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Messages - Muftak

Pages: 1 ... 62 63 64 65 66 [67] 68 69 70 71 72 ... 84
1. Muftak
2. Early Bird Chewbacca
3. B'omaar Monk
4. Oola
5. AT-ST Pilot (Saga Imperial Forces giftset)
6. Amanaman
7. Sio Bibble
8. Graxol Kelvyyn
9. Ephant Mon
10. Zev Senesca

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: 30AC Wave 3 - Tatooine
« on: June 7, 2007, 02:14 PM »
I just got Biggs, Jawa, and Luke from this wave, and I have to say these are some toys I have waited a long time for. Luke's face is kind of scene-specific, but head-swappable and thus forgivable.

I am so pleased with that moisture vaporator...I have waited patiently, and after six years it has finally come to be. The perceived hole in my collection is now filled. I was so giddy driving home with that toy, it was nuts. Between that and the excellent jawa and completely gratuitous "technically EU" Biggs, I played with Star Wars toys for the first time in a couple of years today. Wow.

Edit: And I just discovered that popping off the dome reveals all the interior sculpted goodness of the LIN now buying another Jawa makes a lot of sense, to have an exposed LIN as a different looking droid.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Quote Your Fellow Posters Out Of Context!
« on: September 15, 2005, 05:47 PM »
Whoever said his hands were in his pants?

Thanks, Matt!  :-*

Photonovels and Movies / Re: Luke's Bad Day...a PN Experiment
« on: September 13, 2005, 08:36 PM »
I wanted to see if I could throw something together photonovel wise. I had these "Luke in bandages" pictures in my computer, and they were more or less randomly chosen 'cause they were there. So the story is a non-point, really.

This past week I've been *lurking* here in the PN section, really enjoying the fine work I've seen. As a kid, I always enjoyed making home-made comics, and something about your stuff rekindled all that. So I thought I'd give it a go and see what I could do. I really enjoy taking the pictures, and I've got some keen story ideas I'd love to try.

I hadn't really seen anything in a "comic book" style here, though, and just wanted to make a test to see if it would even work.

Photonovels and Movies / Luke's Bad Day...a PN Experiment
« on: September 13, 2005, 08:23 PM »

I know it's not much in the way of story, but does it work?

Star Wars Dioramas and Displays / Re: UPDATED PICS! Modular Death Star
« on: September 6, 2005, 11:03 PM »
3 feet tall...sturdy as all get out for the bottom four levels, but the top one is a bit wobbly. It's four separate pieces; both doorways, the tower, and the back wall. I've played with the idea of someday building a "throne room" top to the tower--that would lend it some more stability, I think. And since I'll have to refurbish some of these pieces anyway... ;)

I was actually having a lot of fun the other day (during the photo shoot) by just kind of throwing the rooms and levels together in different combinations...perhaps I can do more updates in the future with some different setups.

Star Wars Dioramas and Displays / Final Death Star Update
« on: September 6, 2005, 11:57 AM »
Lastly, here are some pictures of the whole thing assembled:

And my favorite, the bird's eye view:

Thanks for looking!

Star Wars Dioramas and Displays / Updated Level 3 Pictures
« on: September 6, 2005, 09:36 AM »
The rest of level three houses the docking bay doorway and the elevator hub:

To make my Death Star truly complete, I had to make a couple of custom figures--Han and Luke in Commtech Stormtrooper disguise.

I really like the looks of Death Star Escape Han's head on a Trooper body. Their heads don't move; I had to glue the neck post into the socket, but I had the advantage of adding the "body glove" on the neck by wrapping a thin piece of electrical tape around their necks.

Star Wars Dioramas and Displays / Updated Level 3 Pictures
« on: September 6, 2005, 09:28 AM »
Level 3 holds what I really believe to be the heart of my Death Star, the control room playset:

It's a little smaller than the movie set, but I think it's the most authentic room in my Death Star.

