Author Topic: Episode 3 running time...  (Read 6406 times)

Offline MisterPL

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Re: Episode 3 running time...
« Reply #15 on: August 4, 2003, 05:42 PM »
I'm in it for the cool toys and the continued hope of at least a pang of nostalgia, Mr. Fox.

Enraged? There's no hate here, just utter disappointment in a guy who chooses to write in a creative vacuum. This is a man who has literally taken the film out of filmmaking. He's become so enamored with what he CAN do with the technology he's created, he should seriously consider renaming his banner "LucasImageCapturing," not "Lucasfilm."

Even his peers have pointed out that George's place is in the editing room. He's said himself that's where he's happiest. He HATES writing, and it shows. The whole story suffers for it. He simply can't direct. Give him the components to a good story and he has the talent to edit the hell out of it. But ask him to get a good performance out of acclaimed actors and he fails miserably.

He might have a great story to tell, and I think he does. But he just can't write good dialogue, he admits it. He needs to give creative control over to some fresh - but contemporary - blood.

Bottom line: When I need a plumber, I call one. But I don't sit over his shoulder telling him what kind of pipes to use and how I'd connect them. That's what Lucas has done with Star Wars since ROTJ. The man needs to work within his limitations.
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Offline urban fox

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Re: Episode 3 running time...
« Reply #16 on: August 5, 2003, 04:10 AM »
I agree really.  With a  decent script writer and director the films would be even bigger than they are now.  George does have a good eye for design, even if it is nearly all down to his art dep.

Besides he pours his own cash into it, I guess I don't blame him for wanting to do everything.  

But if George directing makes you want to scream read this and you'll kill someone.   Copy and paste web address below for more info.

Weep for how good it could have been.  
He can't muck this one up! just kill'em all in a really cool way!

Offline JediMAC

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Re: Episode 3 running time...
« Reply #17 on: August 5, 2003, 04:41 AM »
But if George directing makes you want to scream read this and you'll kill someone.   Copy and paste web address below for more info.

Weep for how good it could have been.

Not surprising at all to hear of Spielberg's interest in directing a SW flick, even as far back as ROTJ.  I always figured he had probably asked Lucas if he could get in on the SW action, but that Lucas said no just 'cause Star Wars is ALL HIS.  He doesn't want to share the SW spotlight at all with someone as big and famous as Spielberg, who already gets much more credit for the Indiana Jones movies than George does.

It sure would've probably made for some better Prequel movies if Spielberg had been given the reigns to one or both of them though.  Oh well.  What might've been...   :-\

Offline MisterPL

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Re: Episode 3 running time...
« Reply #18 on: August 5, 2003, 10:15 AM »
Spielberg isn't the only big name on Lucas' buddy list. He went to college with a few other well known, highly regarded filmmakers:

- Francis Ford Coppola (The Godfather)
- John Milius (Conan the Barbarian)
- Bob Gale (Back to the Future)
- Robert Zemeckis (Forrest Gump)
- John Carpenter (Halloween)
- Dan O'Bannon (Alien)

If I had a pool of talent like that from which to draw input, I'd sure as hell take advantage of it. And if you want to lament what might have been, consider this; Coppola offered Lucas the chance to direct Apocolypse Now. He directed Star Wars instead.

Coppola's quoted as saying that Lucas is scared of his own good ideas. I see an awful lot of that when I look through the original drafts and concept art. Maybe he tends to water things down for the mass market. I know Darth Maul would have had a much scarier screen presence had he looked like this rather than the stereotypical horned devil in black.
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Offline urban fox

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Re: Episode 3 running time...
« Reply #19 on: August 5, 2003, 12:39 PM »
back to the running time theme though there does seem an awful lot to fit into two hours.

Anakin getting more evil
More clone wars
Anakin vs Dooku
Obi vs Anakin fight
Padme fleeing Anakin
the birth of the twins
the start of the Jedi purge
Bail taking a stand against Palpy
End of the trade federation
Chewies cameo
Obi and Yoda fleeing
R2 and C3PO having their memories wiped

I guess a lot is going to be left to our imagination but I can't help but feel if only Episode 1 could be erased and he made this end of the story into 2 films we'd be better off!  Maybe he could call Episode 1 "star wars the begining" and call aotc episode 1.  

