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Messages - Nicklab

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I'm up to 6 of these.  Not sure how much more I'm going to army build with this trooper though.  That might have more to do with just how scarce it's been at retail, though.

But I've definitely started to notice the stark differences in the Kashyyyk Trooper's uni and the Biker Scout that was repainted for this figure.  At first I thought that the helmet was the biggest difference.  But it also turns out that the boots are radically different as well.  In fact, the 41st Elite Trooper has the same boots as the Galactic Marine.  The other differences in the uni are negligible, but those really stand out.  Hopefully there is enough talk about this on the various message boards that Hasbro will take notice and make a proper 41st Elite Trooper in the next year or two.  Certainly there is a market for it as this version is selling well even as some of the other Clone Troopers have started to pegwarm a bit.

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: 30AC Wave 1 - Revenge of the Sith
« on: February 24, 2007, 06:35 PM »
I saw a dealer at the NY Comic Con who had some of this wave last night.  He had R2-D2, Obi-Wan Kenobi and the Airborne Trooper, and the figures definitely look good in person.  This was also my first opportunity to handle the cards.  I've seen plenty of posts where people seem to be concerned about their sturdiness (with all those corners and such).  Well, the cards felt pretty substantial when I was checking them out.

I passed on buying them though.  The cheapest one was $11.99 and I don't need to spend that much on a figure I can get for half that price in a couple of weeks.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: TSC Variations and Errors Thread
« on: February 23, 2007, 11:27 AM »
I was kind of surprised to find a Stormtrooper mini-hologram packed in with R4-M6.  I would have thought that Mace's droid would come with a hero mini-hologram.

Gentle Giant / Re: Gentle Giant Busts
« on: February 22, 2007, 09:25 PM »
Who was the e-tailer?  If it was Toyglobe, then watch out.  They've got a rep for screwing people over.

Gentle Giant / Re: Gentle Giant Busts
« on: February 22, 2007, 09:21 PM »
The listing seems a little sketchy even though the guy has decent feedback.  I would email him and ask for the following:  The serial number and/or a photo of the base.  Also to see if the original packaging is included.

There have been cases of people painting the chrome Vader's to look like the original edition Vader.  So be cautious, because this piece will routinely sell for over $250.

***EDIT - I hadn't seen the replies immediately above mine.  Plus, look at the chest plate and compare it to the RS image that you linked to.  You'll notice that the controls on the chest plate aren't painted well, and there are some slight paint inconsistencies there.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Look What The Dog Buried
« on: February 22, 2007, 11:29 AM »
Looks like it just sank in the mud.  My guess is that's either Poland or Russia, and those areas were notorious for some mud patches that would just swallow vehicles.

Gentle Giant / Re: Gentle Giant Busts
« on: February 21, 2007, 07:44 PM »
If it's a window box then it's definitely the ROTS version.

Gentle Giant / Re: Gentle Giant Busts
« on: February 21, 2007, 05:48 PM »
Darth Vader (Clenched Hand Version) - $37.00 shipped

 ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)

What's the problem?

Are you referring to the ROTS version with the lightsaber?  Because the original one routinely sells for roughly $250 - $300.  The older one can be seen HERE.

Gentle Giant / Re: Gentle Giant Busts
« on: February 20, 2007, 07:30 PM »
It's best not to wade into the fray that are the RS forums.  I said my piece there and that's that.  Is it going to be tough to get all of these exclusives this year?  Probably.  But I think that GG is providing at least two other avenues to get the Clone Commanders besides going to the shows.  It looks like you should be able to get them individually online after each con and then there's the box set that will be available in the fall.  People seem to keep on glossing over those details.

Gentle Giant / Re: Gentle Giant Busts
« on: February 20, 2007, 03:06 PM »
Playing catchup is definitely going to be expensive.  These pieces alone will run you a pretty penny:

1st edition Yoda
1st edition Darth Vader
1st edition Jango Fett
Boba Fett
Blackhole Stormtrooper
AOTC Clone Troopers (the red and blue being the most elusive)

I own only two of those, the BHS and the Fett, which I managed to score for about $160 something, a remarkable price at the time. 

I don't care to own the Yoda as it is a PT bust of Yoda and I'm fine with the later OT version.  Jango I don't want either. 

