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Messages - Muftak

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30th Anniversary Collection / Re: Your DEFINITIVE top 3 wants!
« on: December 31, 2007, 09:07 AM »
Ep IV--Ranat
Ep V--Chewie with sculpted Threepio parts on his back
Ep VI--Jabba's Palace Klaatu

The Legacy Collection / Re: Droid Factory Build A Figure
« on: December 18, 2007, 05:07 PM »
I have been going back and forth over being happy for this news and being frustrated by it...

...happy because at last it is a pack-in that makes absolute sense, and is something I have lobbied for in the past...

...frustrated because it has been quite some time since I have bought all the figures in a single wave, let alone 30 figures over multiple waves...

...hopefully it will be a prequel droid like the spider droid, so I don't have to worry about how I'm gonna get all the pieces. In fact calling them "Droid Factory" waves would point to the "one big droid" being the big droid in the factory in Episode II that has already been mentioned. Might even tie in with Clone Wars, since it's in that era. If that's the case, I'll take what parts I get as droid junk pieces and actually be pretty happy for it.

If it turns out to be an OT droid I just gotta have (Probe Droid is really the only thing that might remotely fit the bill, but those would be thirty small pieces. Like, halves of arms or claws or antennas or what not.) then I'll have to weigh the costs of buying all the figures and trying to sell/trade the ones I don't want away, or trying to trade for or buy needed droid parts.

I guess in the end it is a happy dilemma. Can't wait to find out more about it!

I saw this thread and all I could think of was the vintage droid factory.  :D

Me too...I was actually hoping they were gonna make a modern version with some buildable Sandcrawler Droids. I still think it would be a huge seller!!

Hey Hasbro! / Re: Your Battle Pack Ideas?
« on: December 14, 2007, 08:32 PM »
The trials of C-3PO...

Episode IV Sandcrawler Storage
*Gonk Droid
*CZ-1 (CZ-4 repaint)
*C-3P0 (Saga2 version with restraining bolt retool)
*R2-D2 (ROTS R2 unit repaint with restraining bolt retool)

Episode V Bespin Junk Room
*Chewbacca (EB repaint)
*Big Ughnaught (redeco)
*Li'l Ughnaught (redeco)
*IG-88B (Vintage repaint)
*C-3PO pieces and other junk
*conveyor belt

Episode VI Jabba's Droid Dungeon
*EV-9D9 with computer
*8D8 with branding press
*Gonk Droid (upside down, duh)
*half of CZ-4
*tortured 2-1 droid on rack (ROTS 2-1B retool)

The Legacy Collection / Re: New Evolution Sets
« on: December 14, 2007, 08:08 PM »
I remember reading a Hasbro QnA response in which they said they really want to do a pilot Corran Horn figure but lamented that he never actually appeared as a Rogue Squadron pilot in the comics to qualify for a comic 2 pack. My gut says he will fill out one of the slots. As a green-outfitted X-Wing pilot, he would certainly be unique looking, plus would go along with the 08 Evo trend of including one EU figure.

The names "Rebel Pilots" and "Imperial Pilots" kind of exclude the possibility of prequel figures, though, don't they? (In fairness, I suppose a Padme' set excludes the original trilogy.)

Well of the Souls / Hasbro Indy Playsets
« on: December 8, 2007, 01:30 PM »
Looks like perhaps two playsets are on tap.

I'm gonna spoil the enthusiasm here by pointing out the Playskool line is called Adventure Heroes and the speculated playsets are called the Ultimate Adventure Playset and Sword Adventure Set. Look for a Spidey & Friends-type playset.

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: Cutting back in 08?
« on: December 6, 2007, 04:50 PM »
Boy am I ever. After getting maybe 20 figures in 2005, and 40 figures both last year and this one, I recently had a crisis of collecting when I thought about the possibility of 40 figures a year for the next ten years. I gave up trying to get them all after POTF2 ended, but the realization that has dawned on me this past month is that Hasbro is never going to stop increasing production. There is never going to be a real manageable complete collection. Already there are way too many gray areas with all the rehashes and repaints and straight rereleases in new packages.

