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Messages - DeakStarkiller

Pages: [1]
Watto's Junk Yard / Re: A sign of things to come at RS?
« on: March 1, 2004, 11:03 PM »
You can disagree with what actions he decides to take, and have the ultimate freedom of choice to visit the sites you want to visit.

Exactly.  And the honorable choice to make is to visit sites run by fans , like and, among others.  Undoubtedly, Philip Wise puts alot of time and money into his sites--to *make* money off of all of us.  And there's nothing wrong with that--Lucasfilm makes plenty of money off of us; however, we all knew upfront that LFL was a business.  Philip is a corporate wolf in fan's clothing, and just because you're a collector, does not make you a fan .

Watto's Junk Yard / A sign of things to come at RS?
« on: February 29, 2004, 01:32 PM »
Philip Wise, owner of and majority owner of, has become the most hated man in Star Wars fandom almost overnight.  To regular Rebelscummers, you may want to jump ship to over here(if you already haven't!;D), a fair community run by fans, NOT profiteers.  The following links tell the story, but to summarize:

Wise demanded that TF.n Jedi Council forum moderators transmit their real names and addresses to him--basically, for two be able to hold them liable in case LFL sues for spoiler postings-and 2. to make them available to their "affiliate sites" for "marketing purposes".  

Many moderators refused for security reasons; Wise demoted all who didn't comply. I'm paraphrasing, and you can find the info at the links below, but basically, Wise said he would shut the forums down if they caused him trouble.  No matter how chilidish the JC forums at TF.n can get, they're inarguably the heart of on-line SW fandom.  

Basically, Wise plans to overhaul to make it more of a "business" entity, so he can make more money off of it. Fine--this is a capitalist society. The problem lies in the fact that FAN communities are about something else that Wise obviously (in light of this, and the GNT issues at Scum), and by his own admission, holds in low regard. Do you really want to post at a site owned by this guy? The worm has turned, friends.

Also, I'm well aware that RS is a private forum owned by Wise.

The logical conclusion one can come to is that ALL Wise's sites will soon require registration--which means that your personal info will be on computers that can be (and have been, just yesterday) hacked, AND, that you'll be the subject of revenue-producing spam for Philip Wise.  "Collect to Collect" my ass.  You are not fellow fans to this guy anymore, you are a revenue stream.  I would have posted this at RS, but we all have seen this week how that would be dealt with...Read on!

Wise's statement at the JC:

A summary :

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