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Messages - Nicklab

Pages: 1 ... 603 604 605 606 607 [608] 609 610 611 612 613 ... 784
30th Anniversary Collection / Re: 30AC "Vintage" Figures Thread
« on: January 29, 2007, 08:26 PM »
Dave Coulier is dead?

Where you been?  Uncle Joey's been dead for like four years now.

Not a day goes by that I don't miss that unfunny bastard.

Pshaw!  He ain't dead. IMDB told me so!!!  :P  Sad that I felt compelled to look that up.

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: 2007 Rumors... Oh my!
« on: January 29, 2007, 06:25 PM »
R2 in cargo net?  What's that? 
As for the R2-D2 in cargo net, I'm thinking that's a ROTJ/Endor R2-D2.

Driodekas w/sheilds  ;D oh it's so on.  Hopefully it doesn't have kid freindly projectiles  ;) 
It's about time for this one.  I've been writing that in on wishlists for years now.

Jango Fett w/poncho?  Did I miss that scene?

That's from a deleted scene in AOTC where Dooku meets with Anakin and Padme before they're sent to the execustion arena.  I'm actually very happy to see this one.  Maybe Hasbro will make an SA Jango and decided to throw in the poncho.

1840 SW BASIC FIGURE CZ-4 JABBA PALACE DROID 6-53569-20657-6 is that CZ-3 pedecessor? ;)

You have to ignore some of the mispellings or typos in these things.  They called Darth Revan DARTH RAVEN, so some things just have to slide.

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: Utapau Again?
« on: January 29, 2007, 06:06 PM »
There seems to be some kind of assumption that this product, whatever it is, is going to involve Clone Troopers.  That may be the case.  But what about Obi-Wan, Grievous, the Seperatist leadership, the Droid Army, the Magna Guards, the Utapauans, the Utai...there are a number of possibilities here.

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: Recent 30AC Purchases
« on: January 29, 2007, 03:31 PM »
Picked up a Saesee Tiin Jedi Starfighter today.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Vista: Bueno?
« on: January 29, 2007, 11:27 AM »
I was actually looking at a laptop recently at Best Buy and noticed that almost all of the laptops were gone.  The sales guy told me that they were cleaning them all out because they were XP equipped machines, and that they were expecting Vista equipped units soon.  But he also mentioned that people still wanted XP ready machines and to avoid Vista for the time being.  Best Buy is apparently offering people vouchers for Vista, but their computer guys are saying stay away for the time being.

The set actually looks awesome if you take it out of the box but keep the cardboard insert backing.  I then removed the plastic piece and set up the figures and they look great in that.  I'll try to post a pic or two if possible.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: The "Final 22"
« on: January 28, 2007, 12:39 PM »
Indeed they are.  At least this is, and so is this.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: The "Final 22"
« on: January 27, 2007, 07:02 PM »
Scored holo Obi-Wan and a Clone Trooper - Combat Engineer at a comic shop today.  Those were the only figures from that wave that I saw, but they were definitely a surprise.

Also, an interesting note on the Clone Trooper - Combat Engineer.  The sculpt on this trooper is identical to the Evolutions ROTS Clone Trooper.  The chief difference however is that the Evolutions Clone has a utility belt with attached kama and holsters, while the Combat Engineer Clone has only the utility belt.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: TSC Recent Acquisitions
« on: January 27, 2007, 07:02 PM »
Scored a holographic Obi-Wan Kenobi & the Clone Trooper Combat Engineer at a comic shop today.  That was a big surprise!  No sign of the rest of that wave though, otherwise I'd have the Elite Corps Clone and Commander Appo, too.

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: Target Exclusive Order 66 2-Packs
« on: January 25, 2007, 07:01 PM »
I like the choice of Anakin with the Airborne 501st Trooper.  I wonder if this Anakin will have the Sith eyes variation?

As for the others?  Not crazy about the Obi-Wan & AT-RT Driver.  The choice of Obi-Wan is weak, but it probably has something to do with the factory producing these sets or Hasbro wanting to mix up the Obi-Wan's they're putting out.  The AT-RT Driver just doesn't look good in these markings.  As for Mace & the Galactic Marine, I'd prefer the new Mace Windu in this set.  But I think Hasbro nixed that idea since it would probably lead to decreased sales of the new Basic Mace Windu.  The Galactic Marine is cool though.

I'm hopeful for the other three sets, but I'm also realistic.  I'd like to see a better Emporer, but I doubt we're going to get one.  At least in this format.

If anything, I think that the exclusive completist in me is going to lead me to buy these.  I've passed on some regular issue items, but I almost never pass on the exclusives. 

Scored it this morning.  I had to use the DCPI to get it today.  Can't figure why it wouldn't be on the shelves first thing in the morning, but I got it nonetheless.

It has a street date, 2/4, so that's why it wasn't on the floor. 

I didn't see that on the case that the clerk brought out.  Oh well. I have them anyway.

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: 30th Anniversay Wave 3- Tatooine
« on: January 25, 2007, 01:06 PM »
Holographic Vader would be my pick, but I think he's only been seen as a mini-hologram.

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: Target "Ambush On Ilum" Battle Pack
« on: January 25, 2007, 10:48 AM »
Picked this up today.  I think it's a decent value for the 3 figures and 2 chameleon droids which look sizable all for $19.99. 

Scored it this morning.  I had to use the DCPI to get it today.  Can't figure why it wouldn't be on the shelves first thing in the morning, but I got it nonetheless.

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: Recent 30AC Purchases
« on: January 25, 2007, 10:38 AM »
Scored the Ambush on Ilum and Betrayal on Felucia battle packs today.  Glad to see them hitting, but strange that I had to run the DCPI on these first thing in the morning.  You would think that the overnight stock crews would have put these out, but no.  Either way, I think these are both worth the $19.99 each that Target is charging for them.

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