Author Topic: Any Rules about selling/trading non- starwars stuff  (Read 5658 times)

Offline Darth Kenobi

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Any Rules about selling/trading non- starwars stuff
« on: May 26, 2003, 05:10 PM »
I'm just curious if there are any rules on here which prohibits the selling/trading of non star wars stuff.  I just wanted to know before I go though and make a long post with a bunch of non SW items in it and having one of the mods deleting it.

Jango Fettish

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Re: Any Rules about selling/trading non- starwars stuff
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2003, 08:26 PM »
I think you're safe, D.K. This isn't Rebelscum.  :-X

Offline Morgbug

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Re: Any Rules about selling/trading non- starwars stuff
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2003, 10:55 PM »
You can't post non-SW items for sale/trade at RS?  Really?  Has that always been a rule?  Who knew?
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Re: Any Rules about selling/trading non- starwars stuff
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2003, 11:10 AM »
You can't post non-SW items for sale/trade at RS?  Really?  Has that always been a rule?  Who knew?

They just started this rule last week Brent...  Caused quite an uproar over there!

Tom, you should be fine with listing whatever items you've got here, SW or not.  But hopefully you can mix a few SW items into your list too though!   8)

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Re: Any Rules about selling/trading non- starwars stuff
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2003, 11:25 AM »
Thanks Matt, I was not aware.  Further, I had sold/traded LOTR and McFarlane stuff there previously.  This is quite surprising to me.  In a sense I can understand it, notably if McFarlane items (eg. sportspicks) were involved because of the distinct mentalities that would conflict.  SW being traded at fair retail value whereas ebay value dominates sportspicks.  

I must say I am dissappointed.  While I've become a little less interested in RS of late, it was still my first choice for trading.  I completed so many trades out of that board that it's kind of scary.  Most of you guys I met over there, so to see this is surprising.  Judging by the conversations over there, lots (most?) of people collect much more than just star wars.  Simpsons, LOTR, McFarlane, Marvel Legends are pretty universal for a whole lot of folks.  

Oh well, not for me to say.
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Re: Any Rules about selling/trading non- starwars stuff
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2003, 11:45 AM »
I feel this is just one more reason to invite your trading buddies to the best SW site on the net :-*
« Last Edit: May 27, 2003, 12:24 PM by OCB »

Offline Morgbug

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Re: Any Rules about selling/trading non- starwars stuff
« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2003, 01:28 PM »
Heh, checked RS.  Cory's kicking up a storm.  Cool.

Seems as though there wasn't much in the way of an announcement.  Oh well.

Scott, most of the guys I trade with are already here.  Though sadly I seem to do relatively little trading these days, more buying.  Just don'thave too much to trade.  Still manage to trade with fellow Canucks, but you and Jim and most accomodating for trading.  Matt and Karen are helpful with lightening my bank account and then a few random trades, many of which are with folks already here (eg. Dain_Bramage).  

I do most of my McFarlane stuff at that board.  Sad as it is, retail is irrelevant there, so better for me to get more cash/value since that is what others tend to charge.  
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Offline Darth Kenobi

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Re: Any Rules about selling/trading non- starwars stuff
« Reply #7 on: May 27, 2003, 06:37 PM »
Seems as though there wasn't much in the way of an announcement.

There still hasn't been an offical annocement for the most part about the problems over there with Non SW stuff.  I think for the most part it wouldn't be a big problem had they (admis) came out and said "From now on no selling/Trading of non SW here" in their annocement area and giving a grace period which would eventually give people time to get use to this new fourm.  Instead they eventually decided and talked about it in they Moderator area and started editing peoples threads without notice which makes them look bad and begins up the issues of what Cory and others have over there.  
I think alot of people will eventually leave there over this.

Jango Fettish

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Re: Any Rules about selling/trading non- starwars stuff
« Reply #8 on: May 27, 2003, 07:33 PM »
Mr. Phil came out of his shell to make an "official amendment" of the rules this afternoon, if you haven't already seen.

Basically, it forbids the buying/selling/traded of items unrelated to the Star Wars world, i.e. Spawn, Simpsons, TF.

Needless to say, not an explanation to be found in Mr. Wise's public address. Not a one, which means..someone is apparently on a power trip. Who would implement such a ridiculous rule that will no doubt alienate so many members?

As if you didn't already know, I have been suspended from Rebelscum for the time being, thanks in part to my now infamous "Hitler banner", which Philip didn't quite take a liking to.

There has been so much talk about how people feel that Rebelscum is literally run by power tripping Nazi's. I don't mean to defame them, but it is true.

I let Philip know how I felt, and why I think he owed alot of members an explanation.

He wrote back, telling me that my concerns were both "isolated" and "strictly opinionated"! What gall!

he also says that I pretty much ignored his rules, which he posted TODAY and not a WEEK AGO when I posted my classified ad and the rules we're all here-say!

