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Messages - Muftak

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VOTC was 2004.

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: Recent 30AC Purchases
« on: March 6, 2008, 06:25 PM »
Does anyone else find the phrase "New Guaranteed Taste" as hysterical as I do?

Thank God, Sara Lee stopped making tasteless bread!

On topic, got the Panning Droid, and I think I'm done until summer.

Jocasta's Reading Room / Re: Legacy Novels
« on: March 4, 2008, 06:30 PM »
Agreed on the long wait for Invincible. (and more spoilers to follow...)

These writers seem to have it in for Tim Zahn's characters...first Leia's Noghri bodyguards, then Mara Jade, and now Pellaeon...and I'd wager either Jacen or Jaina will have to die in the end. Thankfully Tallon Karrde decided to sit this series out, or I'm sure he'd have died by now.

Aaron Allston's books were a pleasure to read thus far (I love his take on Lando, and the humor he brings to the the Looooove Commander.) Troy Denning's entries have been a real chore, though, I absolutely couldn't take one more Alema Rar POV passage, so I'm hoping Invincible is worth it.

Karen Traviss has been the middle of the road for me. I haven't really gotten excited about all the Mando stuff, and unfortunately she got the character of Pellaeon completely wrong. I found myself really brought out of the story quite a few times with his reaction to Jacen's control of the fleet. Seeing as he was on hand for (and very outspoken against) Thrawn's use of C'Baoth's fleet coordinating skills, I found it completely unbelievable that he would be so surprised by Jacen's actions. I was hoping for at least some acknowledgement that Pellaeon was aware of the power of a Jedi gone dark, but I guess Traviss didn't read those books to know. At least know the characters you're killing off.

Hey Hasbro! / Re: Questions for Hasbro?
« on: March 4, 2008, 11:22 AM »
Do you really think the pop-up dioramas got a fair shot at retail success? The 2 made barely made it on the shelf in 1998, before the big movie build-up and after most of the rest of the line got cancelled. They would just as easily fit the spot occupied on the shelf by the Evolutions line this year, for virtually no tooling cost.

Even ten years later the Cantina and Jabba's Palace are both considered essential items in a modern collection. With the Death Star, Cloud City, Ewok Village, Trade Federation Bridge, Outlander Nightclub, and Invisible Hand backdrops you might have a huge hit on your hands. Let's give them another try, with a pack-in army-builder figure for incentive, and see what happens.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Ideas for Future Evolutions Sets?
« on: March 4, 2008, 11:11 AM »
Evolution of Diminutive Aliens (AKA Jack Purvis roles, as made mandatory by Kenny Baker's contract):

SA Jawa Chief

SA Ugnaught Chief

SA Ewok Warrior

(plenty of room in this set for lots of oddball accessories, as well, but my favorite would be an alternate Jack Purvis head you can put on any of the figures for a "behind the scenes" look.)

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: LOST
« on: February 26, 2008, 11:34 AM »
Jack's father, and Aaron's grandfather, for that matter...who may or may not really be dead, after Jack's outburst in the hospital halls in the finale, and what may have been an appearance by him at the cabin when Hurley looked in the window.

1 - Super-Posable Jar Jar Binks
2 - Super-Posable See Threepio
3 - Cap'n Panaka (resculpt with removable hat)
4 - Tey How
5 - Kitster / Wald 2-pack
6 - Weazel / Young Greedo 2-pack
7 - Ithorian Senator
8 - "Green Planet" Senator 2-pack
9 - Rick McCallum as "young Imperial dignitary #1"
10 - Ben Burtt as "young Imperial dignitary #2"

The Legacy Collection / Re: 2008 Evolutions Sets
« on: February 16, 2008, 08:31 PM »
Snowspeeder Wedge?

Not Wedge, but Janson.  ;D

The Legacy Collection / Re: Hoth Battle Pack
« on: February 16, 2008, 08:28 PM »
It could also be a 4-LOM body. It is really hard to tell in that little image but I almost think I can make out articulated elbows...

You maybe right on that, also the hands look "open" like it could hold a blaster like 4-LOM can.

I'm leaning 4-LOM now.  :P

That K-3PO isn't based off of 4-LOM...he's got a different look in the torso and shoulders from the standard 3PO. I'm still leaning towards the pull-apart AOTC Threepio.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Wal-Mart exclusive A-Wing
« on: February 16, 2008, 04:14 PM »
Here's hoping its the blue McQuarrie deco this time around!

The Legacy Collection / Re: 2008 Evolutions Sets
« on: February 16, 2008, 03:41 PM »
Good peek at the Rebel Pilots pack with Ten Nunb (incorrectly in white, again!) there too.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Hoth Battle Pack
« on: February 16, 2008, 02:59 PM »
Hasbro may have just sold me my first battle pack!

The Legacy Collection / Re: Hoth Battle Pack
« on: February 16, 2008, 02:31 PM »
Especially if that K-3PO is based off of either R-3PO or Droid Factory C-3PO molds, as opposed to the old TC-14 based version.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Droid Factory Build A Figure
« on: February 16, 2008, 02:28 PM »
if both thowse astro mecs are in the ROTJ wave and we have only seem 7 figures from the wave..who will hold the last piece for one of these droids  :-X

Original rumors included a three-piece removable helmet Vader in the ROTJ wave.

The Legacy Collection / Re: 2008 Wave ? - ROTJ
« on: February 16, 2008, 01:36 PM »
Yarna's got a knife. Wonder how she would've fared against the Rancor...

Cut scene guys look articulated anyway, but what is the love with windswept hair sculpts these days? I think I will pass on all three.

And the Astromech is EU? Wow, with all the movie accurate ones yet to be made, I'm surprised they tooled this up. Again, not getting the whole wave, so I'll just take the head and legs or whatever come with Ewok, Malar, and Yarna, and not have to worry about hunting the rest down on eBay.

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