Author Topic: Questions for Kershner???  (Read 4855 times)


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Questions for Kershner???
« on: November 29, 2004, 11:42 PM »
OK, tomorrow night we're going to a screening of ESB and Irvin Kershner will be doing a Q&A session afterwards. Basically how it works is you write your Q? on a card after the movie, and about 10 questions or so end up being used. Me, Matt, and 2 of my other friends are going, so we've a window of four good questions to ask the man.

So much got answered on the DVD that I'm not really sure what to ask. I'm trying to think of some unanswered question that just isn't talked about. No "what was it like working with GL" bull****, but something of substance.

Any ideas?

Offline Jesse James

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Re: Questions for Kershner???
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2004, 12:29 AM »
These are mine...  I figured I'd give you a few incase I'm repeating one you guys already have in mind. :)

-What's Kershner's thoughts on the "creative changes" that Lucas is exercising over the films decades after their release?  Does he approve or disapprove of these ideas?  Does he feel they improve the films (especially ESB)?

-My favorite sequence involves the Imperial AT-AT walkers in Empire Strikes Back.  What thoughts or memories could he share (if any) when working with the Hoth Battle sequence overall?

-Would You have liked to have seen a main character's death within the Original Trilogy for additional dramatic effect, like Harrison Ford wanted to happen to his character?
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Re: Questions for Kershner???
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2004, 05:47 PM »
 Thank Him for the BEST Star Wars chapter, ever! ;D

Mr Kershner was gracious enough to make an appearance at SDCC. Any chance that he may attend Celebration 3?

I missed meeting him at San Diego, and sure regret it! :'(

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Re: Questions for Kershner???
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2004, 08:42 PM »
Ask him if he had an opportunity to direct ROTJ, and if so, does he regret not doing it. 

Offline Ook

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Re: Questions for Kershner???
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2004, 09:37 PM »
Ask him if he had an opportunity to direct ROTJ, and if so, does he regret not doing it. 
That was my first thought. Would he have been interested? What would he have done with the film?

And of course...

-What's Kershner's thoughts on the "creative changes" that Lucas is exercising over the films decades after their release?  Does he approve or disapprove of these ideas?  Does he feel they improve the films (especially ESB)?
« Last Edit: November 30, 2004, 09:39 PM by Ook »

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Re: Questions for Kershner???
« Reply #5 on: December 1, 2004, 11:47 PM »
LUCKY SONS OF ...... To be able to ask questions to the man who directed teh greatest sequal ever. How was it??? Did you get to ask anything??? What version of the film did you see?? His masterful version, or the Special Editions v 2.1???
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Re: Questions for Kershner???
« Reply #6 on: December 2, 2004, 12:46 AM »
Sorry, I'm kinda lagging on the update here, and Jared's network at home has blown up, so he's temporarily out of commission.

Anyway, it was a very cool night lastnight at the Arclight Theater in Hollywood.  Getting to see ESB back on the big screen for the first time in 7 years was very cool.  They showed the '97 Special Edition version, which I suspect is the only version that's ever gonna be shown at these types of things anymore.  The originals are **** and therefore won't be shown anymore, of course, according to Lucas.  And apparently the recent DVD edited version hasn't been translated into film at this point.  But with the sole exception of Luke's whiny little girly scream, ESB got the least offensive alterations to it back for the Special Editions, so that was cool.  Got to see the ROTS trailer too!

As for Kirshner, man, that guy's still sharp as a tack, and he's gotta be in his 80's now, I'd guess.  He spoke for about 20 minutes before the screening, just giving his various thoughts and recaps on the whole ESB process.  Then he took questions for about a half hour afterwards too.  Would've been longer, but they had another VIP showing of ESB that was starting shortly thereafter.

As for the questions, we only got to submit one (I tossed yours in there Jess!), but none of ours were selected.  He probably only got to about 6 altogether, since he was pretty verbose in most of his responses.  Told lots of stories about the shoot, the script revisions, when he first got invited by GL, the actors, etc.

He also took a few shots at today's movie making and how special effects laden it is.  He said he wouldn't want to re-do ESB with today's technology.  He was perfectly content with what they had to work with back then.  Nobody had a chance to ask him about his thoughts on the Prequels, but that was probably a good thing, as I'm sure he would've had to bite his tongue somethin' fierce outta respect for Lucas.

Anyway, I have a ****** memory, so can't transpose everything in here.  Sorry!  Didn't get a chance to ask about C3 either, but I wouldn't be surprised to see him there.  He seemed to enjoy himself with the SW fans at this gathering.  Very pleasant and genuine guy, he seemed to be.

Maybe Jared can chime in with a few other highlights as well...

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Re: Questions for Kershner???
« Reply #7 on: December 2, 2004, 01:58 AM »
Wow, I'm sure that'll be an event you won't forget for a very long time.  Mr. Kershner must have really loved working on ESB, judging by how he would give such involved responses to questions.  Very cool!   8)

Offline Ook

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Re: Questions for Kershner???
« Reply #8 on: December 2, 2004, 03:03 AM »
I wish I'd have known about this; I would've gone. I think it probably would've killed me to sit and watch Lucas' mucked version, though, especially with the director of the real film right there.

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Re: Questions for Kershner???
« Reply #9 on: December 2, 2004, 01:53 PM »
I wish I could have gone - sounds like it was fun. Kershner seems like a pretty interesting guy, too...

I agree with Ook, I would have felt uncomfortable watching the molested ESB knowing that Kershner was also watching it. I would think that its one thing for a director to dislike watching his film because he'll pick up on every single scene where he wishes he would have done something differently - but to have to watch a molested version of his film must really suck.

With that said I really want to know what Kershner honestly thinks about Lucas' molestation of the trilogy. For all we know, he might not care - but somehow I can't believe he'd rather watch the SE than his own.

I try not to think of how much better ROTJ could have been had Kershner directed it, I hate getting all depressed about that kinda thing... I do wish he could have taken that question though.