I was threatened with physical violence by another forum member, I was told to "ignore it".

In late December or 2002, I inquired about being a moderator. He told me that he "wasn't comfortable" given a eBay sale gone bad over ONE YEAR AGO! eBay mind you, not Rebelscum!

So, he got his just desserts in the form of a letter, and the banner.



Thats far from an opinion, and there are tons of people who would echo my exact same sentiments in regards to the way the forums are handled and moderated.

And, as you say "As for the rule", is it that you didn't read my post on May 21st, approximately SIX DAYS before you implemented the rule that was non-existant for 5 days prior to your latest amendment of the rules, that posed the question why the rules were being changed and when they would become officially effective.

Neither the guidelines nor the rules stated that the Modern Classifieds section was limited to Star Wars memorabilia.  Never did it state that.

The question still remains, why are the rules being changed? Why is Rebelscum being the first to limit what's being bought and sold on the Modern Classifieds? To me, it seems like an abuse of power.

All I want is an answer as to why it's being limited. I don't want my account closed, as I think I am an important member of the community, although some might chose to neglect my loyalty and expertise.

So, I really do want to hear the reasoning for this monumental change..

This is going to be a thorn in their side for a long time to come, me thinks.


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Re: Any Rules about selling/trading non- starwars stuff
« Reply #9 on: May 27, 2003, 09:28 PM »
Aside from the fact that, with the exception of maybe one or two guys, their mods and admins suck ass, and don't do their jobs, I'd just like to know what caused them to implement this new policy in the first place.

I'll admit that someone posting a sale/trade thread with no Star Wars stuff in it at all isn't a good thing, and I can understand them having a problem with those sorts of posts.

But what in blue hell is the problem with someone who's selling or trading a boatload of Star Wars stuff, and tacking a few non-Star Wars toys on at the end?

I don't even use the selling and trading area, really, but this whole new thing of thiers is just absurd.

Offline Morgbug

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Re: Any Rules about selling/trading non- starwars stuff
« Reply #10 on: May 27, 2003, 10:44 PM »
Not that what happens there is any of my business, but I think that an association of the admins and that forum with Nazis, regardless of their behaviour is, in the very least, in poor taste.  All places have their respective politics and having worked for both the federal and provincial governments over the past 10 years, a lack of explanation is the norm, rather than the exception.  

I readily agree that Philips decision is strange and probably unneccessary and the lack of an open discussion and explanation lacks in both tact and respect for the members.  

That said, I am extremely dissappointed in anyone that associates the decisions made on a bloody toy board with the heinous crimes perpetrated against humanity by the Nazis.  Trading toys has absolutely freaking zero to do with the slaughter of human beings.  I would hope people could see the difference and be somewhat mature about it.  Were I Philip, I would ban anyone making that association for life, not just for a short time.  
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Jango Fettish

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Re: Any Rules about selling/trading non- starwars stuff
« Reply #11 on: May 28, 2003, 09:24 AM »
I think it was more used in the "slang" nature, not to much the historical. Kind of like how things are "gay". I guess I just played Devils Advocate with my banner.

I didn't mean that philip is the modern day Hitler, I just think that his practices are self-righteous, and he doesn't care about anyone else except himself, and sometimes his staff of evil henchmen.

Offline MisterPL

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Re: Any Rules about selling/trading non- starwars stuff
« Reply #12 on: May 30, 2003, 12:15 PM »
Random thoughts:

- I probably would have had a pretty negative reaction to this banner myself:

- I understand Philip wanting to keep his site Star Wars-centric, but not allowing ANY non-Star Wars trades is a pretty inbred notion. If someone comes to a Star Wars collecting site and wants to unload all of their Simpsons toys in favor of starting a Star Wars collection, one would think such a site would encourage such a trade. By the same token, I wouldn't go to a Star Wars forum to ditch exclusively non-Star Wars merchandise. Isn't that what eBay is for?

- The Rebelscum forum at large is Philip's last concern. He's only been involved with the board recently because he was forced into it by the GalacticHunter staff exodus. His primary concerns are the news site, its maintenance, and his personal e-mails.

- Regardless of how terms like "gay" or "Nazi" are being used by young people in current slang, one must consider with whom one is sharing these terms. I tend to be a product of my environment, adapting to the vernacular of an existing discussion like a chameleon. Given the generation gap in the collecting community, it's hard to keep tabs on how old your audience is and it's therefore prudent to err on the side of caution and refrain from using such potentially inflammatory terms. (Or suffer the consequences.)
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Re: Any Rules about selling/trading non- starwars stuff
« Reply #13 on: June 2, 2003, 05:50 PM »
I agree with MisterPL.  I'm on your side about the trading/selling issue, Jango Fettish, but the banner may have been a bit much...