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Messages - Nicklab

Pages: 1 ... 600 601 602 603 604 [605] 606 607 608 609 610 ... 786
Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Top 5 Hotties
« on: February 19, 2007, 10:44 PM »
Just shows how much I give a crap about gossip.   ::)

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Top 5 Hotties
« on: February 19, 2007, 10:19 PM »
BOOO!!!!  STOOOPID Tom Brady soiled this incredible piece of *** and got her knocked up!

Sidenote, I actually saw her at my job one day.  SMOKING HOT, but really dumb.

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: 30AC Wave 4 - Jabba's Palace
« on: February 19, 2007, 06:17 PM »
Thanks.  After I posted that I found the full scan of the catalog and got those numbers.

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: 30AC Wave 4 - Jabba's Palace
« on: February 19, 2007, 05:34 PM »
Nice!  But I'd still like to see the rest of that catalog if possible.  We still don't have a complete numbering scheme of figures 1 - 30, with something of a gap in the teens.

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: 2007 Saga Legends
« on: February 19, 2007, 05:33 PM »
Oh, that one?   That was probably on hand more for use as a packaging mockup than actual product.  You'll notice that there is no coin in the blister.  The final product in the Saga Legends line should have a movie coin, and not an individual character coin.  So in the case of that particular Clone you should be seeing a Revenge Of The Sith coin, but again there is none in that blister.

The sale works online, too.  Even for pre-orders.  A friend of mine and I put in an order for a couple of the Bantha battle packs and it came to about $28 each.

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: 2007 Saga Legends
« on: February 18, 2007, 10:43 PM »
is the ep. 3 clone trooper in this wave SA because the picture that is up of him in packaging looks like the jet pack figure :-\

did they change something without telling us or what?

EE is simply using the photo that they had on hand so that they could list this wave with photos.  However, their photo of the ROTS 501st Clone is incorrect.  And in the past EE has provided photos in their listings that were not entirely accurate in an effort to give consumers a rough idea of what the final product looked like.  They did so with the 30AC Darth Vader Sith Starfighter, but also added a disclaimer that they had photoshopped an image of another Jedi Starfighter.  In the case of Saga Legends wave 2 EE has posted the following disclaimer under the product image:  Images of upcoming products may be prototypes and are subject to change before shipment.

Now, if you go back and read Rebelscum's article on The Saga Legends line you will find that the actual version we're getting of this Clone is derived from the ROTS SA Clone Trooper (#41).  You can give this report a great deal of creedence since Rebelscum was directly involved in shaping the Saga Legends line by conducting the polling for the Fan's Choice portion of the line for Hasbro.  That close working relationship on this line lends a great deal of credibility to RS on this particular subject.  Hasbro even added a note at the end of the RS article to thank fans/collectors for their participation in the poll.

The Bullpen / Marvel Legends
« on: February 18, 2007, 07:40 PM »
Can someone help me identify all of Spidey's villains that have been released thus far in the 6" range?  I have been only a casual collector for the last few years and have not followed the various lines (ML, FF4, Spiderman, etc.) as much as I would have liked to.  This is the current list I have:


Was that supposed to be MANWOLF?  If so, that's been done in the Spiderman Classics line.

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: 30th Anniversary Tin Collector Set
« on: February 18, 2007, 06:00 PM »
Today I scored a couple of the ROTJ tin sets in Toys R Us' BOGO sale.  They're okay as far as army builder sets go at $15 each for the SA Biker Scout w/ flip-up visor, Endor Trooper PLUS a VOTC Vader.  I'll probably stash the Leia's somewhere.

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: 30th Anniversary Tin Collector Set
« on: February 18, 2007, 12:32 PM »
he's great for ANY scene from episodes 3-6.

I'd say that the ANH tin Vader is really just an A New Hope version, but it definitely qualifies as the best ANH Vader ever.  The details alone on the costume are very specific to the first movie.  The most obvious giveaways are the gloves and the inner robe running over the shoulder armor.  In every other movie that undercloak runs underneath the shoulder armor.  And Vader afficianados will also tell you that the control panel on the chest and belt are different as well.  And truth be told, there are only a small number of Vaders that have represented Vader in ANH.  There's the MOTDS Vader, the new 30AC Vader with Ben's cloak and possibly the POTF2 CommTech Vader that represent Vader from ANH.

It definitely is a great figure, no doubt.  The only gripe I have is that there isn't some kind of a snap mechanism to hold the helmet down more securely.  Other than that?  I have no problem with this figure.  I'm probably going to replace the VOTC Vader I have displayed with the VOTC Ben with the Tin Vader for my Death Star duel scene.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: RIP Anna Nicole
« on: February 16, 2007, 05:59 PM »
Amazing to think that, especially when there are things like say, a war, to devote airtime to.  ::)

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: RIP Anna Nicole
« on: February 16, 2007, 05:48 PM »
It just seems like such a non-story to me.  Some chick who's only famous for being a bimbo golddigger dies choking on her own vomit?  Next.  I need something a little more serious in order to give a ****.

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: 30AC Wave 4 - Jabba's Palace
« on: February 16, 2007, 05:32 PM »
It's actually a very good show.  The promoters totally underestimated the turnout last year and they had to turn people away.  The exhibitor list is actually pretty good.

or this

imagine the big ass bar you can build....

"Please excuse the crudity of this model. I didn't have time to build it to scale or to paint it." - Doc Brown

How quaint.  ;D  Awesome drawing, actually.  But considering how many of the regular Cantina bar sections we've gotten (rough guess tells me about 9 sections), we should be able to make the big bar by getting some extras of Elis Helrot and Mii'yoom Onith.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Bar's open! What'll you have...?
« on: February 16, 2007, 05:31 PM »
For now?

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: RIP Anna Nicole
« on: February 16, 2007, 05:29 PM »
Who cares?  Seriously.

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