I don't want any romatic rubbish george style but I think the final film, covering the pinicle moment in all 6 films should have a bit of time spent on it.  If Anakin turns at the start it doesn't have enough time spent on his downfall, at the end and we won't see enough of vader killing off the Jedi.

Here's hoping for a mid-film down fall with care taken over a believable turn to evil and some kick arse Mace/Jedi killling action.  I really hope Vader kills some big name Jedi Kit Fisto, Mace, Plu Kloon, Ki Adi etc  please don't leave that to our imaginations.
He can't muck this one up! just kill'em all in a really cool way!

Offline MisterPL

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Re: Episode 3 running time...
« Reply #20 on: August 5, 2003, 02:18 PM »
Remember, he doesn't have to show everything, only allude to it. The entire Imperial Senate was dissolved by the Emperor in A New Hope in less than 30 seconds.

There's really not a lot left to tell, and a lot can be shown in very little time.

Anakin getting more evil - I'm hoping that's what the entire movie will be about. Anakin already has feelings of resentment toward Obi-Wan. All he needs now is that potent pain of betrayal from Padme and he'll gladly fight his master for his woman.

More clone wars - LFL has stated that Episode III will begin with the END of the war. That could easily take place in the opening scroll. The first scene could be Obi & Ani returning from the front line.

Anakin vs Dooku - IF it happens at all. Sure, someone should off Tyranus, but I suspect it might be in a scene where Palpatine reveals himself as a Force wielder to Anakin, killing two birds with one stone.

Obi vs Anakin fight - We've waited a LONG time for this, but honestly a LONG fight doesn't equal a GOOD fight. Please don't make this longer than ten minutes.

Padme fleeing Anakin - So she hops on a transport with Bail and the droids to Alderaan. This is a one minute shot. (George HATES long goodbyes; see Shmi's farewell.)

the birth of the twins - My wife was in labor for almost 12 hours, but I doubt George - or the audience - will want to spend THAT much time on it.

the start of the Jedi purge - Again, as much as some might want to see Jedi hunted down on screen, the dwindling ranks could be explained away by the Clone War. In fact, the Jedi Temple could be the last santuary for a new generation of padawans since that's where the younglings are taken to be trained. There's an easy one-shot target. (Shades of 9/11.)

Bail taking a stand against Palpy - Amidala took a public stand against Valorum. That didn't take long. But who's to say Organa's stand will be public? Seems he'd want to lay low considering he's pretty much a traitor to the Empire.

End of the trade federation - More scroll fodder. Open the movie with a perceived victory at the front, but trouble at home.

Chewies cameo - This cameo might amount to a walk-on role. I'm glad Chewie will be in there, but unless he's choking the bejeezus out of Jar Jar, I don't expect to see a lot of him.

Obi and Yoda fleeing - This would seem to be a substantial part of the movie, but you need to make room for a big visual effects extravaganza, otherwise it's just not Star Wars. Maybe this will be the money shot of Episode III.

R2 and C3PO having their memories wiped - Bail can mention that in one line of dialogue:

 SEE-THREEPIO: Excuse me, sir, but might I inquire what's going on?

 BAIL: I'm taking us all to Alderaan where Padme and the baby will be safe and I can have your memories wiped.

 SEE-THREEPIO: I see... Oh my!

Give me a five minute scene where Mace uses flashbacks to explain his own duplicity, then kills Tyranus for seducing him, and I'm a happy camper.
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Offline JediMAC

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Re: Episode 3 running time...
« Reply #21 on: August 5, 2003, 02:23 PM »
Stop it John!  You're gettin' me all excited...   :-*

Offline MisterPL

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Re: Episode 3 running time...
« Reply #22 on: August 5, 2003, 04:57 PM »
Episode III
Circle of Treachery

The CLONE WARS have been won, but not without
great sacrifice.

Though the Seperatists, led by the Trade Federation, have
been defeated, the Jedi ranks are decimated.

Meanwhile, PADME AMIDALA bears the burden of a new secret
she is eager to share with her returning husband....

(See? That cuts right to the chase.  ;D And then we move on to...)

Coruscant - Jedi Temple Landing Platform - EXTERIOR - Dawn

Morning light colors the sky warm red and orange as a Republic transport lands on the platform. A ramp is lowered and a dozen battle-armored Jedi disembark. Among them, OBI-WAN KENOBI and his apprentice ANAKIN SKYWALKER. They are greeted by MACE WINDU and YODA.