In short, the burden is not on Hasbro to define the breadth and depth of a collection, but on the collector him/herself.

To reconcile this epiphany with my collecting habits, I sat down and made a list of what I consider my neccesities, and came up with right around three-hundred and fifty figures I want to own. Of those, there are about 75 that don't exist yet, and so far too few are rumored for next year. A 350 figure collection will look good and manageable on shelves in my office, and I have begun to shape my collection toward that outcome.

I for one am happy for this change in format. Not being a completist or coin collector, I will be skipping the initial releases of these figures for the pack-in I would prefer. Kudos.

I wouldn't be too hard on Hasbro for the change, either. The 30AC obviously had a lot of problems getting into production, and things have been delayed all year. In any other year, Hasbro probably would've just bumped the last couple of waves into the next year's line. (Like what they acknowledged happened to the Yavin wave this year.)

Unfortunately, the 30AC promised a certain amount of coins to fill those albums and they have to deliver, hence a couple of waves where only half (or whatever) of the production run will be ready in time to get the coin treatment. Remember, there are figures from waves one and two that have been shipping all year, if these last few waves have the same production numbers as those, we should expect to see them shipping out for a while too.

I have not been actively searching this year, just looking when I am out, and I have seen every 30AC figure on the shelf (thru wave 6) with the exception of the McQuarrie Starkiller.

Everything else I have seen on more than one occasion even, with the exception of the McSnowy and Darths Revan and Malak. This includes UGHs. Things have definitely been out there in my area, thanks mostly to the huge pileup last month on waves 5 and 6 at WalMart.

Hey Hasbro! / Re: Questions for Hasbro?
« on: October 23, 2007, 05:14 PM »
Have you considered a training remote accessory? The way to make it work (as discussed among the community years ago) would be to allow it to clip to a lightsaber blade via a laserbolt, as if the shot is being deflected.

This one should be pretty high on the "iconic accessories not yet tackled" list guys!

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: 2007, Best Year Ever?
« on: September 24, 2007, 01:14 PM »
Well, lets look at it this way...

Imagine, if you will, a 30AC coin album filled with coins for the following:

#1 Luke Skywalker (Dagobah Training)
#2 Yoda (Dagobah Training)
#3 Spirit of Obi-Wan (Dagobah Training)
#4 R2-D2 (Dagobah Training)
#5 Luke Skywalker (X-Wing Pilot)
#6 Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight)
#7 Han Solo
#8 Chewbacca
#9 Princess Leia
#10 Darth Vader
#11 Biker Scout
#12 R2-D2
#13 C-3PO
#14 Boba Fett
#15 Obi-Wan Kenobi
#16 Stormtrooper
#17 Wicket
#18 Princess Leia (Bespin Gown)
#19 Cloud Car Pilot
#20 Lobot
#21 TIE Fighter Pilot
#22 Greedo
#23 Tusken Raider
#24 Jawas
#25 Snowtrooper
#26 Luke Skywalker (Bespin Gear)
#27 IG-88
#28 Bossk
#29 Darth Vader (Hoth)
#30 Gamorrean Guard
#31 Bib Fortuna
#32 Lando Calrissian (Skiff Guard Disguise)
#33 Princess Leia (Slave Outfit)
#34 Darth Vader
#35 Han Solo (AT-ST Driver)
#36 General Madine
#37 General Lando Calrissian
#38 Imperial Trooper
#39 Holographic Emperor ( Exclsuive)

(Or better yet, just take a look at this thread where I swiped the list from. A picture says a thousand words.)

I think that would have been nicer than the one we have this year (especially if it had then also contained gold vintage coins for the 12 VOTCs as well.) I mean, are we even getting a coin of Princess Leia for the album this year? Or Chewbacca? (Concept Chewie doesn't count.) Well, at least we'll have our Pax Bonkik commemorative coin. Whoever that is.

