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Messages - JayDouble

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[li]and the #1 thing: Retards who don't know what the **** a blinker is. They either don't use one which is really aggrivating, turn it on way too early and pass like 5 turns before they actually turn, don't reallize it is on and drive for a mile or two befroe they realize, and as dumb as this sounds I've seen it a couple times: people who use the wrong ******* blinker, I've seen people put on their left blinker to turn right, it really isn't that hard.[/li]

I agree.  That's the one thing that annoys me more than anything else when I'm driving.  I actually don't care if someone kind off cuts me off as long as they use their blinker.  Gives me a heads up and I know they weren't trying to do it on purpose.

Where it annoys me is the lack of using the blinker.  We've all been there; driving along then all of a sudden the car wants to turn right.  They gives us no notice and we almost rear end them or worst cause a chain reaction.  It hasn't happend yet so cross my fingers.

Other Collectibles / Re: ROTS Burger King Promos
« on: May 23, 2005, 04:21 PM »
I finally picked up a Vader today.  I also got Obi-Wan with my meal.  Anyone have an extra Yoda.  I missed him. 

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: So how many times have you seen it?
« on: May 23, 2005, 02:01 PM »
Twice, plan on seeing this Memorial Day weekend on digital.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Happy Birthday Chuckles!!
« on: May 21, 2005, 04:36 AM »
Happy Birthday Jim!

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: Is Mace Windu a "bad egg"...?
« on: May 20, 2005, 01:08 PM »
What the frig is Vappad?


Vaapad, the seventh form of lightsaber combat, takes its name from a notoriously dangerous predator native to the moons Sarapin: a vaapad attacks its prey with whipping strikes of its blindingly fast tentacles. Most have at least seven. It is not uncommon for them to have as many as twelve; the largest ever killed had twenty-three. With a vaapad, one never knew how many tentacles it had until it was dead: they move too fast to count. Almost too fast to see.

Vaapad is as aggressive and powerful as its namesake, but its power comes at great risk: immersion in Vaapad opens the gates that restrain one's inner darkness. To use Vaapad, a Jedi must allow himself to enjoy the fight; he must give himself over to the thrill of battle. The rush of winning. Vaapad is a path that leads through the penumbra of the dark side.

Mace Windu created this style, and he was its only living master.

Vaapad is a channel for darkness, and that darkness flowed both ways. He accepted the furious speed of the Sith Lord, drew the shadow's rage and power into his inmost center—

And let it fountain out again.

Vaapad made him an open channel, half of a superconducting loop completed by the shadow; they became a standing wave of battle that expanded into every cubic centimeter of the Chancellor's office. There was no scrap of carpet nor shred of chair that might not at any second disintegrate in flares of red or purple; lampstands became brief shields, sliced into segments that whirled through the air; couches became terrain to be climbed for advantage or overleapt in retreat. But there was still only the cycle of power, the endless loop, no wound taken on either side, not even the possibility of fatigue.

Because Vaapad is more than a fighting style. It in a state of mind: a channel for darkness. Power passed into him and out again without touching him.

And the circuit completed itself: the lightning reflected back to its source.

Had the novel handy.   :P

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: Is Mace Windu a "bad egg"...?
« on: May 20, 2005, 01:03 PM »
I guess I'm in the minority here I like Mace and what he did.  

In the book he doesn't come of as being Anakin's antagonizer but a bad ass.  I don't think he was working for the Sith at all.

In the book Mace uses Vaapad to own Palpatine.  He basically channels himself in it to own Palpatine.

The book gives a different description of the Yoda vs Emperor match.  The movies doesn't convey the thought of Yoda at all.  The big one for me is when Yoda realizes for the past thousand years since the last fight with the Sith that the training for the Jedi is all wrong.  He realizes that the way there training the Jedi is good for fighting the Stih a thousand years ago but not now.  The Sith have changed and adapted to other ways to use the Force preparing for this moment.  

I see Mace as the only one who's wasn't clouded and thus the discovery of Vaapad.  He was the only Jedi to evolve and prepare for this day.  You may wonder why he didn't share his knowledge with the Jedi.  It was to dangerous.  He shared it with Sora, and Sora wasn't able to channel it properly an turned to the dark side.

Nice pics Ricardo.  I don't know if I should continue to feed your habit of clones.   :P

Gentle Giant / Re: Bust Ups!
« on: May 19, 2005, 07:30 PM »
Did I miss something?

Chase Stormtrooper Bust Up w/Variant Rifle sold for $33??

A sucker is born everyday.    :P  That's isn't rare. I got mine for $5 when they first came out.

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: Post your ROTS reviews and thoughts!
« on: May 19, 2005, 04:37 PM »

Let me preface these comments by saying I read the book first.

I saw the movie last night and.....I really don't know what to write.  My thoughts are actually jumbled at the moment.

The movie just seems to move very fast compared to the book.  I hope he comes out with and extended version ala Peter Jackson in LOTR.  There were a lot of scenes that didn't play out from the book, which I believe would of helped or at least enjoyed watching.

My whole view on Vader has changed.  I remember watching OT and thinking "WOW, Vader is the baddest mofo in the Galaxy."  Now I realize what a tragic hero he is instead.  Went to the darkside to help Padme, but ended up killing here instead.

The one gripe I have is when Anakin does go to the dark side and Palpatine says we'll find this power together.  If I'm Anakin I'm like "WTF."  I just killed Mace and you don't have the power.  Screw you off with your head.   :P

Overall, Im very pleased with the movie.  Very entertaining and yes very emotional.  Maybe I'm just realizing that there's no more movies coming out or it's kind of an end to an era.  The only thing I can compare my feeling to is like watching a sitcom's series finale.  You watch or follow it religiously and its just over.  Feels weird.

Number 3 for me.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Top 5 Hotties
« on: May 12, 2005, 05:30 PM »
Someone put up this auction for a custom Bai Ling Playboy figure.

Bai Ling

Other Toy Lines / Re: McFarlane Sportspicks
« on: May 12, 2005, 03:54 PM »
Got my Deions this morning.  Yeah.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Top 5 Hotties
« on: May 11, 2005, 02:57 AM »
Here's a hottie I like: Lucy Pinder

Another of my favorites: Kim Smith

Matt they have a link up if you're having trouble finding places that sell the coins.
Coin Finder

Congrats Diddly! 

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