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Messages - TPU Pete

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Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Jeff For Fan Club President!
« on: July 20, 2006, 07:22 PM »
I agree... is anyone willing to take these forum rumblings to the man himself? Who ever does step forward will gain a 'hero' status amungst the 'not happy about RS club'...

Q's need to asked... who is asking them?


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Jeff For Fan Club President!
« on: July 19, 2006, 06:25 PM »
Yes he is still on RS... no idea how he got away with pirating DVD's, what did Philip say to Lucasfilm to get him off I don't know.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Jeff For Fan Club President!
« on: July 18, 2006, 08:10 PM »
I contacted USCWANNABE just after the election started, when he was a runner up to Dustin. I offered to help his campaign... we talked a lot via email and he was very genuine, a real fan who had his life changed by SW and he wanted to give back to it. He wasn't well known online in our circles, but he knew a lot of fans around the world. He told me he had a lot of people contact him and say they wanted to vote for him as they didn't like Dustin... nothing new there. Until the very final day he was in very high spirits and was sure he had won. He was very grateful and humble about the support he had got and wasn't going to forget it...

What happened I don't know. He hasn't replied to my mails so no idea, there is a chance something could have 'happened' to him.

USCWANNABE posted the blog linked on my site before it went on, as a press release, and it contains some comments about his past, maybe those were used to disqualify him. The myspace page I recall was made by someone for him, not by him.

As for Dustin I have to agree he should be disqualified due to the rules... Now there are comments that he isn't paid and doesn't work for Philip's sites. I used to be friends with a current RS staff member, amazing how RS changes people, and he told me that 'some' of the staff are paid, but those who are not don't know that. Besides that when RS staff are doing things like staffing the OfficialPix stand at cons are they doing it for free? Would you go to a con to work on a stand selling stuff and do it at your own cost? Some staff live in the UK who have done it... that isn't because they are dedicated... I cannot imagine that Philip doesn't pay for flights or their time at least... Also the advertising on RS is partly affiliate scheme, and some staff have their own affiliate schemes so they directly earn from those links. Nothing terrible at all, infact perfectly fair of Philip to thank his staff for their work by giving them freebies or kick backs, and I for 1 don't see it as a negative... but it shows that the staff are paid in some means to work on RS and co.

As for the banning on RS... I got banned because I pointed out that an RS staff member was selling pirate DVD's of Clone Wars, Droids etc BEFORE the official versions were made, and the staffer had linked to the site they had set up for selling the stuff. Illegal full stop... but I got banned and the staffer stayed. Since then I have not been allowed to rejoin, none of my site staff can either and they are removed as soon as they do, banned by association... and I am told by some of my site visitors that when they joined RS forums they got banned if they mentioned TPU and in one case someone was banned for what seemed to be because his ISP is the same as mine so the IP address was similar... paranoid or what.

On the 'who gets news first' point... TPU has beaten RS by up to 6 months with some news, and other times got it right when they got it wrong... We used to send our news to them, but it would be used without credit or link, so we gave up... other times it is just taken without a credit... not very community friendly. I have seen on JD, Yak etc plenty of news scoops before RS caught up... I know that RS are not as close to official sources as they like their readers to think they are... but that's another topic.

Sorry to burst in after 40 pages... I'll go back to lurk mode now :)

Pete - Putting UK Star Wars Fans First!

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Rebelscum Spam Mail? WTF???
« on: April 11, 2005, 01:45 PM »
This has been an interesting read, nice to see a site like JD allow such an open discussion... well done Chris and staff for being bigger than those we are discussing.

I got the spam mail 3 times, using my former forum email address, as well as my former listserv address and another one I can't think how he got. I wasn't happy... I live in teh UK and it was totally irrelivent to me. I also was banned long ago... and interestingly enough for pointing out that site admin Jeremy was using the forums to sell pirate DVD's of the Clone Wars etc that he makes... this is against the forum rules and the law. I was banned for pointing that out... go figure. Jeremy wasn't banned. I was previously banned because I run a site that Jeremy feels is a rival and can't be mentioned on RS... TPU that is. I was told off for having the link in my signature, and even more so when I mentioned the site in my posts... it was agains the rules, never found the rules where it said that, but that was what I was told. So to have 3 emails from Philip wasn't welcome...

I don't go to RS forums that much, but I understand some got banned for objecting... jeremy said that Philip turns a death ear to complaints, and not just mine. I think that we should spend more time supporting the small sites to make them bigger and not keep putting more money into Philips bulging pockets... he doesn't care about those who visit, so don't care about him. JD, and other smaller sites do care when you drop in, and be part of the forums, send news in, help out in some way... and I think they need your support more.

I got 3 more spams... you wuld have thought Philip had learnt that wasn't positive... but hey does he care, no of course not, he's being paid by TRU! Money will be more important that visitors... Just remember when SW is no longer a major seller for any company, RS will drop it like a stone... have you noticed more and more non SW ad banners and mentions of non SW toys? It's coming...

More power to JD and other moral SW sites really run by fans!


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