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Messages - Nicklab

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Saga Collection '06 / Re: The "Final 22"
« on: January 6, 2007, 11:04 PM »
Hmmm.  The dirtmall report is starting to seem more dubious.  The only wave 9 in-hand auctions seem to be from the UK.  Even for a repack like Yarael Poof.  Aside from that I saw a couple of wave 9 figures from Arkansas that *might* just be from some buyer for WalMart.

I would think that the BARC Speeders are probably the same sculpt as the one that was packed with Stass Allie.  That one was pretty good, whereas the version with the Clone Scout had the silly big wheel and zip cord.

The Bullpen / Marvel Legends
« on: January 6, 2007, 11:55 AM »
I've seen a bunch of the Spiderman Origins figures so far.  Uck!  The paint jobs are not good.  They're way too glossy.

Gentle Giant / Re: Gentle Giant Busts
« on: January 4, 2007, 11:36 PM »
I go through my local comic shop and I get a decent discount with them.  But there is THIS ONLINE STORE which has some decent prices.  He's pretty new but extremely reliable.  I've dealt with him personally and everyone else that I know who has dealt with him has nothing but good things to say.  So you might want to check out Joe's Basement Collectibles.

Other Collectibles / Re: Gentle Giant Statues
« on: January 4, 2007, 08:22 PM »
Got my Royal Guard statue today.  NICE!!!

Gentle Giant / Re: Gentle Giant Busts
« on: January 4, 2007, 08:22 PM »
I found out that my Grievous bust will be in tomorrow.  I'm looking forward to getting this one.

I wound up getting IG-88 today.  Ordered it through and they actually came through.  Who knew that their online store was worth checking out?

Saga Collection '06 / Re: The "Final 22"
« on: January 4, 2007, 08:13 PM »
That's the unfortunate side effect of getting info at a place that's like the dirt mall.  ;D  But we're bound to see these popping up some more since they've been sighted in Asia and online to a limited extent.

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: 30th Anniversay Wave 3- Tatooine
« on: January 4, 2007, 08:03 PM »
This would seem to suggest that the Luke is definitely a Tatooine one (with the vaparator), which will be cool.  I've been wondering for a while if the Vader isn't the ANH tin set one, maybe with the helmet glued down.  That's what I'm betting.

I was kind of surprised to see the bio on this figure.  I'm *hoping* that this version of Vader will come with Ben's cloak and lightsaber hilt.  I hope whoever came up with this idea at Hasbro thinks the way I do.  But it would definitely make sense if this version was the ANH tin sculpt.

Gentle Giant / Re: Gentle Giant Bust Ups!
« on: January 4, 2007, 01:43 AM »
Still no joy for me on the smoke Anakin.  Worse, there's one on ebay with a $99 BIN.  Man, I hope no one buys it at that. :-\

That's just insane.  I know that I've been searching for either version of Commander Gree bust up for some time, but I would NEVER pay anywhere near that much for that piece.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: The "Final 22"
« on: January 3, 2007, 09:42 PM »
Most of my wave 8 sightings have been at Target and TRU so far.  But I saw a report that wave 9 has been sighted in California.  Haven't seen any receipt or product photos though.

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: Who Is Left From Jabba's Palace?
« on: January 3, 2007, 09:31 PM »
I'd probably have to go with these guys...

1. Hermi Odle
2. Sgt. Doallyn
3. Gauron Nas Tal - Saurin
4. Shasa Tiel - Ishi Tib
5. Wooof (Vintage Klaatu)
6. Velken Tezeri - Skiff Guard
7. Attark
8. Loje Nella
9. Cane Adiss
10. 2-1A

The Vintage Collection / Re: Hasbro Weekly Q and A
« on: January 3, 2007, 05:18 PM »

Nicklab, you make good points and I understand exactly what you're saying.  But I look at the tooling that was required for a Gunship or the ARC-170, and see perhaps even less tooling to go into a simple modular playset.  All you really need is a floor (which is essentially just a sheet of plastic), a few walls that snap on the sides, and a ceiling.  It could be just a few pieces of plastic that interlock.  Throw in a couple accessories and an exclusive figure or any army builder and package it nicely, and I don't think TRU or Target would turn their nose up to the idea of carrying it.  I just don't think it would be that expensive.  Just my opinion.   :)


Remember the EPISODE I playsets?  Specifically the Theed Hangar and the Theed Generator playsets?  Those playsets were almost exactly what you're describing.  And those weren't exactly flying off of shelves, and I also can't seem to recall much critical collector acclaim about those sets.

For what a number of collectors seems to be clamoring for, it only seems that what Attakus is doing will fit the bill.  And those pieces cost thousands of dollars.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Hasbro Weekly Q and A
« on: January 3, 2007, 11:54 AM »

3. What's been the biggest learning point that you've taken away from participating in the first 20 Q&A sessions? Has there been anything in particular that made you sit back and think, "wow, those crazy collectors are really after product X?" Have there been any specific products set into motion for 2008 or beyond based on the collective Q&A input?

