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Messages - CHEWIE

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Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Admiral White & Sergeant Osel
« on: September 7, 2004, 06:41 PM »
I love these pop off heads Hasbro is using from time to time.  They need to do this more often.


Original Trilogy Collection / Re: Naboo Wave
« on: September 1, 2004, 12:11 PM »
Looks good to me!  I want about 5-6 handmaidens, a handful of the Wookies and probably 2 each of of the others.


I think you can add the TIE Pilot to that list.

You're right, the character selection hasn't changed in that comparison, but the quality is a substantial upgrade.


Original Trilogy Collection / Re: Are you having fun collecting?
« on: August 26, 2004, 12:24 PM »
CHEWIE is still having fun!

I do understand why at times it can be the exact opposite though.  I think a lot of it depends on one's collecting habits... whether one is an opener, MOMC collector, completist, etc.

My salvation is that I am a non-completist opener who customizes all the time.  My favorite thing to do lately after work is to get out my boxes of custom fodder and customize away while I watch the St. Louis Cardinals whip someone's tail and have my wife make me dinner.  Can it get much better than that?

Also, the VOTC figures have totally sparked my interest in Star Wars more than anything Hasbro has put out so far.  These figures are what I have been begging for since 1995.  I am also keeping a carded set, which is a first for me.  The nostalgia factor kicked in on me for the cards, which is the first time I've wanted to keep ANYTHING carded.  But of course this has meant getting many more to open for dioramas/customizing/etc.

Maybe what you need to do is just step back, take a deep breath and consider what it is about your collection that makes you truly happy.  Is it having one of everything; is it having everything mint on card; is it the finacial value of your collection; or is it because you have a unique collection that is displayed to your liking?  Also, if you haven't done it before (even if you are not an opener), try customizing something.  It opens a whole new limitless world into collecting.  Start off simple with a basic boil-pop head swap and then take it from there.

My point is, try to look at yourself and see why you collect, and what it is about the collecting that makes you the most happy.  From day one for me, it has been making dioramas to re-create movie scenes.  For you it may be something similar, or something entirely different.  The same thing happened to me in 1999 when the Episode One toys turned me off a bit.  I got into customizing then, and from then on, it has always kept me interested in the line.

Good luck, and I'm sure you'll find some way to snap out of it!


Revenge of the Sith / Re: Wookie Army
« on: August 24, 2004, 03:29 PM »
I'm very excited about the prospect of Wookie army-building, and am glad to see that I'm not the only one!

A Wookie warrior 3-pk similar to the Clone Wars army packs would be a nice addition too!


Got some more recent customs at the custom alliance, please let me know what you think!  And many more to come soon.

CHEWIE's customs

If that doesn't work, try here instead:


Revenge of the Sith / Wookiee Army
« on: August 23, 2004, 12:12 PM »
So who is planning on creating a grand Wookie army with EP3 figures?  Anyone planning on getting several of the Yarua (senator) figure for an early start?


Original Trilogy Collection / Re: Naboo Wave
« on: August 23, 2004, 12:11 PM »
This looks like a pretty good wave to me.  5 figures is better than 4!  And leads to less pegwarming.


Saga '02-'04 / Re: holy crap!!
« on: August 18, 2004, 01:15 PM »
Several months back I found a Madine and Lando at a Walmart.  Thank God the cards were bent or they would have probably been bought by someone else.  Of course I opened them.  Very nice figures.


I buy 99% of the stuff I want the first time I see it.  Unless it's at a collector show or somewhere way overpriced.  But I don't mind paying an extra $1-$2 from time to time for a new figure that I don't have yet.


Thanks Justin!  ;D

No luck yesterday.  Hit both Kmarts in the area and all they had was an empty shelf spot for them.


Original Trilogy Collection / Re: VOTC Stormtrooper availability?
« on: August 13, 2004, 02:04 PM »
Good thoughts gentlemen.

These figures (especially Han and Obi Wan) can be found at every Target in my area (and most Walmarts), but they don't seem to be hanging on for too long.  They steadily disappear while more SAGA stuff seems to keep accumulating.

I think the Stormtrooper will be acquirable, but will definitely be the toughest to get a few of.  A few lucky toy runs should help the army-builder in myself nab a small squad for my collection.


Revenge of the Sith / Re: AT-TE
« on: August 12, 2004, 12:33 PM »
I'd definitely pay $60 for one, maybe even more.  Heck, I'd pay $100.00 if it was the only way I could get one.

Would I rather have it to scale?  YES!

But even slightly smaller would be fine with me.  Imagine how cool it would look in dioramas!!!


Original Trilogy Collection / VOTC Stormtrooper availability?
« on: August 12, 2004, 12:29 PM »
Seeing that the first wave is pretty darn easy to acquire now, what do you all think about the ROTJ wave?  Will there be enough Stormtroopers for those that want a few?


Anyone that can get an extra that's in crappy condition (as far as packaging) you know where to find me!  ;D

Going to hit Kmart on the way home Lando.  If I can grab and extra, it's yours!


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