Mace: Welcome home.

Obi-Wan: It's good to be back, Master Windu; Master Yoda.

Yoda: A long rest, you have earned.

Obi-Wan: (rolling his shoulders in discomfort) It will be good to get this armor off and into something a bit less restraining.

Yoda: A necessary evil, it was. Hopefully, a thing of the past.

Anakin: (stretching and flexing his arms) I don't know. I've gotten used to it.

YODA shoots MACE a worried look.

Obi-Wan: Well I've certainly seen enough of it. I'm looking forward to getting back to the Temple and training some padawans. (To Anakin) But first, we need to eat. I've been listening to your stomach growl since we left Corellia.

Anakin, turns and notices a familiar speeder on an adjacent landing platform.

Anakin: You go on ahead, I think I left something in the transport.

Obi-Wan: (admonishing) Anakin...

Anakin: NOT my lightsabre, Master. Go on and eat, I'll catch up.

YODA and MACE WINDU escort OBI-WAN off the pad while ANAKIN enters the transport.

Alcove - Republic Transport - INTERIOR

ANAKIN ducks around the corner of the entry way into a darkened ALCOVE. A moment later a cloaked and hooded figure walks into view, sneaking quietly down the hallway. The figure passes ANAKIN'S ALCOVE, unaware of his presence. Once the figure has passed, he speaks:

Anakin: Are you an angel?

The figure stops and slowly turns, hardly startled by the sudden inquiry. PADME pulls back her hood to reveal a huge grin and longing eyes.

Padme: Oh, Anakin, I've missed you!

ANAKIN steps from the shadows and they embrace, but almost as quickly, he freezes. ANAKIN pulls back, looking deeply into PADME's eyes, then down her body to the swollen belly partially revealed by opened cloak.

Padme: I've wanted to tell you...

Anakin: (Confused) And why didn't you?

Padme: I couldn't! Anakin, I was so afraid you might not come back! I didn't want you out there thinking about me... about... US.

Anakin: But I promised you... "I'll come home."

They embrace again, PADME with tears of joy streaming down her cheeks, and ANAKIN with a look at first of pride and then grave concern.


Kashyyyk - Darth Tyranus' Meditation Chamber - INTERIOR

There's your first three or four minutes.  8)
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Offline urban fox

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Re: Episode 3 running time...
« Reply #23 on: August 6, 2003, 11:15 AM »
I know you CAN fit everything into two hours, just like you can fit a love story into two scenes, but it dosen't work!  Especially when George is editing.  AOTC scenes: One moment they're eating dinner at a long table, it's day and their getting on; the next it's night, their clothes have changed and there's tension between them.  If that's the kind of compressed editing it's going to take to tell this story properly it's going to be a real waste, 30 mins extra is all I think it needs.
He can't muck this one up! just kill'em all in a really cool way!

Offline MisterPL

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Re: Episode 3 running time...
« Reply #24 on: August 6, 2003, 11:50 AM »
I agree, George spent WAY too little time developing the love story between Anakin and Padme. One moment Ani comes off like a power hungry, obsessive stalker with an unpredictably bad temper, the next he's got this beautiful, supposedly smart politician going ga-ga for him while ******* around the countryside. It was insulting to Padme's character.

Unfortunately, the love story's over with. Now we're on to the break up stage (something George should be more familiar with), and not just between husband and wife, but between master and apprentice. It SHOULD be good and dark, but knowing George's decision making process, I'm sure he'll make it as dark as a box of crayons.
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Re: Episode 3 running time...
« Reply #25 on: April 19, 2005, 07:12 PM »
Well it looks like Revenge Of The Sith is going to be 2 hours 10 minutes long according to a recent post on the Cannes Film Festival Press book 19/04/2005

Scroll down to Feature Films Out Of Competion.

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Re: Episode 3 running time...
« Reply #26 on: April 23, 2005, 04:07 AM »
I'm slightly disappointed. That's the second shortest Star Wars flick. (Behind ANH, IIRC.)

But maybe it means the flick is balls-to-the-wall action. And I wouldn't rule out an extended cut in a year or two.
don't you know there ain't no devil, there's just God when he's drunk