** Interesting question. If anything, it has been that our intuition and interest in expanding into the EU definitely struck a vein of fan interest and the large number of EU-related questions have enabled us to think as broadly as possible about the prospects and think about other opportunities. Another thing we have taken away is that beyond the EU, we think that we have been constructing the whole line in a way that touches upon many, if not all, of the specific sub-classes of figures and themes that fans like at least as far as the figure and vehicle selection goes that fans have been asking about. If fans are asking detailed questions that is good for us and helps us think more deeply about things. Of course, the hardest thing about the Q&A is holding ourselves back a bit in our answers and not "spilling the beans" about the exciting things we have coming out. We prefer to keep things as close to the vest as possible so we have new things to talk about, and not have the line gradually revealed all the way until the end of 2008 .


Maybe read that answer over again, and see that Hasbro said that asking in more detailed questions is good for them and helps them think more deeply about things.  Plus they mention that since EU was mentioned so many times, they are thinking as broadly as possible about how to incorporate the EU line.  Hmmm.... what's so different about bringing up playsets again in a Q&A when EU has been done several times and they admit it has gotten them more serious about it?  What if because they saw a lot of interest in the playsets in the Q&As, they started to take it more seriously?

The more you look into it, the more it appears that if you do want playsets, you're wasting an opportunity to maybe have them think as broadly as possible here.  Ask once and you get a "NO" and then drop the subject without addressing it in another fashion when your readers are still asking about it?   If we drop it when there is clearly still interest there by collectors, Hasbro might see it as "See, we don't need to make laysets for them because they're not even asking about it anymore." 

But if they hear it enough, they might take on a new attitude and at least go to the drawing board and see what might be accomplished, put forward a project plan and put out a couple examples for fans to vote on.  Then put it out there as an exclusive to limit production enough to cover their costs/profit margin.  That is what I meant when I said what if Hasbro announced in a Q&A that a playset was in the works because of the overwhelming interest by the fans... I think at that point people would be GLAD that the question was asked.  People can say this would never happen all they want, but I've been around boards for almost 10 years and have seen people say all kinds of things would never happen, that eventually did.

Chewie, I understand your rationale here.  Hasbro saw just how much interest there was in the EU and they've responded in kind by saying that they're planning on supplementing OT and PT characters with some from the EU.  And to their credit, the people that have been asking for EU figures for years are getting their wish (to an extent).  But when we compare that interest in EU figures with playsets, we're really comparing apples and oranges.  The figure line is broad enough that Hasbro can afford to take some chances with it.  And the costs are low enough that they can at least afford to give things a try.  Plus it's not that hard of a sell for them to get retail involved.

Then we look at playsets.  Sure, the collector interest is there.  But is there kid interest too?  And vice versa, is there a playset design that's geared towards kids that will appeal to collectors as well?  And then there's the costs.  The costs for design, engineering and tooling are considerably higher than those for a figure.  Then factor in getting a retailer on board that is going to make space in their planogram for such an item.  These are the challenges that Hasbro and collectors alike are facing when it comes to playsets.  I think that it's this kind of honesty that we need to have in this kind of discussion.  Now I want playsets as much as any other diorama oriented collector.  But I'm also honest enough to lay out those facts.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Hasbro Weekly Q and A
« on: January 3, 2007, 01:28 AM »
I think it's the discretion and responsibility of the site that's submitting the questions to weed through them in an effort to get the most pertinent question answered.  That's my own take and I'll stand by that.  Now if that question was the best of the bunch, then that's that.  I don't know who's responsible for the Q&A submissions over at Yakface, but this question in particular might serve as a wakeup call for trying to elevate the level of the questions that get submitted.

My issue with the question we're talking about is the complete disregard for everything that had been asked and answered previously about playsets.  Now perhaps the person asking the question isn't quite as tapped into the collecting community as a lot of people here.  Because many of us know that these questions have been asked and answered before.

But then you get to the ammount of attitude that's dished out in the question.  To me that's where this particular question crossed the line.  I think we can exercise a reasonable level of civility in the process.  This question didn't have that.  It basically said that we (collectors) know the toy business better than Hasbro and drew some very inappropriate comparisons.  I honestly would have liked to see Hasbro lay out the numbers for this guy to show how far off-base he was in his assumptions, but that would have been a PR blunder.

And I think that it's here where the staff of a website should get involved in the process once again.  Since some of them do have direct contact with Hasbro they're more likely to have an understanding of the business aspects.  Elaborating on Hasbro's answers with forum members wouldn't be a bad thing for any website to do.  For instance, does this forum member know that Hasbro owns GI Joe as a intellectual property, and therefore doesn't have any licensing costs to factor into their unit costs?  My guess is no.  Does this forum member understand that Hasbro paid hundreds of millions of dollars for the Star Wars license, and that business deal impacts every Star Wars item that Hasbro produces?  And does this forum member know that Zizzle is a very different business from Hasbro, owing it's entire existance to it's Pirates Of The Carribean license?  It is all of these factors that should be presented to this forum member in an honest dialogue.

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