OTC was almost completely rereleases, I think I bought twelve of the thirty-nine offered (as opposed to maybe thirty of the hundred or so offered this year.) OTC's purpose was to distill the best of what Hasbro/Kenner had done for the nine years prior as far as core OT characters and must-have* secondaries to put a ready-made collection on the shelves at the same time as the OT DVDs hit. (*--the exception that proves the rule being the Cloud Car Pilot.)

If I could only have one year's worth of figures and that was it, I would take 2004s in a heartbeat.

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: 2007, Best Year Ever?
« on: September 24, 2007, 12:25 PM »
I'm going to go against the grain and say that no, 2007 has not been the best year ever for collecting. That honor will have to stay with 2004, which gave us the OTC and the VOTC. This year has been a good year for figures, but a bad year as far as collections go.

OTC and VOTC were cohesive collections. The 30AC is a mish-mash of (conceedingly well-made) figures from both trilogies, most of which are an attempt at "never-before made figures," which by year twelve of the modern line really means "obscure figures." I mean, Lava Miner? LIN droid? Cut scene Biggs? Rebel Honor Guard? Good figures, bad collection.

Saga Classics could have brough back great figures to tie the line together, but chose to offer lots of clones and droids as a grab for army builder money. Good figures (I guess), bad collection.

The Vintage line works only as a continuation of the previous two vintage lines. While it was neat to see ESB Luke and Han on packages like I found them on in '80 (while still speculating what ESB was going to be like) this is not an iconic, cohesive collection of heroes and villains like we had in '04. Good (even some great) figures, bad collection.

The comic packs are great for selling loose EU figures and a comic no one really wants, but they can hardly be said to make a cohesive line since the comics jump around and don't lend any sort of cohesiveness to the collection. Good figures (except the marvel paints), bad collection.

Then there is packaging...who could argue against the OTC being the gold standard of packaging designs thus far? The one thing I'd say they have going for them this year (the asthetic they seemed to push) is that the figures in the packages look like they actually come from the Star Wars galaxy.

Then there is distribution. Here it is fall, and half the figures have yet to really show up in stores. The case packs are awful. OTC seemed to dump everything virtually at once, in more even numbers (most cases being twelve unique figures) resulting in a Star Wars section that looked like it was trying to sell a varied collection of Star Wars toys, rather than legions of Galactic Marines. Or Fire-embossed R2s. Or Kenobi-cloaked Vaders.

I am glad for the new stuff, but only because I have the old stuff. On it's own, I'd call 2007 superfluous.

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: Peg Compulsion
« on: September 5, 2007, 12:12 PM »
Went in to TRU this morning to find they had reset the section to accomodate the FX saber display. I don't know what it is like where you guys shop, but ours has 9 pegs with Saga Legends stickers, and 15 with 30th stickers, with the two sections being separated by the 3 comic pack pegs. Of course, all the legends and 30ths were in the 30th section, while 8 Jerjerrods and an Imperial Gunner guarded the saga pegs. I sighed to myself/at myself and set about moving all the Saga Legends (about 70 figures or so total) into their section.

Hopefully (now that I have done the work) whoever stocks the section will catch the clue that when they order the old saga figures, the legends figures show up.

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: TRU Gold Squadron Y-Wing Fighter
« on: August 28, 2007, 05:04 PM »
Found this today, and did a little bit of soul searching over whether or not I would actually buy it. The Y-Wing was one of my favorite vintage toy ships, so it really had that going for it, but having a modern one already (the Target exclusive one) I didn't really feel it was missing from my collection.

In the end I bought it because of the strength of the pack-ins, and I am glad I did. Neat to have Lepira and another R5. Love the more accurate new chin guns. A couple of "new" deco changes I see are the engine covering pieces being molded in a bright orange plastic (gives the interior of the enginge more of a glow) and the purple tint to the cockpit glass. The landing gear are not nearly the issue of the Target version--I remember having to take that one apart and put the pieces together correctly myself as it could not stand up on its own. Seems like that is corrected.