What gives me fits from that list is the first Vader.  I do have the chrome Vader (plus the ROTS and the EE unmasked version) which is the same sculpt, so I'm tending to be happy with that.  I do watch every regular version that goes by though. 

As for the clones, they bug me.  Period.  I have the pilot and the green sargeant, but that's it.  I've bid on yellow and white before, but now with so many clones available, I don't even really care to chase these down. 

I had to play catchup with most of the things I listed.  In some cases I got good deals.  Patience really was key in that situation.  I paid retail for the white Clone and blue Clone and I got relatively decent deals on the yellow Clone, Jango and the Clone Pilot.  Yoda and Boba Fett ran me a bit more, and I splurged on the BHS.  But to this day I still don't have the red AOTC Clone and the first Darth Vader.  The ROTS Vader seems to have impacted the demand for the 1st edition Vader, but the price is still up there.  And I agree Brent, it's very odd that the chrome Vader sells for considerably less considering that it's the same sculpt as the general release.

Gentle Giant / Re: Clone Wars Maquettes Yoda
« on: February 20, 2007, 12:43 PM »
And the fact that it's a Star Wars Shop exclusive could be VERY significant in the long run.  The last SWS exclusive Clone Wars animated maquette was the Snowbunny Padme which has just exploded in price on the secondary market.

Gentle Giant / Re: Clone Wars Maquettes Yoda
« on: February 20, 2007, 12:33 PM »
Rebelscum has photos of a Clone Wars Mace Windu maquette in what may be the last breath for this line.  Talk is that this will be an exclusive item (although I don't know what the source will be).

We posted that news 10 days ago in this article at The  It's slated to be the last piece in the Clone Wars animated maquette line and it's going to be a Star Wars Shop exclusive.

Gentle Giant / Re: Gentle Giant Busts
« on: February 20, 2007, 11:39 AM »
Playing catchup is definitely going to be expensive.  These pieces alone will run you a pretty penny:

1st edition Yoda
1st edition Darth Vader
1st edition Jango Fett
Boba Fett
Blackhole Stormtrooper
AOTC Clone Troopers (the red and blue being the most elusive)

However GG has been going back and revisiting a number of these characters and the second editions have been more plentiful.  Witness the 2nd editions of Yoda and Vader.  They made huge runs on those and they wound up clearancing out for as low as $20.  So if you don't feel the need to be a completist and just want one of every character you might do a little better.  Besides, some of the second edition pieces (like the new Jango Fett compared with the first one) are superior to the first runs.

Aside from eBay there are some options for catching up.  There probably are a number of older pieces that you can still get from some online dealers.  Try doing a Froogle search and you may just come up with some things that aren't widely available.  Conventions are an option, but you have to go there with cash and you need to be prepared to haggle.  So know your market prices.  As for those market prices, they are definitely set on eBay.  The key to buying mini-busts on eBay is tracking as many items at once as possible.  And avoid auctions that close on a weekend.  There's a weird trend going there, but apparently auctions that close on weekends tend to close higher.  Backtracking is definitely possible.  I backtracked almost every piece from the Biker Scout back to the beginning (I already had the blue Clone because I stepped in **** and got lucky at Wizard World Chicago) and to this date I'm only missing two mini-busts and the holiday edition gift busts.  But you're starting off a couple of years down the road and it's going to make this a little more difficult.

As for current items, I tend to recommend the route that I use.  I've got a good relationship going with a local comic shop.  I pre-order all of the general release mini-busts through them and I get a 20% discount off every order.  So a $50 mini-bust winds up costing me $40 with no shipping costs.  You'll just need to keep up on what's up for pre-order through Diamond Previews which comes out at the begining of each month.

As for exclusives there are a couple of options.  First, you can go to the show.  Can't go to the show?  Hook up with someone who can help you out.  Typically those deals involve trading but some people will do cash plus shipping deals.  Then there's the online offerings from Gentle Giant post convention.  They'll usually do that within a week after a show.  Those can go pretty fast, but it is an option.  It'll definitely cost you less than eBay.

Damn though, have you opened up a can of worms for yourself.


And a close up of both Stormies from the set -

WTF is up with the utility belts on those two Stormtroopers?!?!

TRU's have been pretty bone dry around here as well.  This whole BOGO deal seems like a way to get TSC stock out of the way in time for the 30AC line more than anything else.

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