 RBI...  ::)

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Loch Ness, Do you believe?
« on: July 21, 2006, 10:05 AM »
Tourism scam.

How about 50% off for all the people who couldn't get through their lame-ass system this morning.

(Thanks for sharing that though).

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Battle of Endor Wave
« on: July 20, 2006, 11:05 PM »
He's totally new. The head is ball-jointed, the thighs and knees are articulated, and the right arm is removable. Therefore, this is the ultimate C-3PO! I could go without a new OT C-3PO for the rest of my life now that I have this!

Funny how potentially the worst Threepio to date was the $10.00 VOTC one, and this one is way better for 3 dollars less.

Found my first pair today...

No doubt about it, it's supposed to be Jango's head under there.

So the helmets stay on unless I decide to do 2 dozen headswaps...

JD Sports Forum! / Re: JD Fantasy Football 2006
« on: July 20, 2006, 12:34 PM »
I just spoke to their manager, the Golden Girls vote Forum Draft

Well I got shut out too... didn't get the order through.
Anyone know if they were already for sale at Comic-Con last night?

Yes they were available.

Good, then I have hope that I'm not screwed.

I'm still angry at how ****** Hasbro's site was and how they managed to sell out without me even being able to put 3 in a cart and checkout over the course of 45 minutes.

Well I got shut out too... didn't get the order through.

I'm slightly less mad than furious because I have a friend who is at Comic-Con and left a message on my other friend's phone saying that he got 5 of them, but it was from last night.

Anyone know if they were already for sale at Comic-Con last night?

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Battle of Endor Wave
« on: July 20, 2006, 10:24 AM »
I found Chirpa, Threepio and the Moff yesterday.

The unpainted leg aside :rolleyes: , I was very impressed with the threepio.  Best Threepio to date IMO.

I'm still trying to make my cart go from 1 to 3 and then I have to manage to checkout.

If I can't get my order through before they're all gone I'm going to be furious.

EDIT:  Most recently, I can't get ANY of the pages associated with the 501st Stormtrooper to work.

Crap.  It looks like I'll have to get up earlier than normal... damn CST...

JD Sports Forum! / Re: JD Fantasy Football 2006
« on: July 20, 2006, 12:47 AM »
Sure thing.

I for one didn't really specify which way I thought it should go - I just said that our plan will be for a forum draft, but left it completely open if everyone wanted to live-draft and everyone could agree to a date before the cut-off point at which we'd need to be forum-drafting.

I'd like to offer to abstain from the vote to make it 11 votes, but I'll probably have to vote on behalf of the Golden Girls, so...

Saga Collection '06 / Re: New rumor list!
« on: July 19, 2006, 10:27 PM »
I'm hoping they'll reissue he entire modern line as Holos.  Once they're done with that, maybe they can switch them to red Holos, like the minis on the back of the card.  That'd be sweet...

You just wait until they release Holographic Ice Cream Maker Guy - before making a regular Ice Cream Maker Guy.

JD Sports Forum! / Re: JD Fantasy Football 2006
« on: July 19, 2006, 05:10 PM »
That's what we'll do.

We'll list everyone's name, and some outside party, that we all agree on will assign each name a number.

Then one of us will randomly order the numbers and voila.

Anyone know what time these are supposed to be available online tomorow?

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