The door can be opened and closed:

Star Wars Dioramas and Displays / Re: UPDATED PICS! Modular Death Star
« on: September 2, 2005, 09:16 AM »
The other side of level 4, if you'll recall, is the generic Death Star Hallway, for Han to chase stormtroopers down or what have you, with a closing Blast Door:

Yes, you never know who's going to be standing around in the old hallway:

Star Wars Dioramas and Displays / Updated Death Star Level 4 Pics
« on: September 2, 2005, 09:11 AM »
Thanks guys. I wasn't sure what kind of reaction I'd get to dragging out more pictures of the same old same old, but I'm glad you're enjoying them.

I wish Hasbro could do something like this too. Images of what they could do first popped into my head when they released those two Death Star sets in 96, and that's probably why I built the whole thing around the scale and color pallette of that Detention Block. It seemed like such a no-brainer, but I gues those sets didn't get the reaction Hasbro wanted. I loved 'em, obviously.

Another thing I'm enjoying about these pics is the updated figures. Amazing what we've gotten in the last two years. Tarkin's Control Room has a bunch of new inhabitants:

Star Wars Dioramas and Displays / New Death Star Pics??
« on: September 1, 2005, 04:51 PM »
Thanks to everyone who brought this thread back up from the dregs a month back, it made me realize how low-res some of the pictures of the final couple levels really were (thanks to me having to scrounge for a camera at the time). Ever since it popped up, I've been planning to take some new pictures of the Death Star, to allow for a bit clearer viewing of this monstrosity.

It's been two years now since it was built, and the parts are showing some age. Stickers that once color-matched the paint now are a little too blue or green, while many of the curved surfaces have begun to separate. I hadn't paid much attention to the details in a long time, but I guess this is the difference between a home-made toy and a store-bought one. I can foresee a small refurbishing project on my horizon.

But enough talk, here's some new pics. I'll start at the top and work my way down this time around, beginning with the chasm set...


At the back of the chasm is Ben's Tractor Beam Control Tower:

I also built the piece that fits between the two anniversary-set bases to bridge the chasm like in the vintage playset:

Thanks to dafoo, CHEWIE, Gregorbian and Anton for the comments. I'll be back periodically with more updated pictures!

Toy Reviews / Re: Evolutions: Anakin Skywalker to Darth Vader
« on: August 25, 2005, 09:18 PM »
just got this set the other day, and I have to say I was impressed beyond what I thought I'd be by it.

Ep II Anakin doesn't bother me a bit, actually he's quite posable, and wears the SC Anakin's robe well enough.  He was the one that made it necessary to compare sets in order to find a decent looking face, but I found one that passed my test. The swappable arm is good, but I would have liked the option of making him an armless "defeated" Anakin as well, with no hanging sleeve.Thats a nit to pick, though. He passes as a great standard Padawanakin.

Ep III Anakin is the reason I bought the set. I had just picked up Pilot Obi-Wan (A figure so nice I got giddy looking at him in the store) and he so needed an Anakin to duel. This works well, but the robe is just too disco-shiny for my tastes. He won't be wearing it.

Vader takes the VOTC Vader another step with the right kind of elbows, more accurate cloth pieces and the removable helmet, his only drawbacks are the open hand and the missing peg-hole for a hilt. They're a good tagteam of Vaders, with VOTC seeming more pensive while Evo is more action. Or maybe I'm just looking too hard.

I'm not after the next two Evolution sets, but I'd be eager to see some future offerings in the single-character line. I still say an Obi-Wan set with swapable Ep I/Ep II/Ep III heads could cover all six films...

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Your First custom...
« on: August 25, 2005, 08:52 PM »
My first custom was back in 1982, an AT AT Commander head on a Zuckuss body was a cyborg bad guy for Luke to fight. Also had a 4-LOM with Hoth Leia head that must have predated my knowledge of the Boussh disguise in ROTJ by about a year.

First modern custom, an NJO Anakin Solo (circa 2000):

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: I've been away...
« on: July 18, 2005, 09:34 AM »
Dressel said it. With no reason for toy runs lately, I've been able to get quite a bit of work done on the monster...

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