Author Topic: Haves/Wants  (Read 957 times)

Offline Padawan

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« on: April 15, 2004, 04:14 PM »

Rowlf MOMC
Janice Repaint MOMC
Newsman MOMC
Statler MOMC
Waldorf MOMC
Clifford MOMC
Patrol Bear Fozzie MOMC

Sammael MOMC

Sportspicks NBA 6:
Iverson 2 white jersey variant MOMC
Carmelo Anthony regular MOMC

Star Wars 3 3/4":
Bossk MOMC
Dengar MOMC
Tie-Fighter Pilot MOMC
Dutch Vander MOMC
Captain Antilles MOMC
Boba Fett Unleashed close to mint on mint card. Very nice condition for Unleashed.

Spawn 24 boxed set MIMB
Spawn 19 Dojo loose horn in package and bubble and card not mint. If you want to open it the horn would pop right back on, so it is not broke in anyway.

Kubricks: All are still sealed in their plastic baggie's and complete with original box.
Matrix Neo
Marvel 2 Venom
Marvel 2 set of 7 (Iceman, Professor X, Gambit, Punisher, Venom, Omega Red, & Apocalypse)
Star Wars series 2 set of 7 (Tusken Raider, Greedo, Han Solo, Obi-Wan, Sandtrooper orange, chase Sandtrooper white, & Cantina Band Member with standing instrument.


Mark Prior Sportspick MOMC
Mike Alstott red jersey Sportspick MOMC
Spawn 17 Clown III original, Malebolgia II, & Al Simmons MOMC
Spawn 19 Dojo MOMC
Spawn 20 Vio III, Clown IV, & unmasked Spawn with Malebolgia head MOMC
Spawn fishtanks: Burnt Spawn, Manga Spawn, & Spiked Spawn all mint with shrinkwrap
Hellboy no coat angry MOMC
All Kill Bill figures MOMC
Glow in the dark Koozebane Kermit MOMC
Zoot either version loose and complete or MOMC
Loose, and complete Culinary Catastrophe Swedish Chef with Lobster Banditos

That's all I can think of for now. If interested in buying, selling, or trading please send me an email or post a reply. Please do not ask for me to email you first. Thanks.