Author Topic: Interested in trading vintage Star Wars for guitars and etc.  (Read 1784 times)

Offline TopJedi

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Howdy everyone, long time no type.....I've been super busy with work and other hobbies, so I haven't been posting much.

I've been doing alot of thinking lately about perhaps trimming some of the fat from my favor of other items that I think arem ore useful for me right now.
I've been really working on my musical talents...and I want to progress a little I'm interested in trading for guitars and gear.

I'm REALLY hoping to locate a Jackson Rhoads flying V I have a custom project in mind for that that is top priority on my list......but everything will be considered.

Now, for what I'm offerring as trade bait........I have a bunch of loose vintage duplicate vehicles...including ATAT's,Snowspeeders,Xwings,and other items.

I also have some nice vintage carded figures....ALL originals, no cheesy reseals here.....and some nice stuff like a POTF Lango General unpunched, and even a 12back R2 that displays REALLY nicely....and some others.

I am VERY serious about this offer of I ask for the same in return. PLEASE e-mail me directly with I don't have the time currently to keep checking back regularly....but I assure you if you do e-mail I will respond promptly.

Thanks for your time,
Brian AKA TopJedi

Always interested in trading for Clone troopers,Battle Droids and other army builders