Overall, I feel this is more than a decent buy for the price. I am satisfied in the "value" of the ship.

Looking it over, I am still amazed at the level of intricacy of the sculpt that still doesn't seem to be done justice by the much-improved paint aps. The only gripe I have is the lack of attention to the parts of the astromech sculpted on the ship itself--these should be off-white but instead are the same gray/dark-gray wash as the rest of the ship. Perhaps having this Y-Wing will finally free me up to do a touch-up paint job on my other and see how well I can make it look.

Figures that will never be taken off display in my collection:

1--Bespin Capture Han Solo. Just the best Han ever made, and the figure to beat for best ever in my opinion for--what?--seven years and counting. Articulation isn't everything, posability is more important.

2--OTC Yoda. This is the Yoda I'd been waiting for for years to replace the original vintage one I had as a kid. He is my collection's Yoda, period.

3--ROTS Pilot Obi-Wan. What a great figure, no matter the episode. I don't have many of the prequel figures, or any out on display really, but this one will always be there, along side...

4--Evolutions ROTS Anakin. One of the other best figures in the line. Facial sculpt? Dead on. Posabilitiy? Dead on. Scale? Dead on.

5--VOTC Chewbacca. The only figure I've ever managed to successfully pose standing on one foot with his other leg extended over his head as if he has just punted a football.

6--Feltipern Trevagg. I never really noticed this guy in the cantina scene, but this figure is the center of my cantina display now. This is what a drunken alien would look like!

7--Vintage B-Wing Pilot. The only vintage figure I still display unabashedly among the modern figures. When I was a kid, he was me in my Star Wars adventures!

8--Ephant Mon. Too big to go into storage. Sheer size is not enough to make a great figure, but Ephant has so much personality in his sculpt he is an instant eyecatcher and any display with him in it revolves around him.

9--OTC Lobot. Not an exciting character, but man what a good looking figure. OTC had to be the height of the line for me. It hasn't gotten better than 2004.

10--Foul Moudama. A figure that knocked me over last year when I saw him in the Star Wars section. (Funny how taking time off from the internet can lead to such fun things as surprises like that.) For obvious reasons, I was bound to love it, but he made me realize I will never quit the hobby, only vary my level of obsession.

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: 30AC Star Wars Comic Packs
« on: August 9, 2007, 08:47 AM »
Saw these at Target the other day and picked up the Luke & Mara set with mixed feelings. I want to like it a lot, but instead I just like it enough.

Mara's headsculpt is a little dodgy, but passable. Seems like the ball at the top of her neck and her head-hole do not match up right either--hole too small or ball too large to work properly. Her hair is sculpted to sit on her shoulders but hovers a fraction of a millimeter above instead.

Luke's permanently bent elbows are frustrating (especially since Mara's articulation could have easily been copied to give him more posability.) Otherwise, this is what I want in an EU version of a movie character: an outfit we can believe but didn't see in the movies. I like the way in CHEWIE's pictures above he has the waist-piece turned aorund, makes for another option on this figure's appearance.

Lightsabers were a little confusing as well. I'm not complaining about these really, I would always opt for more/different accessories over nothing. Luke's is a blue version of his RotJ saber...and Mara's may be her personally constructed lightsaber, but she's years from building that in this story.

The holsters are just too ridiculously bulky. I have solved this problem to my satisfaction by cutting off Mara's oversized gunbelt, and choosing to have Luke wear the ammo belt backwards, so the clips show across his chest and the holster is over his shoulder.

Why was there no Tusken Masttiff repaint thrown in as a vornskr? Seems like a logical choice to me to "complete the play pattern" as it were.

Looking through the comic that comes with this set also makes me think of all the "Heir to the Empire" sets we ought to get -- enough characters appeared in this one issue to make me realize they could easily reprint the whole series with sets of:

#2-Pregnant Leia/Khabarakh
#3-Pellaeon/Joruus C'Baoth
#6-Tallon Karrde/Ghent

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